Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2820 Bai Mao is awesome!

Chapter 2821 Bai Mao is awesome!

"After being in a cage for a long time, I can return to nature!"

Lily recited a poem on the spot to express her determination. "Go to school, what nonsense are you talking about? You must be hysterical."

Our graduation ceremony has ended long ago. It would be embarrassing to go back and figure out how to go to school. Isn’t it because the world outside is no longer free? Besides, we can’t get into higher-level schools.

So to sum up, learn, learn to be a hammer.

Wanzi and others immediately started reading the newspaper seriously. They had never heard of the new continent Eternal Continent. They had been going to bed late and getting up late in the past few days. They were so leisurely and happy.

Bayana had already set her sights on the high-end pastries, cupcakes and egg tarts in the third princess's room. Her stomach was really not full, so she took a bite of thick bread and a sweet potato.

The third princess took out some pieces of letter paper and an ink pen from the drawer, spread them out neatly on the table, and prepared to write a letter to her mother, Queen Josephine, explaining what she saw and heard in the province.

Although she could also go back to Vetalun in person to talk in person, the form of the letter would have a more solemn and formal feel, and after being written down, the queen mother could read it many times to avoid forgetting it.

After the third princess wrote the beginning, she thought for a while, then pulled Ye Lin over and pressed her on the chair. She put the pen in his hand and took a break.

I say, you write it and then polish it with your own ideas.

Dong Dong~

"The dinner you ordered has been delivered." Outside the door, a waiter knocked gently.

Cyrus went out when he heard the knock on the door, and when he came back he was carrying two three-layered food boxes.

The staple food was a plate of sliced ​​bread, with a side dish of beef sauce, a plate of vegetable salad, a piece of fresh grilled fish weighing about two kilograms, and a fruit platter after the meal. They didn't eat much at the church. thing.

The bread is baked and soft and fragrant, and it tastes very delicious when chewed, as if you are kissing white clouds and sugar. It is made by mixing high-quality flour and milk and then baking, without adding a drop of water in the whole process.

"Harvest Festival, Harvest Festival, only when there is a shortage of food will we celebrate the harvest." The third princess chewed a piece of soft bread, feeling a little uncomfortable. She had also tasted relief bread, and it had never tasted so bad since she was a child. s things.

"There is no need to think that eating delicate bread is a sin." Ye Lin reached out and took a piece of bread and said, "The key is, if you are in a high position, do you do your best for your people."

He was happy that the Third Princess had such compassion.

Ye Lin also has a new idea, whether to let the residents here also believe in the "sacred beast", which can make the earth fertile and the sky have smooth weather...

Biana also came over, with crumbs of cake still in the corner of her mouth and still hungry.

There were only a few fish bones left in the meal. The third princess's appetite was particularly good today, and no food was wasted.

The third princess drank a large cup of tea, pursed her lips, and asked Ye Lin to write down the following story. She heard it from the clergy of the church.

A certain family in the city came from a very poor family. There was an old father who was bedridden all year round. He worked hard when he was young and left many root causes of diseases. When he got old, he could not stop taking medicine.

There is a child under ten years old who can hardly buy a few new clothes at the end of the year and cannot afford to go to school.

The wife is also sick and can only do some sewing and laundry work. The man is healthy but cannot leave home to make money, so he can only find some jobs nearby.

Around this time last year, the man's father suddenly became critically ill and could barely eat anything except water. A pair of weathered eyes stared at the roof with spider webs, full of turbidity and exhaustion.

"Is it time to distribute food?" The man's father's voice was hoarse, so low that you could only hear it if you were close.

"Not yet." The man held his father's wrinkled hands.

So another day passed, and the old father asked again, "Have the food been distributed?"

"not yet."

The man thought that his father wanted to eat new grains. Some particularly frugal families would secretly sell the official relief grains in exchange for old grains that had a bad taste but more weight.

So the man tightened his belt and bought some new grain, made delicious rice, and bought a portion of bread. However, the old father still shook his head and asked hoarsely: "Has the grain been distributed?"


Day after day passed, the old father was so ill that he could only drink water. There was only a handful of bones left in his body, but he never swallowed a breath.

"Food has been distributed!" When the man excitedly entered the house carrying his bag, he saw the old father's wrinkled face seeming to smile, and then closed his eyes.


"The official distribution of relief food is based on the number of people. Of course, it is the living population." Sellers held a cup of hot tea, and his cool little face was moved by this short story.

Ye Lin stopped writing with his ink pen. Many thoughts flashed through his mind. Then he moved down a few lines and wrote first: "The poor should exchange old grain for new rice."

There is no need to explain too much about the story of the Three Princesses, just thinking about this sentence is shocking enough.

Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, the powerful national power of your Delos Empire is enough to radiate throughout the entire territory. Guess what the shortest but cruelest description is."

Cyrus shook his head and said he didn't know. The third princess urged him not to show off, as she hated the Riddler the most.

Ye Linxin took out a piece of paper and wrote... When the year comes, there is great hunger and people eat each other.


Maruko and the others patiently read a few newspapers and got a general understanding of the ins and outs of the New World. They also met the first navigator and their senior sister at the magic school, Sadomai.

Bayana looked as if she was so surprised and said, "Oh, so that's it. The senior has become a navigator. It's really amazing."

"Hmm, I remember there is a photo of her hanging on the school's honor wall. She has beautiful golden hair like senior Luo Lian." Natya touched her gray hair.

As a child, Natya was short, thin, malnourished, and her hair was such an unremarkable color that she once suffered from low self-esteem.

But Ye Lin thought to her like he was confessing his love... Bai Mao is good, who wouldn't like Bai Mao Loli? Bai Mao Loli is so great.

Nat Adam trembled on the spot, suspecting that he was stupid and his head was burned.

Isn’t it nice to have big breasts? A girl with bones like me...

The girls chatted around Senior Sister Sadumai. Senior Sister is really amazing and she will be very promising after graduation.

If we go sailing with our senior sister, we will definitely get special care.

The Third Princess interjected and asked in a curious tone: "Aren't you a little surprised by the Eternal Continent that has changed the common sense of geography?"

The topic is all about Senior Sister Sadumai, not the Eternal Continent.

"Their geography subjects are not good at all and they can't tell the difference between east, west and north, so it doesn't make any difference whether they change their common sense." Ye Lin hinted lightly that these girls were "illiterate". His letter had already been written and bound.

The grades of these girls in cultural classes are very average, and it is common for them to fail. Bayana said that we are serious people from the demon world, and the golden blood of Gu Terra flows in our bodies. Why should we learn from you? The world.

"Hey, isn't it just a new continent? There's nothing to be surprised about." Biana raised her chin slightly, with a haughty look on her face, and hummed: "Our demon world is still eight-sided. If we let those geographers You know, don’t burn out your brain.”

Although the existence of the demon world, which was broken after the war between gods in ancient times, is not something to be proud of at all, its unique structure is indeed a great miracle.

Ye Lin shrugged and said, "You guys should consider whether you want to sail with Sadumai. You are all classmates and you will be paid."

Biana nodded and said it was feasible. It was quite interesting. It would be fine as long as she didn't go to school anyway. Then she solemnly raised her five fingers and said, "Please let us protect you, right? Then we want 50%... 30% of the profit this time."

"You might as well buy a ship, hang a skull and crossbones flag and become a pirate." Ye Lin complained. The great voyage will create new routes, and pirates will definitely emerge in response to the situation.

You still want 30% of the profit. If your sister Celia finds out, she won't strip you of your little red dress and whip you hard with a whip dipped in salt water.

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