Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2686 The End·Little Witch

The combat plan formulated at Antana Port is an elite advancement, which means awakening Agnut as the first goal. Expelling the orcs is not the main purpose. Avoid fighting if you can along the way.

But even so, the advancement of the two inland investigation teams was not smooth sailing. They encountered many obstacles from barbaric orcs on the way, and more than a dozen fierce battles broke out.

Because President Liebeck's team took the inland sea route, it was relatively close to Agnart-C's sleeping place.

Therefore, the advancement process was relatively smooth. The price paid was that four people were seriously injured and 11 people were slightly injured. Minor injuries refer to fractures, large-scale trauma, and vomiting blood in the lungs. The wounds on the other people were considered minor wounds that could be ignored.

On the contrary, the investigation team led by Ciri and Taryn had much worse luck. Unfortunately, three soldiers died forever, and the number of serious and minor injuries was more than twice as many.

It's not that their team's strength is much inferior, but that advancing inland is inherently more dangerous, and they also encountered the ogre king with infinite brute force and awakening realm.

Ye Lin's thinking and logic jumped very far, and he sympathized: "I also hate orcs, especially tauren... because I have pure love."

The second half of the sentence was not spoken, but the smart little witch had already read the meaning and said calmly: "But, from the perspective of a woman who wants to monopolize you, such as the lady in black skirt, everyone is trying to squeeze you. People."


On the way to the injured's residence, Ye Lin passed by and caught a glimpse of a small tent with a solemn atmosphere and three kerosene lamps lit.

On the ground of the tent were three soft gray towel blankets, with three pale bulging cloth bags placed side by side on them. At the same end, an unextinguished kerosene lamp was lit. The light was very weak and very cold.

It is not difficult to guess what is inside from the ups and downs of the cloth bag and the position of the kerosene lamp. It was used to wrap the corpses, and it was the three unfortunate people who were sleeping.

Because the orcs are more powerful than humans at night, both the injured and the deceased must wait until early tomorrow morning before moving to the port of Antana.

Xi Rui paused for a moment, then picked up speed again. She wanted to introduce the names of the sleepers to Ye Lin one by one, as if they were still alive, but there were more important things to do now.

The dead are gone, and tragedies cannot be allowed to happen to the living again.

"If it weren't for that mysterious bear-shaped Agnart, today's casualties would probably have doubled." Ciri whispered sadly.

In fact, it’s more than that.

Agnut's core has been contaminated by Keldrah. When you wake it up, you will immediately be attacked indiscriminately. It is not impossible for the group to be destroyed.

Ciri didn't know where Ye Lin had been during the day, so she wanted to have a good talk with Tarin later.

Previously, because Tarin believed in the creed that "one pig teammate is more powerful than ten enemies", she would not simply trust Ye Lin, an outsider, and other members probably would not trust him either.

For the sake of team harmony, Ciri asked Ye Lin to act secretly.

Ye Lin promised that as long as you call my name, I will appear by your side and defeat all enemies.

But Xi Rui never called Ye Lin's name during the day. She thought it was not yet in an emergency state, and subconsciously used Ye Lin as a trump card.

Now she wants to add Ye Lin to the team as part of the fighting force. A strong man who can destroy the deep sea monster must be unfathomable, at least no less than an Agnart.

Several brightly lit tents heard wailing sounds one after another. Nearly fifty injured soldiers who were unable to move were here. The accompanying doctors were busy with their feet not touching the ground. There were blood-stained bandages in the trash cans and everywhere in the air. The smell of disinfectant.

Some soldiers gritted their teeth, sweating on their foreheads, and remained silent.

There are also people who ask doctors for painkillers in pain. They have already passed out once due to severe pain. After waking up, they have to bear the severe pain of broken limbs or internal injuries of the chest and abdomen.

“So noisy~”

Yimi Wu clicked his tongue, directly expressing that he didn't like the environment here. It was noisy, noisy, smelly, and dirty.

If it had been a long time ago, the little witch would definitely turn around and leave. Whether she could save people or not depends on her mood.

But just now Ye Lin gave her a ridiculous compliment, saying that the little witch was kind-hearted, helpful, and a good person...

"You just know how to talk nonsense and get me into trouble." Yimi Wu rolled his eyes at Ye Lin and took out a pair of yellow rubber gloves.

