Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2753 Qingyuan

When these two words of great status, Seal of Heaven and Lord Hermit, were uttered, everyone who heard them seemed to see the three radiant glorious images and the weight that symbolized the "ultimate".

What should I do if the fog in the White Sea becomes thinner? I should go to find the Seal of Heaven. What should I do if the Kukai Sea is in turmoil? I should go to find the Seal of Heaven. What should I do if I have any problem? I should go to the Seal of Heaven.

Then using the "Seal of Heaven" to solve the problem can be equated with "The Return of the Hermit".

It's just that the third hermit, Lord Elgon, is a little special, and it's not enough to completely solve Kukai's crisis.

Nearly a hundred warships moored in the blue sky achieved communication and communication through the technology of the God Realm. People with strength and wisdom took the initiative to offer suggestions and suggestions under the coordination of the white-bearded old man who spoke first.

People in the God Realm do not hide their selfishness or clumsiness, discuss important matters urgently, fight fiercely without words or force, and the atmosphere of working together allows "outsider" Ye Lin to open up a new horizon to them.

Askar opened the country, Alijie held court, Skadi, Meia... every time they discussed government affairs, it was a red-faced war of words. Interests and status were like "big rice" that could not be avoided.

Ai Luo, who loves lollipops from the water tribe, said that there has never been a term for "state power" in the divine world. The city lords and elders in various places are held by highly respected people. It seems that everyone does not know much about the concept of "rights". Passionate.

"I think there may be several reasons for the current situation in the God Realm. First, they are really naturally peace-loving, and everyone is indifferent to rights. Second, there are three hermits in the God Realm weighing on their heads. Any mortal desire for power is in front of them. Bullshit."

Ye Lin analyzed and believed that the first possibility was very low, and the second possibility was higher.

The rise of a monarch with a strong desire to dominate is bound to be accompanied by endless blood and fire. However, the hermit in the divine world cannot sit idly by and ignore the "war", and can kill the source with just one slap.

It is also because the three hermits in the God Realm are all virtuous saints, upright, upright, and far-sighted, and have always firmly led the correct direction for the future of the God Realm.

If it were the people of the Heavenly Realm who loved fighting civil wars, the three continents of the Godly Realm would probably have been at war with each other long ago, so the civilizational model of the Godly Realm is very valuable.

Soon, the temporary White Sea Alliance discussed a simple plan. Some strong men would carry the "Constellation Turtle" to find the problem with the barrier, while the other group began to build Lord Mar's golden magic circle.

Those who build the magic circle must also go deep into the first part of Kukai. If something happens to the people who enter the second part, they in the first part will hardly be able to escape, and they will be completely swallowed by the terrifying Kukai.

So it is equivalent to saying that everyone has entrusted their lives to each other, and everyone has the same responsibility.

"Thank you for your help, Captain." The city lord of Qingyuan, the respected white-bearded old scholar, bowed slightly to Lingfeng's master.

As the president of the "Traveler" Association, that is, the Wandering Association, the other party has received a response from the Sagittarius constellation. His archery skills and strength are the best in the God Realm, and the other party does not live in the White Sea.

The navigator came to the White Sea area to discuss the battle plan of the Blue Eagle Pirates. However, he never thought that an abnormality suddenly broke out in Kukai, so he decided to lend a hand temporarily.

"It doesn't matter. I believe everyone understands the meaning of death and coldness. However, you must be prepared for everything." The navigator Ruo smiled meaningfully, and then she led the team to the central part of Kukai.

The Lord of Qingyuan City had a gentle face, a sharp light flashed in his slightly cloudy eyes, and said: "The Hermit of Elgon will be here."

"No, you know that's not what I'm talking about, it's... pirates."

"Of course, if any pirates dare to move at this juncture, we will use the power of the White Sea to suppress them."

A divine warship shining with the light of the five elements slowly came through the fog, like a treasure nurtured by heaven and earth. Its streamlined and graceful figure made people obsessed, and the powerful magic power of the fog exuded made people tremble.

Qingyuan's strongest battleship is said to have used the design left by the second sage "Kelton", and is also considered to be the battleship most likely to pass through the bottom of the empty sea unharmed.

One after another powerful figures quickly boarded the ship, and the battleship would be firmly docked in the second area of ​​Kukai, becoming the backing of all the strong ones.

"Kukai..." The navigator suddenly felt lost and sighed as she looked at the huge ocean hollow. Her most proud disciple, Ye Feng, had stubbornly left here.

He said that he was going to find the Seal of Heaven, save the God Realm, and destroy the Dark Island.

It is not known whether she was buried in Kukai or arrived at the legendary underwater world.

The moment before entering the Qingyuan battleship, the navigator frowned and glanced back suspiciously. Her keen intuition felt that there seemed to be an impolite gaze frequently scanning her body parts.

But the fog in the sea area that seemed to have sights was thin and empty, with nothing in it.

She has long been used to it. As a mature and intellectual woman, although she is still unmarried, she also knows how much her physical charm has a "killing" effect on the opposite sex.

The navigator hated men who were hypocritical in front of her.

The Qingyuan battleship carried a kind of strong man and slowly sailed to the second area of ​​Kukai. The remaining people also went directly to the first area to set up the sealing magic array after communicating with each other. Every link could not go wrong and must be closely connected.

There are still some strong men stationed in the air above the sea and mysterious means to prevent sneak attacks by reckless pirates and bury the strong men in the entire White Sea.


Dozens of shimmering jade sticks surround Xiaoyu, a tall and slender figure in a witch skirt. If the divination result is successful, then everyone will buy some souvenirs from the God Realm and return to the Eternal Continent.

Enix's inner demons have not yet been overcome, and Sadumai is still at the port of Antana.

A jade sign stopped in front of Xiaoyu. Its light flowed and flickered, like an object that did not belong to this time. Xiaoyu raised her soft white palm and gently grasped it, reading the oracle on it.

"Ah, overall it's not that good but it's not bad either."

It means that the consequences are acceptable to Bai Hai, but some sacrifices may be made.

Probably sensing the familiar aura of the divine world, the Heavenly Seal took the initiative and spoke out in a slightly arrogant voice that was clearly heard by everyone, "I remember this place. I can solve all problems with just one move."

Ye Lin used a backhand to paste a book that children should not read onto Tian Zhiyin's face. The latter suddenly froze out of thin air, and then a very real "steam" appeared. He cursed a pervert and then disappeared again. .

He believes that the spiritual consciousness of the Seal of Heaven is extremely malleable. If it is taught with a girl's concept, it is very likely that this guy will grow into a book with a female gender.

It just so happened that Xiao Su had been studying Tian Zhiyin's character and sense of shame.

If the Heavenly Seal is trained to be very "dirty", will Xiao Su also...

On the surface of the White Sea, there was a very inconspicuous watercraft. There was a short, downy orc standing on the bow of the ship, looking strangely in a certain direction.


By the way, Sadumai appeared in the Korean server DFU. Although it was used as an event illustration, her name is Dapala, which does not match "Sadomai" at all.

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