Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2802 Who is the most powerful apostle?

Secretary Namu showed extremely excellent professionalism. When Ajialu interviewed Satomai with various questions, she never stopped holding the pen in her hand, clearly recording the important information.

And her memory is also very good. Whatever Satomai spoke too fast and didn't have time to write down, Namu would imprint it in her mind, and then write it down quickly after a while.

Namu's true form is a fox demon, and a very beautiful white fox.

The fox race seems to have always been very talented in shape-shifting. Namu, who is only in the realm of awakeners, can now shape-shift perfectly.

She has a graceful figure and long white hair that symbolizes her original snow-white fur. Her facial features are not only beautiful, but also have a seductive temperament.

However, Namu's perfect transformation ability also came from the help of Tana and Alice, and she did not accomplish it alone.

When Lord Apostle Di came to Nosmael with the strong purple rain of filth, Ye Lin's strength and knowledge were still very weak, and Celia was also "innocent", only thinking about how to make a lot of money, and she had not yet awakened herself. The power of the beginning.

After Di Ruiji was "annihilated", Alice and Tana helped to hide the undead aura of "resurrection from the dead" on the body of the fox demon Namu and her master Ajialu.

Ajialu had actually "died" a long time ago. She died at the moment Diruji arrived. The deadly purple rain polluted the village of Doubt, and no one survived.

However, Di Ruigi's extreme plague death contains an incredible "rebirth". Its power allows the dead to actively push away the soil above their heads. The Hero Tombs of the Dark Elves have all been affected by Di Ruigi's phantom, crawling out. The corpses of seven ancient heroes were found.

Later, Ye Lin looked at the corpse thieves all over Qianqiu Land and couldn't help but recommend to Queen Meia whether the Dark Elves should promote civilized cremation in the future, so that those buried in the ground could be dug out and burned.

I received strong opposition from Minette. I suspect that you are targeting us Necromancers!

How can we dig graves if they are all burned?

Satoumai answered Ajialu's questions vividly, and sometimes she couldn't help but add extravagant details to her answers...

She also gradually understood that because the trading port was established in the north of Northmar, she would probably have to deal with the beautiful mayor in front of her in the future.

Except for Ye Lin, who was not very interested, everyone, including the mature, steady and intelligent Congressman Santorini, listened with great interest. The tea in the teapot was refilled several times... It was Ye Lin who went there.

It doesn't matter if you add more spices. Even if Satou Mai is not added, the reporters who write news will add more spices, each one more outrageous than the last.

Ajialu also took care of two diplomats from the Eternal Continent, and would often ask them about certain details from Sadumai's stories to prevent them from feeling that they were being left out here.

After a period of interesting stories, Satomai drank a large cup of warm tea in one breath, paused for a while, and said, "It feels like I won't be able to finish the story for another two hours."

"I can understand your excitement now, but it's already time to eat." Namu shook her sore fingers, and the recorded content was enough to occupy the entire page of today's evening newspaper.

It can be predicted that today's Northmar, Huttonmar, and most of the East Coast will be a night full of shock.

There will be loud talk about the East Coast in the tavern, there will be queues at the newspaper sales place, and families and couples will talk about the great geographical discoveries for a while.

Ajialu held a banquet and invited Sadumai, as well as the envoys from the distant continent, Shi Rui and Tarin. At the same time, she cast a questioning look at Ye Lin... "Why, you don't go home and are eating at my place."

"Will having an extra pair of chopsticks affect the expenditure of your Northmar City Hall?" Ye Lin joked, then leaned into Ajialu's ear and said, "I brought Xirui and Tarin. I have to accompany you until you get familiar with the environment. You don’t understand the feeling of being a stranger in a foreign land. Your deep love for this land means that you have almost never been out."

Ajialu raised her slender eyebrows when she heard this. What he said was indeed correct. She basically worked in the Northmar area, and sometimes she would attend parliamentary gatherings in the capital after receiving orders from Skadi.

Then I went to the West Coast a few times and Miranda Plains a few times, and then it was gone...

"Okay, I'll give you an extra pair of chopsticks."

Namu's notes have been sent to Hutton Mar as quickly as possible. It is estimated that in two hours at most, the evening newspaper of the day will be placed on the dining tables of every household with the scent of ink.

Then early the next morning, the news will spread to other cities in the principality, and then continue to spread to the borders of the principality, the Dros Empire, the Kingdom of Vanness, the Virtual Motherland, etc.

