Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2796 What I drink is water

The "Selling Everything" ship has been docked at the Antana port for a long time. Because it looks big, gorgeous and magnificent, many people have been coveting the docking time.

In the middle of the night, they paddle a small boat or use diving equipment to sneak up on them, trying to climb up or simply cut a hole in the bottom of the boat to steal the huge wealth that may be inside.

Of course, none of them succeed.

Ye Lin was playing with a barbecue grill and iron plate rack on the deck. Next to it was a box of Missy's secret barbecue sauce.

When Sophie praised the vegetables covered with this sauce, it was not unacceptable for her to eat a few slices. It was undoubtedly the highest level of praise for a young lady.

Ye Lin held up a few skewers of squid covered with sauce on the iron plate and asked with a smile: "Would you like to try it? There are not many places where the Siren's meat is suitable for the iron plate. Most of it is made into shredded squid."

Ciri shook her head slightly and declined. Enix kept looking at the port in a daze and didn't seem to hear. Tarin tasted a bunch with interest, and President Lieback also smiled and said that he was allergic to seafood.

Ye Lin could hear the polite words.

Since he, Siatt and the others had conquered all the famous ferocious beasts in the Eternal Continent in one day, such as the Desert Naga and the Crystal Spirit.

The people in charge in the port city became more reserved in their attitude. Although they did not grovel or please, their words and actions began to express respect.

"We will set sail back in the afternoon. Although there will be opportunities to meet again in the future, I think there won't be many." Ye Lin conjured two small white porcelain wine glasses and two bottles of good wine in his hands, and said with a smile: "Don't be so reserved in front of me. I I’ve always admired the adventurous spirit of the Riback family, how about sitting down for a drink.”

President Liebeck was startled when he heard this. He looked at the wine bottle with a strange look. Are you planning to compete with me one bottle at a time? Do you know that I am the king of wine in the port?

He immediately let out a long sigh of relief from his chest, sat down happily, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Then I'll excuse you."

"What a strong drink..."

After three drinks, President Liebeck’s restrained and overly respectful attitude became much more natural. He had a parted head, a beard that reached his temples, but his face was very clean. He also paid attention to his image when drinking.

Ye Lin heard Tarin say in private that it was because Liebek felt that beards were a symbol of men, so he grew a beard about the length of a knuckle.

But a clean face and clear eyes are the image and demeanor a gentleman should have, so he also trimmed his cheeks except for his beard.

"Master Ye Lin, how about you stay a few more days? I will take you to visit other port cities."

Ye Lin raised his glass again, smiled and said: "There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. It doesn't matter if it's more or less days. The Eternal Continent left a deep impression on me. I won't forget it. There will be more in the future." A chance to come back.”

In fact, compared to places such as the Blade Valley, the Lost Desert, and the Black Wind Forest, it was the bipedal sharks that impressed Ye Lin the most...

The geographical environment can be found everywhere. It seems that Eternal Continent is the only one with two-legged sharks that come ashore to bask in the sun. Michele kept begging me to bring a few back. I have never seen a two-legged shark in my entire life. .

After Ye Lin returned from the God Realm, he and the eldest lady attended the celebration banquet at the suggestion of Xirui. They went through the motions and let the residents of Antana Port celebrate together. The fireworks that night were beautiful.

Then the barrier of the "Everything for Sale" ship caught a few pirates who tried to steal the ship while everyone was celebrating.

Ye Lin looked at Liebeke, who had a beard and a clean face. He sent a letter early in the morning to tell him that he was leaving. Liebeke acted like he would send you off even if he said anything.

Ye Lin turned around and said: "The money for the construction of the church will be brought by the next ship of the Chamber of Commerce. It will be paid with the food and cloth you need. Then I will restrain all ships that visit the Eternal Continent to abide by the rules here. I have This ability.”

If there are no accidents, the exchanges between the two continents will be long-lasting and will last for thousands of generations in the future. There is no room for trouble at the beginning.

Ye Lin thought that President Liebeke was worried about these things, so he gave him a reassurance in advance.

