Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2819 Nine fools, sad

Chapter 2820 Nine fools, sad~

"Actually, about half a year later, I thought about giving up and spending all my time on work or rest. I worked part-time in a tailor shop."

“So one day I decided not to come, and went out for a walk to buy a carp for dinner. But I didn’t know what happened, so I walked around and came back here involuntarily... I think this is what God gave me. guidance, so I have persisted until now.”

Ye Lin washed the dishes for a moment, then smiled and praised sincerely: "You are really a gentle and kind person."

As expected, he thought that Mary would say some beautiful and humble words, such as helping others makes me happy and happy, and I will be mentally satisfied every time I see the gratitude of the homeless...

But Mary still believed that this was God's guidance and preference for her, which meant that she attributed her kindness to God instead of her own noble personality.

Even if a very high-ranking cleric told her now that this has nothing to do with God's will but your personal goodness, Mary probably wouldn't believe it.

"It's been so many years, Aunt Mary." Biana, who washed the dishes diligently, couldn't help her curiosity. She was so sweet after being praised, and asked: "Auntie, you still haven't gained the power of God. Don’t you feel regretful and sad?”

When Ye Lin heard this, he immediately turned around and glared at Beyana, "Why don't you pick up a certain pot? Can't you just pick something nice?"

Hearing this somewhat embarrassing question, Mary not only did not feel that her contribution and reward were not equal, but smiled generously and said: "There is a saying in our local area that the wind in the rapids area does not blow westward and eastward at the same time. , God will not grant everyone’s wishes.”

That is to say, everyone prays to God that they can be happy, have a rich pocket, have a high status, and become a leader...

But a serious question emerged. The supreme king only has one throne. With so many people praying to God for the throne, who should God's wind blow to?

If the wind in the rapids area blows to the west, it cannot blow to the east, and if it blows to the east, it will not affect the west.

So the moral of this proverb is that God will not and cannot take care of everyone, so happiness must be obtained by one's own hands.

Mary believes that she has a happy family, and her life is not rich, but she does not have to worry about food and clothing. Compared with people who receive relief food, her life is already a gift from God, so how can she dare to ask for more.

After washing the dishes and putting them away for tomorrow, Mary wiped her hands on her apron and said with a smile that it was getting late and she had to go home.

My husband, who works in the inner city, and my two children who are in school are almost back home.

After saying goodbye, Ye Lin looked at Mary's modest back, showed respect, and murmured: "Be content and happy. Ordinary people also have great awareness, and you will be happy. Beyana, what do you think?" "



As soon as he turned around, Ye Lin saw Beyana digging through the big iron bucket for boiling sweet potatoes in the corner, muttering: "I've really eaten all of them. Not even a piece is gone. I'm still hungry."

Ye Lin's forehead suddenly had a few speechless black lines, and he was talking about sweet potatoes, right? I'll let you eat sweet potatoes every day after you go back. Sweet potato soup for breakfast, boiled sweet potatoes for lunch, roasted sweet potatoes for dinner, and shredded sweet potatoes for snacks, so that you can become fat. sweet potato.

Generally, when there are leftover relief meals, they are distributed in addition. The homeless who have not eaten enough and have not left can ask for another meal.

If few people come that day, the clergy and staff will also eat it, and there will be almost no waste.

On the other side, the Third Princess and Cyrus learned carefully about the local poverty situation from officials and clergy.

Although Princess Xianyu was not willing to worry about these complicated political affairs, it didn't take much energy to listen to the stories they told and then relay them to her mother, Josephine.

They also learned that the rapids province can be divided into thirteen urban areas, and more than half of the urban areas are like an old man with white hair.

Dead? No.

Alive? Alive, but there is no fresh vitality in the body, that is, the future.

The rosy-faced official just now called his higher-ranking superior, who wore a few patches on his clothes. He smiled and said, "I hope you will keep a clear mirror when allocating relief food."

"There is no way to continue to allocate food like this. You won't survive for a long time after a blood transfusion. You can only make your own blood." The third princess frowned, unintentionally showing the majesty of a powerful person, and said: "I will find a way, you can go back first. , it’s getting late.”

This requires the empire’s policy tilt, and it’s probably just like Ye Lin said, finding a way to farm the land!

How did Van Ness become rich in the underground world? They don't have any environmental advantages. Just ask Ye Lin.

The third princess seemed to be thinking about the people's livelihood in the empire involuntarily. Celia's worries were not unreasonable.


The three of them said goodbye to the cleric bishop here, left some donations, and took the carriage back to their residence.

After washing the dishes just now, Ye Lin sent Beiana, who was not full, back to find Wanzi and the others in advance, and asked her to inform you that I found something fun for you, a big voyage, go home as soon as possible and prepare.

However, a strange "coincidence" happened.

Ye Lin, the three of them, and Beyana met again at the door of the best local hotel. They looked at each other and blinked.

He immediately realized that these girls lived in the same place as the Third Princess, but they didn't usually meet each other.

Tsk tsk, you "adventurers" really haven't treated yourself badly.

A group of chattering girls poured into the room of the third princess. Wanzi teased the shadow night cat on his shoulder with his fingers and asked curiously: "Big voyage? What do you mean? Going sailing in the rapids?"

Bayana said in the afternoon that the reason for their team to sneak here was not to participate in any harvest festival, but to see the Rapids.

Not only the natural harsh terrain, but also storms and big waves make the rapids zone have many legendary and mysterious colors in the Arad continent.

Some captains who are bold and looking for excitement think they have figured out the rules of rapids and bravely brave the rapids...

Locals say that many ships carrying treasures have sunk here, and there is a lot of gold and antiques that no one has been able to recover.

They also said that there were golden dragons, Leviathan, and many terrible monsters in the sea... So they came together as soon as they gathered together.

And they really gained something. Wanzi tinkered with a small submersible and found some silverware in the deep sea in the rapids zone. Gold, gems, etc. have not been found yet.

As for powerful and rare monsters, they have also seen a black eel that is more than ten meters long and can release terrifying electric currents.

Wanzi's photoelectric eel approached, frightened the opponent and released a large amount of electricity, and then fled to the deep sea.

Due to the influence of tidal currents, the nearby marine fish tastes surprisingly good, but it is very difficult to catch and it is difficult to form an industry.

Ye Lin raised the newspaper in his hand and said in a suspicious tone: "The great voyage, the Eternal Continent, is a very popular news recently. It claims to have changed the world's common sense of geography. Don't you know anything about it?"

Even the geographically remote province of Rapids was talked about a few days ago, and Aunt Mary said that in the afternoon.

The nine heads of Bayana, Maruko, Lily, Bailey, Natya, four Fameliers, Shadow Night Cat, Photoelectric Eel, Frost Snowman and Fire Jack shook together.

I don’t know, we hardly read newspapers, so we have never heard of it at all.

Ye Lin almost suffocated...

I heard that among multi-brained creatures, such as the three-headed dodos and multi-headed chimeras in the demon world, there will always be one head with insufficient IQ, which leads to stupid behavior.

It’s not like the nine of you share the same body and brain. Maybe you’ve graduated, so you’ve completely stayed away from paper objects except banknotes, and you haven’t studied anything.

Ye Lin threw the newspaper to them and motioned for him to read it. Then he covered his face and eyes, clearly looking desperate.

After a while, Ye Lin put down his hand and asked seriously: "Do you want to continue going to school?"

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