"But to be honest, Ajialu, don't you rarely change your clothes? Every time I come here you are wearing this red and purple sacrificial dress."

The implication is that you work very hard, and you have worked very hard. Queen Skadi and the local residents think highly of you, but don't treat yourself badly in terms of life.

"I liked this outfit, so I made a few more outfits to wear."

"Sister Ajialu, you should try other clothes more often." Namu also agreed with Ye Lin's point of view, "Women should learn to dress themselves up and make themselves delicate and beautiful. Just look at Sadumai, she has such a bad head. There are three hairstyles on top.”

About one-third of Sadumai's hair is tied into a lively high ponytail, with a small charming braid on the right side of her cheek. The remaining part is refreshing and loose shawl long hair. One person is managing three of them at the same time. hairstyle.

"I usually pay attention to taking care of my skin, and I also pay attention to sleep..." Ajialu tried to explain to herself that my life was not that rough. Finally, she held her forehead and said, okay, whatever you say is what it is.


After the dinner banquet, Ye Lin led the three of them to walk around the urban area of ​​Nosmar, take a look, and personally acted as a tour guide to introduce the customs and customs of our Arad to the two diplomats.

Namu secretly informed that the diplomats' expenses can be reimbursed at the Northmar City Hall.

On the way, Ye Lin asked casually: "Sadoumai, what did Ajialu whisper to you? If it's private, I'm sorry."

He saw Ajialu whispering a few words into Sadumai's ear, and the latter immediately became thoughtful. He didn't eavesdrop or read lips, so he didn't have such a strong desire to control.

"She asked me whether I wanted to market myself as a big star or keep a low profile."

If it's a high-profile event, Ajialu will hold a speech rally for Sadomai tomorrow, first speaking twice in North Mar, and then going to Hutton Mar, the west coast... and touring the world.

The reason why Sadumai was allowed to stay in Nosmar first was Queen Skadi's intention, to use the celebrity effect to increase the popularity of the Nosmaar area.

If she wants to keep a low profile, Sadumai will go to see Queen Skadi tomorrow, and then there will be nothing wrong with her.

Officials will use Satomai's name to make good use of this news craze that has attracted worldwide attention.

In fact, selfishly speaking, Queen Skadi wanted to monopolize the fruits of this great voyage, even if it was to be tasted alone for a period of time.

But two reasons rejected her idea. Firstly, this great geographical discovery would eventually be disclosed to the whole world, and it could not belong entirely to Bellemare.

And, all the noble queens in the Arad continent can directly or indirectly give Sugar Cane a pillow.

After all, we are all a family, and being selfish will hurt harmony.

In the end, Sadumai chose to keep a low profile. Telling interesting stories once or twice is fine, but telling them ten or eight times would be troublesome...

The architectural style of the rebuilt Northmar seems to have been influenced by the great magician Marr. The painting style of the walls and roofs is white, giving people a clean and elegant impression.

Some scholars also interpreted it from another perspective that Nosmar deliberately avoided colorful decorations to cut ties with the apostle Dirich.

The strong colors, especially purple, black, and red, can easily remind people of the horror and pain that this city has suffered.

White symbolizes peace and the protection of Lord Mal.

Tarin was a little trance listening to Ye Lin's story, and she couldn't help but make comparisons, and asked: "Is Apostle Di Ruiji more powerful than our black dragon Kelderach?"

"Of course." Ye Lin immediately responded in the affirmative and said, "Do you still remember that dark green striped braised egg that was beaten violently by the black dragon? It only inherited a small part of Di Ruigi's power, so it let It stands out among the four dragons.”

The stripes on his body are actually poisonous stripes, which were born after Lao Pi ate the "source of all plagues, the Filthy Heart". The original Lao Pi had no stripes on his body.

Ciri and Tarin gasped. The apostle was so powerful and terrifying. Just hearing the description of the plague was enough to scare people.

It seems that the continent of Arad has its own injuries and pains, but it also has its own great patron saint.

Talin counted on her fingers and asked very puzzledly: "Dirigi is the sixth apostle, so there are more than one apostles. How many apostles are there in total? What abilities do they have? Who is the strongest?"

"Haha, there are thirteen apostles in total, and the strongest apostle is of course our god... Shilok."

The voice that answered Tarin was not what Ye Lin said. A tall figure wearing a triangle on his head walked slowly from the shadows of the street. The fingers exposed on the cuffs were also extremely thick and rough, like the fingers of a hard-working farmer.

"Are you interested in the apostles? Are you interested in joining our violent hunting team?"

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