Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2798 Mailu is a

The ship with its sails inflated smashed into waves on the sea surface. Standing at the stern and looking from a distance, the light and shadow of the Eternal Continent was completely lost.

Some complex emotions slowly rose in Satomai's heart. If it were a navigator who had never known the existence of the Eternal Continent and barely arrived here, it would be hard to believe that the limit of the field of vision ahead would be that there would be a continent with a large population on the vast and empty sea. Bar.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you understand the crazy surprise and explosive excitement at that time.

We have witnessed a milestone in the world, and after returning to the continent of Arad, there will be more flowers and cheers waiting for me...

However, the busy work did not give Satomai much time to express her emotions. She was quickly called away by the curator to help proofread the nautical charts.

When they were looking for the Eternal Continent, they drew a navigation route map. Now they are still following the map and returning to the original route, taking a closer look to see if there is anything that needs to be modified or added.

Afterwards, this great nautical chart will be open to all countries in the Arad continent for free, and an official unveiling ceremony will be held.

As the saying goes, making the best use of everything, Ye Lin believes that the queens unveiling the nautical charts will help increase the reputation of the royal family and the cohesion of the people.

The navigation industry in the Dark Elf Kingdom of Vanness is not very developed, and the people are not very enthusiastic about navigation. Ye Lin has another gift for Queen Meia, which is the airship technology of the God Realm.

Tarin, who was going to the sea for the first time, put her palm on her flat heart. Her heartbeat was now several beats faster. This was the first time for her (16 years old) that she had traveled far away, and she was heading to a completely unknown and strange world. .

If it weren't for Ciri and Lord Enix accompanying her, she would never dare to leave alone...

Ye Lin was going to introduce her to the famous war god Saler Maya and serve as a junior sister to the Third Princess.

Tarin's fighting talent is good, but there are no excellent physical arts teachers in the Eternal Continent. If she is left to grow up there, her talent will be somewhat buried.

The patron saint Enix is ​​preparing to "go to the east to obtain scriptures" and go to the continent of Arad to see the light of the priests.

Ciri is the diplomat of the temporary Eternal Continent and is about to meet Queen Skadi.

In fact, when I was drinking with President Riback, the other party said intentionally or unintentionally that there were many people who were yearning for the Arad continent and could he give them a ride.

Among them are many navigators in their 60s. Their vitality and energy are declining. They no longer have the time and energy to make long-term and grand plans for the future. Arriving at another continent has become their only remaining dream.

No need to take your boat, just follow you.

Ye Lin seriously considered the suggestion and then rejected it.

Since the voyage plan of Antana Port failed again twenty years ago, large ships with the qualifications for voyages have gradually ceased to exist. The remaining ones have also been in disrepair and cannot withstand the storms, huge waves, etc. that are likely to be encountered on the way. A small group of sea beasts attacked.

On the other hand, Ye Lin has basically killed all the large groups of aggressive sea monsters, including the Kraken.

So Ye Lin only left a very precious nautical chart to Liebek, and suggested that they build a corresponding large ship before considering a long voyage, otherwise they would not be able to come back if they followed me.

"Selling Everything" temporarily anchored in the sea near an uninhabited island. Mailu and Ye Lin got off the boat and prepared to use her special intelligence to "abduct" several bipedal sharks and coastal jellyfish.

The amphibious bipedal shark stood upright, its oily and shiny skin reflecting the luster of the sun, and suddenly exposed its mouth full of fangs, wary of the approach of Mailu and Ye Lin.

Mailu cleared her throat, searched for the language of the bipedal shark tribe in her mind, and then communicated with them.

She inherited part of her old mother's "wisdom" power, and was familiar with the languages ​​of thousands of races in the universe. Even those sounds that could not be produced by the structure of human mouthpieces, Mailu could use magic to perfectly imitate them.

Although the small race in front of us has evolved, it has not yet developed to the level of leaving traces of civilization, that is, writing, architecture, art, etc. It currently only has a simple set of language expressions.

Mailu told them kindly in their language, "I have a perfect job here, which not only includes food and accommodation, but also has a dedicated doctor. The environment is absolutely safe, and you don't have to worry about being preyed on by natural enemies. But I only recruit two sharks. The number of places is limited, does anyone want to sign up?"

The corners of Ye Lin's mouth twitched, and the tea cup in his hand was warm. He almost spit out the milk tea he took a sip of, and swallowed it down with difficulty.

Fortunately, I cannot waste the delicious raw materials provided by Alice and Noyu, not even a drop is wasted.

He holds a small fragment of wisdom and power, and can understand what Mailu is saying. He laments that the innocent Mailu has also been contaminated by the "sinful" rich woman Celia.

I thought that she would be fooled and go through all the trouble to abduct two sharks on the boat. Who would have thought that she would also instigate "hunger marketing", and there are still conditions.

There are only two positions that provide food and accommodation, and they require one male and one female, preferably Sharks who are originally boyfriend and girlfriend.

"If Mailu is trying to cheat people by asking for their waistline, I guess every one of them will be accurate." Siatt also nodded. Who would be wary of a girl with a pretty face, a brilliant temperament, and big breasts?

The bipedal sharks have a certain amount of intelligence, but not very high. When Mailu patiently explained step by step what it means to have food and accommodation included, what it means to have a doctor and no natural enemies, some of the sharks were already interested and showed their thoughts. Emotions to follow.

Mailu chatted with a few of the sharks for a while, and learned that they like to eat anchovies with orange-red tails. She immediately said that they would eat a lot of them every meal. This kind of fish is also found on the coast of the Celestial Ocean.

Mailu is about to be surrounded by Bipedal Sharks...

"Sorry, there are only two." Mailu chose a pair of sharks that were originally a couple. The bipedal shark that was not selected immediately lowered its head, seemingly in a low mood.

Then something terrible happened. The shark that was not selected suddenly stared fiercely at the selected shark, approaching step by step, grinning.

"The natural competitiveness of living things." Ye Lin nodded clearly. In order to occupy more advantageous resources, it was not uncommon for members of the same race to compete or even kill each other.

Mailu suddenly raised his hand and threw it, and a large group of "anchovies" fell to the beach and seaside. Each one was plump and healthy, which instantly attracted the attention of other sharks and solved the couple's dilemma of being besieged by sharks.

Those anchovies were actually made from fresh carrots, using a little magic of illusion... The Bipedal Sharks never had carrot-flavored anchovies again.

Mailu then followed the same pattern and abducted a pair of spiny turtles, coastal jellyfish and octopuses. The floating spiny puffer fish boarded the ship and filled Maxelle with research experiments.

"They are all one male and one female. It feels like a déjà vu of the Ark of Salvation." Ye Lin complained, and then called to the Crazy Bear mate to pull anchor and set sail. Now it's time for us to truly return to the Arad continent.

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