As for the Principality of Belmare, Ye Lin will also ask Queen Skadi to select several reliable diplomats, and they will go to the Eternal Continent together on the next voyage to handle trade exchanges between the two worlds.

At the same time, Ciri and Taryn will go to see Queen Skadi as representatives of the Eternal Continent, and first establish a diplomatic post on the east coast. Others will take their place in the future.

Liebeke raised his glass and drank again, impressed by Ye Lin's thoughtful thinking. He considered all aspects very carefully and could just copy it and use it completely.

If we use official language to describe him, he has excellent leadership skills. However, it is a bit strange that such a person is not the king of another world.

"Master Ye Lin, to tell you the truth, apart from these things, I have a question I would like to ask you."

"But it doesn't matter."

Ye Lin had always noticed a hint of confusion and worry between the other person's brows, as if he was running out to find someone he passed by but was standing at a crossroads, confused and not knowing which direction to go.

Since we are all friends, it doesn’t hurt to give it a listen before leaving.

"You also know that our Eternal Continent had an extremely prosperous period..."

Enix next to him moved his eyes slightly but said nothing.

"Yes, there used to be high-rise buildings and machines everywhere." Ye Lin calmly explained.

Liebeck still didn't recognize Enix, so he took advantage of his drunkenness to talk out his troubles.

Now that the ferocious beasts in the Eternal Continent are gone and the seal has been broken, the future can be expected, but how should the direction of the "future" be planned?

"Where should we set up new urban development points, how to expand the soil, and how to maintain social order after the beasts are gone? When will the sprout of our country appear, as well as the military, education, law, and economic order..."

There were no outsiders on the deck, and both Ciri and Tarin were trustworthy people. The latter had a slight blood relationship with him, so he said it happily.

The fantasy of the future is wonderful, but as the leader of the Antana Port, Riback has a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

Ye Lin listened carefully and roughly understood what the other party was thinking.

There is no kingdom in the Eternal Continent. Unlike the undisciplined atmosphere of the God Realm, the living environment here simply does not allow it.

Now the Lost Desert, Blade Valley, Golden Plains... are all owned by humans. The great expansion of territory means that the established social order will be impacted and challenged.

Ye Lin carefully recalled Liebek's worries and smiled: "I have a suggestion, which is to do my best and let nature take its course. The building of civilization cannot be built in a day, and order cannot be perfectly formed in a day. .”

"However, I can give you some related books later. Read them carefully. Maybe they can help you."

Liebek was slightly disappointed when he heard this, but he didn't show it. He continued to drink with Ye Lin until the bottle bottomed out and his head was already half drunk, then he handed it over and prepared to leave.

The beautiful and familiar curator sent a package. It was a book that Ye Lin asked her to prepare through the transmission of his spiritual consciousness. It described from all aspects how people who hated war and loved peace and freedom established the Principality of Belmare. Magical place.

"Lord Ye Lin, you really have a good drinker." President Liebeck was convinced. He usually thought he had a lot of alcohol, but now he was half drunk, but the other party was completely unharmed, and his eyes were still bright and clean.

"Me? I drank water. Sorry, my family doesn't allow liquor." Ye Lin raised his glass. He usually doesn't drink liquor. It has a special taste and they don't like it.


Liebek was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Then I'll take my leave."

"I'll give it to you."

Ye Lin saw him off the ship, put the package in his hand, and suddenly said with profound meaning: "If you have confidence in the kind people of the Eternal Continent, then work diligently and do your job well, and they will naturally Push you to the highest place.”

"The scale of civilization development is by no means one year or two years, but takes ten years, decades, or even centuries. But every brick you lay now will be part of the glorious civilization building in the future."

Liebeck trembled, suddenly woke up from the wine, his eyes were complicated, he took a deep breath, and decided to go back and read these books.

His question actually has an additional meaning. He has lofty ideals and some ambitions, that is, how to become the leader of the Eternal Continent, that is, the first monarch.

Ye Lin saw through his thoughts and hinted that you are now highly respected, well-known, and have good basic conditions. Don't be blinded by the temptation of power and throne and go astray.

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