Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2752 Lolita is not the only place in God’s world

Chapter 2753 Lolita is not the only place in the God Realm

The moist yet familiar mist, the unusually conspicuous Kukai, and the painful feeling of pinching his skin again.

Erich was sure that she had really returned to the God Realm, to the White Sea, one of the three continents of the God Realm.

Although she still doesn't know her specific location, she and Shumu are both powerful magicians. They have a way to determine the direction of the White Sea land and will soon be able to find their way back to the White Cloud Valley.

However, Ye Lin actually took her and Shu Mu against the Kukai River. This was something that even the respected elder of Baiyun Valley shook his head and said he couldn't do it.

Once you reach the third part of Kukai, it depends on whether you live or die. Ahem, the goddess of fate will bless you.

The God Realm does not know the concept of fate power and its owner, but this does not prevent people from the God Realm from also talking about the title of "Goddess of Destiny", which is commonly known as "luck".

The name of the great elder is "Luton", the actual leader of Baiyun Valley, who has a high reputation in the White Sea area and is also one of the top strong men in the White Sea.

Erich very clearly remembered that the Great Elder Luton once said with a smile, "It is estimated that only the Hermit can break through the bottom of the empty sea unharmed."

That's why the current girl from the God Realm, Erich, finds it extremely incredible that Ye Lin has strength comparable to that of Lord Hermit, and he looks really young.

"Could it be..." Erich looked slightly weird. He heard that the three hermit masters were not affected by the aging of time and could maintain their youthful appearance for a long time. So could he be a certain hermit pretending to be young? .

However, both Lord Mal and Lord Kelton have very refined and mature tastes. They look middle-aged most of the time, so they probably don't have the fun of "pretending to be young".

As for the last Elgon the Hermit, legend has it that it was a mythical beast.


"We will never forget this kindness of returning home." Erich and Shum bowed politely, and their emotions gradually calmed down.

So what if he knew that Ye Lin was as strong as a hermit? He could still have more meat on his body... No, girls are used to talking about losing weight.

So just stay respectful.

"We still have important tasks to do. We have to go back to Baiyun Valley to report on our work. Thank you very much. This will be an experience we will never forget."

Erich thanked her again seriously. She had already determined the location. It was not far from the White Sea land, and there were no pirates nearby.

"Goodbye, we are in Baiyun Valley. Come and play when you have time." Shumu reluctantly waved his little hand to Mailu.

They breathed a sigh of relief together after arriving on land, and each cast a secret summoning technique.

The aqua blue magic circle in front of Erich lit up, and a mythical beast with big eyes, small horns on its head, and a blue water snake-like body emerged from it.

The mythical beast is named Percy, a mythical beast that can assist in training and fighting.

Percy's slippery, watery body wrapped around Erich's wrist, turning into a blue bracelet, and she made a few intimate squeaks, seemingly still young.

A large, innocent-looking turtle emerged from the aqua blue magic circle in front of Shumu. Its back shell was covered with a thick layer of moss, and there was a collar around its neck similar to that of an umbrella lizard.

This naive guy is the Constellation Turtle, a race of mythical beasts that are not rare but are not numerous in number.

The constellation tortoise has a special ability to communicate over long distances through the shell on its back, transmitting sound to another constellation tortoise.

The premise is that the two turtles have "resonated", that is, they look at each other.

Using the ability of the Constellation Turtle, Erich quickly contacted Baiyun Valley to inform him of what happened here and the information about Kukai.

She also wanted to describe the world under the sea. It was a magical and wonderful journey, as if she had had an unreal dream.

Looking back, Ye Lin and others had disappeared long ago.

But I feel that Turtle can’t explain it clearly through the zodiac signs, and it should be explained face to face.

A gratified voice came from the other end of the Constellation Turtle, saying: "Erich, Shum, it's great to hear that you are all right. Stay away from Kukai as soon as possible. During the time when you disappeared, Kukai erupted another terrifying magic power. Hurricane, capable scholars and strong men are all rushing there.”

"Not only is Great Elder Luton gone, but I heard that the third hermit, Lord Elgon, may also be present. He is a powerful man who has transcended the boundaries of our cognitive realm." The voice on the other end was full of admiration and respect.

But this also means that the next Kukai will be very dangerous!

Beyond the limit of cognition...Erich was stunned for a moment, and then a look of regret appeared on his face.

She regarded tasks and responsibilities as more important than anything else, so she hurriedly dragged Shumu back to Baiyun Valley to report on her work, forgetting to invite people from under the sea to Baiyun Valley as guests.

