Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2801 Flowers on poisonous soil

Chapter 2802 Flowers on poisonous soil

Northmar Town Hall is located on the site of the original village of Hamulin.

After the disaster of the Plague Apostle Dirigi, the high-ranking clergy of Remedia Cathedral, including Bishop Magello, took action to purify the evil atmosphere here. In addition, some resources of the principality were tilted, and Nosmar The area gradually recovered a few percent of its vitality.

The enchantress Namu... no, now she is the mayor's secretary Namu. She has long white hair, beautiful appearance, well-dressed, and a smile on her face. She leads the people who have returned from the voyage through the white-decorated corridor.

She is very satisfied with her current life. Who would have thought that the little fox monster in the Village of Doubt is now an official employee of the principality, and can also accompany Lord Ajialu all the time.

"You can sit down wherever you like, don't be polite, Lord Ajialu will be back soon." Namu invited everyone to the reception room, served hot tea, smiled and apologized to Satomai and Shiri: "The people at the east coast port are noisy, so it is not a suitable gathering. The place."

She understands everyone's current mood, but when there are too many people, accidents, congestion, stampedes, and even theft are prone to occur. The good situation that Mr. Ajialu has worked so hard to manage cannot be affected.

And sometimes, celebrities have to be a little more assertive, and Satomi can't be too easy-going.

Ciri and Taryn sat together, thinking in their minds. Because they came by carriage along the way, they saw the social environment of the Principality of Belmare, which was a completely different culture from the Eternal Continent.

Satomai took the tea and thanked him and then took a sip. His mood was almost calm. He looked at the mayor's secretary Namu and Councilor Santorini with interest, especially the latter who held the position of Speaker of the Principality many years ago.

At a time when Queen Skadi's rights were restricted by the empire, Speaker Santorini was a staunch Queen's faction and formed a Queen's Guards, named the Skadi Guards, claiming to protect Queen Skadi.

There have been joking rumors among the nobles and celebrities of the principality a few years ago that Speaker Santorini should have special feelings for Queen Skadi, who was recently widowed after getting married.

However, Queen Skadi herself was not interested in his behavior of forming a guard.

Santorini tied up her blond hair with a red scarf, and wore a ceremonial cloak on her right shoulder. In terms of clothing style, she looked like someone from a foreign land, but in fact she was a native of Belmare.

His face is gentle and calm, and the charm revealed in his eyes is a mature and steady look of wisdom. He is a man who is as knowledgeable and wise as an encyclopedia and is on the right path.

Satomai was still a little nervous, partly because of the lingering feeling of returning home, and also because she always felt that this kind of official place had an inexplicable sense of solemnity and majesty.

Although her family's conditions are good, they are definitely not comparable to those of the City Hall and the Principality Councilors. Their natural background determines that most people will be timid when facing the official.

Namu took out a pen and notebook and smiled: "I admire your courage to go to sea, and congratulations to you for rewriting the geography of Arad continent and writing a new history."

Next, she will record some of Sadomai's conversations, write them into archives, and send them to newspapers and media controlled by the royal family.

She didn't quite understand the reason why it must be Queen Skadi's official newspaper. Lord Ajialu explained to her not long ago that as the leader of a country, it is very important to master the media channels for the public.

Otherwise, it will easily be maliciously used by those who are interested, causing a storm of public opinion in the principality.

In the past, the publicity channel of the principality was the bulletin board, but now there is a newspaper.

Announcing such significant events in the Queen's newspaper helps to enhance her authority.

"Ahem, this is all due to the good leadership of Queen Skadi." Sadomai's answer was a bit unexpected, and Santorini on the side couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

She probably wanted to imitate the official tone and compliment each other, but it was obviously too raw...

Soon Satomai's tension was relieved, because Ye Lin and Ajialu came back together. They were talking and laughing, and they seemed to be old acquaintances.

"Hello everyone, I am Mayor Ajialu." Ajialu stretched out her hand and shook hands with Satomai, Xirui and Tarin who stood up, and then motioned for everyone to sit down wherever they wanted without being polite.

"It turns out it's him, that's not surprising..." Santorini nodded secretly. Like many sailors, he was curious about how Sadomai successfully crossed the sea and returned safely.

Many famous navigators, such as Joan Fereno, failed to discover another continent.

However, when Ye Lin's figure appeared, all doubts were solved. Perhaps it was strange that the voyage was unsuccessful.

"Hello, Mayor Ajialu..." Satomai was a little restrained and respectful. She had heard about the legendary Mayor of Northmar.

Originally, she was just a small village chief in the Village of Doubt, deeply in love with the land where she was born and raised. Later, rich reserves of fuel resources were discovered in that place. It can be expected that it would have been a rich and prosperous place.

However, the sudden disaster of Apostle Dirigi and the temptation of red diamonds completely turned the city of Nosmar into a tragedy, and also made Ajialu suffer from pain and shed tears of blood.

But later, Ye Lin, the high-ranking priests of the Great Holy Church, and those who mastered the power of thunder and lightning jointly solved the source of the plague, and Ajialu also survived the disaster with "good luck".

Initially, because of Ajialu's deep understanding of the Northmar area, he was temporarily appointed as the person in charge of several places such as the Village of Doubt and the Village of Confusion.

Later, he was promoted by Queen Skadi and became the current mayor of Northmar.

"Sadoumai, you seem to know me?" Ajialu didn't have the airs of a high-ranking person. She smiled and talked casually. She was wearing a purple sacrificial dress that outlined her beautiful curves.

"Well... I've heard of you." Sadomai nodded and said respectfully, "The locals call you the flower blooming in the poisonous soil."

Ajialu, who grew up stubbornly in the ruins, has a deep love for the land beneath her feet that absolutely surpasses anyone else.

Ye Lin leaned back comfortably on the sofa. He often came to get honey from killer bees and was very familiar with Ajialu. He joked: "After tomorrow, a few people may regret it until their intestines are blue."


Satomai raised her eyebrows to express her disbelief. What happened?

Councilor Santorini looked at the map of the principality on the wall, and calmly interjected: "Before the arrival of Apostle Diriggi, Nosmar was a well-developed commercial city in the principality. There was oil and coal here, and it was located near the sea. The shoreline is centered.”

Although there are no long-distance routes to other countries on the east coast, there are still some short-distance routes between coastline cities, and Northmar is the central transit station.

Later, unfortunately, the plague of Dirighi broke out...

Ye Lin added: "When the mayor of Northmar was appointed, Ajialu was not the first choice."

It can be said that there are many suitable candidates with more qualifications and prestige.

However, because the Northmar area is in dire straits, all walks of life have been hit and sluggish, the economy is backward, the population is withering, and there has always been the negative impact of the "Plague Land".

As the mayor here, not only will you not get any benefits, but the pressure on your shoulders will be as heavy as the weight of huge mountains.

Therefore, several people that Queen Skadi originally liked, members of the parliament, found various excuses to refuse, which made the Queen angry.

After Ye Lin learned about this, he simply gave the queen some advice. I think the witch Ajialu is very good. Her deep affection for this land surpasses everyone else, and she will dedicate everything to Nosmar wholeheartedly.

So Ajialu became the mayor amidst the incredible discussions, and was also a member of the Principality's Parliament, with a very high status.

"Now." Yelin smiled sarcastically and said, "Queen Skadi decided to build a new port on the east coast in the north of Northmar. Northmar, a former commercial city, will welcome Let’s take off and become more prosperous than before.”

Afterwards, Namu and Ajialu conducted a comprehensive interview with Sadumai. They seemed to have received relevant navigation knowledge, so the questions they asked were very valuable.

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