Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2797 I am obviously the captain

Ye Lin stood on the edge of the deck holding the railing, watching Liebeke's back disappear into the bustling crowd, and then looked thoughtful, as if there were many thoughts in his mind.

The eldest lady, wearing a wife's butt-covering skirt, came over and handed him a skewer of roasted mutton, and said thoughtfully: "President Liebeck looks young, but he is actually almost fifty years old, and he still has some ambitions. "

After the ferocious beasts are eliminated, the Eternal Continent does have an excellent environment for the emergence of a glorious empire and an emperor!

"I should have known my destiny when I was fifty, but he still has ambition and goals. This is a good thing." Ye Lin didn't mind that the mutton was a bit mushy and spicy. He ate it with relish and said with a smile: "And his character and morality are pretty good. He pursues There is nothing wrong with taking the throne.”

Ye Lin has no intention of intervening in how the society of the Eternal Continent will change in the future, but as he said, the building of civilization will not be built in a day, and there will not be too noticeable results in a year or two.

Ye Lin initially estimated that it would take ten years before it could begin to take shape.

The young children who are young now will grow up in body and courage in ten years. The handsome and beautiful men and women will gradually mature in ten years. The middle-aged and elderly people who still have strength will be further weakened in ten years...

The new generation of young people will spontaneously look towards those who are famous.

Ye Lin accurately threw the remaining bamboo sticks into the trash can, and said with the calmness and tone of a wise man: "The world changes quietly, and the most vivid change is actually us."

He asked Fei Lao to think about your father, Count Orson, what the Dros Empire he was in before was like, and what it is like now.

When you feel vague about the development of the times, just think about the environment and life of your parents' generation.

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Siatt turned around and leaned on the railing of the deck, looking up at Sadomai and the Crazy Bear first mate who had rushed to the mast.

Because they would return to the Arad continent in the afternoon, they made necessary checks before setting sail, including whether the ropes were firm, whether the rivets had fallen off, whether the sails were damaged, etc.

Satomai's navigation knowledge is indeed professional.

The midday sun is very warm on the body, but the temperature in the port is on the low side. It is in a weird state of cold and hot, like using a candle to slowly boil a pot of cold water...

Ye Lin also leaned on the railing and tilted his head to look at the short-haired eldest lady, then glanced at her high-chested black jumpsuit and hip-hugging skirt, and her beautiful legs were covered with suspender boots and stockings. After hesitating for a while, he still looked at her Skirts and thighs sticking out...

"I chopped off my claws, believe it or not." Siatt threatened lightly.

"No, I have heard a rumor." Ye Lin defended himself, with a studious and truth-seeking expression, and said: "It is said that because the hip-covering skirt pursues the ultimate close-fitting and sexy, it is easy to bulge out. There are traces of underwear, so when some girls wear this kind of skirt, they just don’t wear it underneath?”

Because the eldest lady has always had short hair, her underwear cannot be used to tie her hair. Therefore, it is usually only used to stop his sharp teeth and painful mouth from biting his "head". This is a special case and cannot be called a hair tie.

"There is a phenomenon where bold girls secretly don't wear underwear, or they wear sexier underwear." Siatt didn't deny it. She made a C shape with her thumb and index finger. There are such styles. Nothing to be embarrassed to say.

"But my clothes are made of thick fabric, so you can't see anything outside."

"But it would be very uncomfortable to wear safety pants in this kind of skirt." Ye Lin touched the eldest lady's fleshy legs. Even after being married for many years, these fleshy legs still make people dream and linger.

"No, the safety pants are quite comfortable." The eldest lady thrust her barbecued bamboo skewer directly into the dishonest paw, and immediately a painful wailing sounded on the deck.

Originally, the old couple let him take advantage of it, and there was nothing wrong with eating some tofu, but this sugar cane finger had barbecue oil and seasonings on it, and it was deliberately smeared all over her legs.

"I'll clean it for you." Ganzhe deliberately licked his lips with his tongue.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the port of Antana was crowded with people seeing off and watching the fun.

Red farewell banners and balloons were hung between the street lamps. Those with strong strength threw some wrapped gifts onto the deck as their last sincere and sincere thanks.

"I must come back next time."

"Bon Voyage."

The powerful and kind-hearted adventurers from the continent of Arad helped them eliminate the vicious beasts that were doing evil all over the Eternal Continent, and also welcomed back the great patron saint Enix.

The flame of the Phoenix burns again, which is the faith of the Eternal Continent!

They were also the first successful pioneers and communicators in both worlds, bringing many new and unprecedented items.

The goodwill and actions of Ye Lin and his team have laid a very solid and excellent foundation for the future friendly coexistence of the two worlds.

It can be predicted that future books will definitely describe the events that occurred during this period, as well as the indispensable heroes, who will be glorious and immortal in the long river of history.

President Liebeck, Schlegel, Mrs. Wenley and other famous people were at the front of the farewell procession, waving goodbye to them.

The former hammered his chest hard and said that we will definitely abide by the relevant agreements. Ye Lin returned the same courtesy and I will also restrain the future sailing fleet of Arad continent.

"Raise the sails and set sail!" Sadomai, with tears in his eyes, gave the order to put in the anchor and raise the sails to return.

The first mate of Crazy Bear raised the sail through a mechanical device, and the Satomai ship, which had been anchored for a long time, slowly created continuous water ripples and left the port of Antana amid farewell cheers.

In the waters of the Eternal Continent, many ships blew their whistles in greeting and accompanied them for a long distance. At the same time, they raised the flags of their respective ports, Antana Port, Naga Port, Black Wind Port...

"Ugh, so sad..." Sadomai wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, seeming to feel the sincere enthusiasm from the Eternal Continent. Now the two parties said goodbye sadly, feeling very sad.

Mo Mei handed her a tissue to wipe her tears and comforted her softly: "You will come back, won't you? Your makeup will be stained by tears."

As the "greatest navigator" that Celia will recommend next, Sadumai is destined to lead the fleet to and from the Eternal Continent several times. This is her ideal and the treaty in the "Deed of Sale".

She'll be back in about a month.

What I didn't expect was that Satomai, one of the top graduates of the magic school with a delicate appearance and beautiful clothes, has established an image of an outstanding talented woman and an elegant lady at the same time. There are many contrasts with the appearance.

Not only can he secretly seduce his boss, but he also has the rich emotion of longing for him.

"No, I'm not the sad one." Sha Doumai wiped the corners of his eyes, grabbed Mo Mei's wrist, and couldn't help complaining: "Mo Mei, do you remember, I am obviously the captain, why are they all looking at me? On Ye Lin."


Mo Mei was startled, and remembered that there seemed to be something like this. The registered captain who "sold everything" was Sha Doumai. The name of the ship at that time was Selia, which is a homophone of Sha Doumai, and the euphemistically called it my Arad Continent. The land is vast and abundant, and everything is available.

As long as it does not violate the laws of the Principality, the Chamber of Commerce can sell anything.

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