Yes, those are the gloves that Crazy Crazy Bear uses to wash vegetables.

"Shut up, don't shout, let me take a look." Yimi Wu walked to a hospital bed in the corner and scanned it lightly. He saw this lean boy with short flaxen hair and pale lips. He was shouting for painkillers in pain.

He was hit head-on by a wild boar orc. Now he had several broken ribs, two large holes were pierced through the flesh of his abdomen by the fangs, and blood was still oozing out from the bandage.

Tarin, who had been following behind without speaking, looked unhappy. How could this girl be so rude to the injured?

Just as she was about to ask, Ciri grabbed her wrist and shook her head gently. Now that things have happened, she chooses to believe in the power of magic.

A gleaming puppet needle appeared in Yimiwu's left hand, and he rotated a small knife in his right hand. Under the shocked eyes of Tarin and Ciri, he directly cut the bandages and flesh on the opponent's body.


The young man screamed and fainted.

"It's really useless." The little witch continued to taunt, the puppet needle in her left hand flashed, and she sewed the opponent's broken bones and flesh together in a few seconds, and then poured some painkillers on the wound.

If you use professional instruments to observe, you will be surprised to find that the boy's bones, blood vessels, and even every tiny nerve are perfectly sewn together.

Ciri immediately rubbed her eyes, and Tarin swallowed back her anger. The threads that sutured the wound were shimmering with magic, and not even a drop of blood seeped out of the wound.

"Shut up, you are such a big man, and you are still shouting." Yimiwu walked towards the next wounded person.

"Why is there a teenage girl here? Let her out quickly." The injured man, who looked about 40 years old, waved his hands repeatedly.

The environment here is not good, noisy, dirty, and they are all men. It is not a place you should stay.

"Hey~ you are still polite." The little witch took a stand-in puppet and used puppet silk to divert the other person's pain.

Then it's still about cutting the gauze, sewing with needle and thread, it only takes a few seconds, the next step.

During the treatment, doctors or injured people were constantly shocked by Yimiwu's appearance. Some people scolded her for cutting the bandages with a knife, some were suspicious, and some discovered Yimiwu's superb medical skills.

Ye Lin silently saw that anyone who spoke kindly to Yimiwu would have their pain transferred by the stand-in doll, and on the would hurt.

Ten minutes later, Yimiwu pinched the puppet needle, and the entire hospital bed became silent, and everyone fell asleep peacefully.

Behind them, Ciri and Tarin were completely stunned, as if they were in a dream.

"at last……"

The little witch raised her hand and suddenly threw the puppet needle through the void, entering the mysterious spiritual realm.

The souls of dozens of lights and shadows were sleeping peacefully in front of them, and then a pair of gray scissors appeared, cutting off a corner of everyone's soul memory.

Scissors, needles, and thread are essential tools for manual work.

When they wake up tomorrow, they will not remember Yimi Wu, nor will they know who stitched up their wounds or even reconnected their broken arms.

"Yimi Wu, why don't you break through." Ye Lin watched with the ability of a god. The little witch definitely has the ability to break through the transcendent. She has been immersed in the threshold of the realm for a long, long time.

The underworld, the kingdom of heaven, the secret world...the little witch has been sharing opportunities.

Unlike the curator who refuses to fight or compete, Yimiwu definitely has a heart to become stronger.

After the breakthrough, the little witch may not be as good as Archangel Safire for the time being, but she is more or less capable of fighting.

"Because I don't want to simply break through and give the yellow-faced woman a surprise!" Yimi Wu took back the puppet needle, raised his pretty face slightly, and hummed: "I already know how to take a step beyond, but I need the end. Or the energy from the beginning can temper my needles.”

Qianying's knife can split two attributes into the enemy, and the little witch's needle can sew any existence together, soul, cause and effect, matter... provided that it does not exceed her strength.

The Little Witch at the End and the Little Witch at the Beginning, these two names sound so cool.

It's a pity that because the end and the beginning have completely opposite attributes, I can only choose one to break through. Which name sounds better.

Yimiwu is in distress...

After leaving the casualty treatment center, Ye Lin faced the evening breeze and said, "Xirui, Tarin, how about I teach you some of Arad's professional skills, such as Sky Thunder, Martial God Kick and so on."

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