Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2687 Praise for the Elemental Goddess Pushya

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish, which is a more suitable and optimal solution in most cases... The fishing guy Feng Ying said it was very good.

Ye Lin has observed Xi Rui's magic ability. The ancient magic system can be unique and produce unexpected effects on certain occasions.

But compared to "elemental magic", the latter's destructive power is more rapid and intuitive, and it can achieve its purpose better.

The former is still casting spells in a concentrated state, and while the latter is in a negative state, the latter has already smashed down overwhelming fireballs, thunder spins, ice picks...

Praise the great primordial goddess Pushya!

Ye Lin looked at Tarin with interest, who was also the nominal leader of the investigation team.

Like Sadumai, Tarin is not the strongest member of the team, but because she was the first to propose the idea of ​​advancing inland and has extraordinary courage, she holds the leadership position of group leader.

She is tall and thin, wearing a white and gray-blue off-shoulder long-sleeved combat uniform and gray trousers. She has long gray hair that reaches her knees and is tied up in a refreshing ponytail.

Compared with the magician Ciri, who has a soft body and temperament, Taryn's appearance does not give people a stunning and outstanding appearance. She is a delicate and attractive type, similar to Kelly.

Perhaps because she was learning martial arts, there was a fierce aura between her eyebrows. Coupled with the fact that she wore clothes that were too monotonous, she looked like a gray eagle on the treetops, ready to go.

But it is precisely because of this that Tarin's sky-blue eyes look particularly beautiful, clear, clear and fresh.

Ye Lin glanced at Tarin, whose heart suddenly jumped. The other person's black eyes seemed to have some kind of powerful magic power, gentle yet as deep as the abyss.

She had always been suspicious of Ciri's two friends. Just now, Yimi Wu's miraculous sewing and medical skills, which allowed her to completely reconnect even severed limbs, made Tarin stop her contempt.

I heard from Sister Xirui that they killed the sea monster in the deep sea? !

"Talyn, I'm offended, look at the legs."

Ye Lin directly touched Tarin's arms, waist, legs and hips, not missing an inch. Although there was a layer of wear-resistant fabric, she could still clearly feel her well-trained muscle curves.

Especially after being taken advantage of by Ye Lin, Tarin's subconsciously tensed body was noticed to contain considerable explosive power.

She was gritting her teeth and enduring. If she hadn't just witnessed the 1.5 meter ability, she would have kicked him out the moment he shamelessly took advantage of him.

"Your physical fitness is pretty good in all aspects, and you are very young, only sixteen years old, right?" Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction. You are very young and a malleable talent.

Wait, she's underage?

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then calmly took out a small piece of paper, wrote his name on it and handed it to Tarin, saying: "If you have the chance to come to Arad, land on our east coast and go directly to Hedunma. If you go to my Chamber of Commerce, I will ask someone to take you to learn from a powerful martial artist teacher, who only accepts talented female students."

The teacher of the Third Princess, Sara Maya, if she were in the Eternal Continent, she would probably be able to bulldoze this place by herself and fight the fourth dragon.

"Of course, going out to study is something that will happen in the future. Let me teach you a few tricks first."

Overlord body armor, muscle softening, and martial arts steps are all auxiliary skills of the fighting series, which can greatly enhance Tarin's comprehensive foundation.

These skills he learned from the Third Princess and Aisha. The Third Princess's martial arts steps, which she had learned and practiced diligently, were as powerful as the wind, shattering mountains and seas with one step, and the charm when she was clamped on her waist was unparalleled.

In order to make her judo skills even better, Aisha has also consulted the professional secrets of the Martial God lineage, so she also has a lot of experience.

As for the professional mysteries of physical arts, apart from Paris's poison and Mo Mei's mind energy, Sanda and Judo have the same goal. They explore the potential and limits of the body, and there are many things that can be learned from each other.

Tall buildings rise from the ground, and no matter how powerful a swordsman is in the future, he will start by swinging his sword for the first time.

Only by laying an excellent foundation can you use those powerful fighting skills. Auxiliary skills are sometimes more important than attack skills.