"Lord Riel, we have also met one... no, dozens of people who are suspected to be strong people who have transcended the boundaries of cognition. They can easily cross the bottom of the sea."

There was a brief silence on the other side of the Constellation Turtle, and then there was cheerful laughter.

What a surprise. I didn’t expect that Erich, who always had a stern face, would also joke.

"Okay, okay, I got it, come back quickly."

Facing the obviously disbelieving laughter on the other end, Erich opened his mouth to say something more, but ended the communication and touched the head of the constellation turtle.

"Forget it, Shum, let's go back."


A sea breeze carrying the flavor of autumn passed by, and both of them couldn't help stamping their feet. The season had turned colder, and their legs felt cold when the wind blew.

"Where are my socks?" Eric touched his smooth and flawless white legs. The shoes were obviously still on his feet, but the white silk used to keep them warm was mysteriously missing.

"Ah, Schum's socks are gone too!"


Kukai experienced a bigger shock not long ago, causing thunder and lightning in the sky, hurricanes roaring, and countless huge amounts of seawater crossing the barrier and hitting the bottom of Kukai.

Powerful men from Baiyun Valley, Mist Plateau, Black Plains and other places, as well as scholars from Qingyuan, the largest city in the White Sea, were all gathering in the direction of Kukai.

Kukai's anomaly is related to Baihai's living environment and cannot be ignored. People who are capable are trying to do their part.

Mailu kept eating honey buns, happily satisfied with each bite, and said vaguely: "Look, there are almost no watercraft on the sea. All that are coming to the sea are spaceships."

The clear blue sky cut through narrow white air currents, and flying ships docked near Kukai.

It is roughly estimated that there are about a hundred ships, like a flock of swallows gathering, each one is shining with the light of the five elements of magic in the divine world, and has both defensive and offensive capabilities.

The sky airship technology in the God Realm is very advanced. Flying tools similar to the EX Dornier are just ordinary models here. They are not outstanding and can only be used for transportation and tourism.

The reason why Kukai's barrier disorder affects the hearts of all White Sea residents is because there is a passage connecting the "Land of Disaster" in the middle of Kukai, which cannot be destroyed and can only be sealed.

Once the barrier is completely broken, the magical natural disaster is only one aspect. The important thing is that those terrifying monsters will definitely attack Bai Hai in a large scale.

"Time is running out." At the front of a certain spaceship, a well-known old scholar said with a serious face: "We must use the magic circle left by Lord Mal to strengthen the seal and open up the passage of monsters in the troubled land. Seal it back! It’s a matter of life and death for Bai Hai, so we must not be careless.”

"But you must first determine the location of the damaged barrier, and the magic circle is only a temporary relief."

The person who spoke was a woman with a dashing temperament and a heroic face. She seemed to be a beautiful scenery in the White Sea, and she was particularly eye-catching.

The upper body is wearing a top with a blue collar and sleeves, a black chest, and a white back. It is paired with a long blue apron with gold edges, and the lower body is wearing a pair of white casual trousers.

Her overall outfit is not gorgeous, it can even be said to be extremely ordinary, and it should not be "feminine". However, her very "devil" figure makes ordinary clothes "skyrocket in price". First of all, the material on her chest is very obvious. The sense of restraint, the shape that is highlighted on the outside is still tall and full.

The white trousers that tighten the legs outline a pair of round and straight curves on the hips, just like perfectly ripe peaches or juicy pears on the branches, a perfect posture for safe delivery.

Because she does not live in the White Sea area, she said "you".

Ye Lin instantly triggered his memory and guessed: "She seems to be Ye Feng's master, a strong person who heard the call of Sagittarius, and the navigator of the Wandering Association."

It was Liang Feng who told him that his master's physical characteristics were that he liked to tie his hair together, had big breasts, perky buttocks, a steady and reliable personality, superb archery skills, and was unmarried.

However, due to the "Traveler's" combat skills, he is definitely not allowed to wear skirts, so the pilot always wears tight pants.

Siatt suddenly raised her hand to cover Gancane's eyes, and asked lightly: "Tell me, what color is Master Leaf's boat? It's such a big boat, you can't miss it, right?"


Ye Lin suddenly broke out in cold sweat. He didn't pay attention at all, and he was covered by Fei Lao at close range. If he stretched out his consciousness, he would definitely be discovered.


I can only guess at random.

"Haha, her trousers are indeed white."

guessed wrong.

"There is no other way. We can only hope that Lord Mar and Lord Kelton will return, or have the Seal of Heaven." Someone else nodded with a loud voice. He was Luton, the great elder of Baiyun Valley.

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