Ye Lin's index finger gently touched Tarin's forehead and between her eyebrows. The light flickered, and a slow stream of warmth flowed into her mind. Tarin stood motionless on the spot, with a contented look in her clear sky-blue eyes.

It's like a dripping rainy day after lunch. You don't have to go out, there are no trivial matters, the room is clean and warm, and you can sit comfortably in the recliner and read a book.

The plot of the book is particularly vivid and lively at this moment. Until dusk is approaching, when I close the book and put it aside, I can still clearly remember the important plots in the book.

The power of knowledge was flooding into her mind, and Taryn felt no discomfort at all.

Ye Lin also gave her a bottle of muscle activation potion, which is an auxiliary potion generally recognized by professionals and is beneficial to the practice of fighting skills.

Xi Rui looked up and down as if seeing Ye Lin for the first time and said, "It's incredible. Only very powerful magicians in ancient times can interfere with other people's spiritual thinking without causing harm."

At this point, she completely believed that Ye Lin and his companions had killed the deep-sea siren.

"Please forgive me for being presumptuous before." Tarin breathed a sigh of relief, with the power of knowledge echoing in her mind. She bowed slightly to Ye Lin and apologized, which was also a thank you.

What she learned came from an old awakened person in Antana Port, one of the two people Ye Lin had explored before.

Now, the fighting knowledge Yelin gave her far exceeded the secrets she had learned. If she could perfectly master these three auxiliary skills, Tarin would be confident to increase her combat effectiveness by half and break through the Awakened Ones.

She suddenly had a yearning for what Ye Lin had mentioned before about studying.

Ye Lin looked at Xi Rui, who looked at him at the same time. Xi Rui's pink lips raised a smile, and the light blue eyes behind her glasses were slightly expectant. She understood the power of knowledge better than Tarin.

Even though it was night and there was no one nearby, Ciri still didn't take off the hood of her magician uniform. The hood would slightly affect her vision, but it could also give her a unique sense of quietness and security.

"Let me see your qualifications..."

Ciri's body is as soft as a bone. Even through two layers of magician uniforms, you can feel the soft and delicate skin under her clothes when your fingers slide over them.

Sugarcane suddenly remembered a fairy tale Held told Akko... It said that the prince wanted to marry the princess, but he couldn't tell which of the girls was the real princess.

The queen ordered people to place twenty layers of mattresses and twenty eiderdown quilts on top of a pea for the girls to sleep overnight.

The next day, most of the girls said they slept very comfortably. Only one girl complained that something was squeaking under the mattress. She was a real princess, and her skin was extremely delicate and soft.

Ciri is like that princess whose skin is so soft and delicate that she can't bear the slightest bit of irritation.

"Gangcane, what are you doing?" Yimiwu suddenly appeared with a dark face.

She just thought about it for a long time and flipped a coin. She thought that the word "The Little Witch of the End" sounded better, so Ye Lin gave her some of the energy of the "End of the World" to temper her needles.

Yimiwu was busy for a while, and when he had just free time, he saw Ganzhu feasting on Xirui, moving up and down his hands.

"Study, we are studying! Let's see if she has the qualifications to use elemental magic." Ye Lin put his hand on his heart and said sincerely: "Xirui, tell me, praise the goddess of elements Pushia."

"Ah? Oh, praise the goddess of elements Pushia." Ciri shouted.

In fact, she believes in the fire god Enix of the Eternal Continent...

But Lord Enix has disappeared for a long time, and with her disappearance, the earth-fire energy of the Eternal Continent has slowly extinguished, making it impossible for Agnut to be activated for a long time.

It shouldn't matter. I praise Pushia in order to gain the power to protect the Eternal Continent. This intention is the same as Lord Enix, so if we meet in the future, I will definitely be forgiven by Lord Enix.

"No need to worry." Ye Lin had already seen through what she was worried about and said with a smile: "Enix's boss and the goddess Pushia are very good friends."

Ye Lin also taught Ciri three skills, namely elemental ignition, elemental proficiency, and magic show.

Especially the magic show can greatly reduce the singing time of Ciri using ancient magic.

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