Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2864: Overcharging members

Wahayit's first operational experiment has come to an end. After several twists and turns, there were no near misses. The data collected was enough for them to be busy for a while, continuously optimizing and improving the space-time battleship. There is no need for a second experiment in the short term. .

As for the space-time stabilizing device in Devil's Land mentioned by Baston, Michel reluctantly spread his hands and said that we have no choice but to tie the general to the ship...

Although we admire Lord Hayd very much, we are really not familiar with that Held.

Wahayt also does not yet have the absolute power to locate and cross dimensional barriers, especially the Demon Land is located at the very edge of the long river of time.

In order for Wahayit to have this ability, he must have a complete and precise star map.

Gina teased Ye Lin to get it quickly and use it as a betrothal gift to formally propose to Michelle.

"I can't afford it... My relationship with the elders in my family is a bit stiff, so the dowry may not come with anything other than my knowledge and person." Michele helplessly shrugged his shoulders, openly admitting that he was "awesome" He picked up the little white flower and even "secretly" glanced at Lindsay.

The little white flower next to me was writing research data with a mechanical assistant. After hearing what Michele said, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes speechlessly. Do you think I will be shocked and surprised?

Although she always likes to tease Michel that he still has "charm", the fact is that Michel actually has a very beautiful appearance, fair skin, and an outstanding and refined temperament.

Lindsay thinks that the word "beautiful" is very suitable to describe her best friend Michelle. No matter which angle she looks at, she is fair, bright, and has good temperament, which meets all the concepts of a beautiful girl.

She is not a traditional classical beauty or a modern sweet girl, nor is she a temperamental lady or a voluptuous beauty... Michelle is a ninety-five percent beauty recognized by public aesthetics.

Five points off because McShell leads people to climb the wall.

So it's strange that Ye Lin, who often hangs out with Michelle, doesn't want to "cheat".

"It doesn't matter if there is no dowry." Ye Lin waved his hand and said calmly: "When we get married, we will charge a little more."

"Please let Commander Jackett and the others go..." Dr. Gina felt pity for them.

Unless Miss Feiyan deliberately requested that the wedding be less grand and more low-key, otherwise the general will get married in heaven. Once the invitation is issued, who would dare not to come and join the party~

Then I counted on my fingers, and there must have been more than one cheating, because there were four unmarried female doctors in front of me.


Before leaving, they asked Ye Lin to reinforce the extra-dimensional space and set up a stronger defensive barrier before returning to Ghent, the capital of gods.

The image of the Time Lord's Baston from yesterday still remains in his memory, with a "metal" head, two arms, and no torso or legs.

Little white flower Lindsay suddenly felt that the bipedal sharks, coastal jellyfish, and coastal octopuses that Michelle liked were quite pleasing to the eye.

"Do you think Wahayit is still meaningful?" Lindsay sighed, doubting the significance of Wahayit's construction.

If it weren't for Ye Lin, the other dimensions, including them, would have been wiped out.

Even the completed space-time warship is just a small toy in the eyes of the top experts. How can it be called an artifact that governs the country and how can it open up the future of heaven.

How should the ultimate power of science be developed?

"Did you forget what Baston said in the blink of an eye?" Ye Lin flicked Lindsay's smooth forehead with his finger to bring her back to consciousness.

Whether it is you or Gu Terra, what initially violated the taboo was the lack of awe in going to the highest realm.

And why are you all so disappointed? Using the wisdom of only one or two generations in the heavenly world to try to compete with the gods of the beginning is extremely excessive in every sense of the word.

How many civilizations have not been able to leave their planetary world from birth to decline, and how many civilizations have suffered disasters and been broken in the process of development.

Today's Heaven Realm has been able to defeat the nine-apostle-level powerhouses of the past head-on, strongly threaten the Transcendents, and then initially involve the space-time domain, which is already a very outstanding level.

You must know that just a few years ago, an underage Odin made the heavens miserable.

"Besides, you are still young, and your wisdom and talent will be accumulated over time, so why worry about this moment." Ye Lin followed the instructions, and was actually a little worried that Baston had worn away their morale.

Moreover, science has a kind of "inheritance" that practitioners are extremely envious of. The wisdom of the predecessors can be quickly absorbed and applied by future generations.

For example, a mathematical formula or a manufacturing technique can be turned into the bricks and stones of a scientific building, built up layer by layer until it is higher than the sky and extends to the realm of God.

The discovery of every scientific formula may promote the progress of civilization.

Although there are secret techniques, techniques and other things in the magical civilization world that can be continuously inherited by future generations, the use of these secret techniques varies from person to person and has severe restrictions.

Although Ye Lin's comfort was rough, it was true. Their faces gradually softened. Science is the wisdom that keeps accumulating, and it is the height that one generation stands on the shoulders of the other.

The scary thing is never the unreachable goal, but the footsteps that stop and stay put.

This is also part of the reason why they favor sugar cane. Although the general doesn't know much about science, his knowledge and perspective always make them refreshed.

Michele stretched out comfortably, then shivered from the cold wind that poured into his neck, and asked with a shiver: "Have you ever seen a more powerful scientific civilization?"

"Yes, there are artificial gods from Ancient Terra, and Luke from the mechanical dimension."

Needless to say, the former wants to draw energy directly from the universe.

Not light energy, nor thermal energy, nor electrical energy...but getting the energy he wants from the concept of "universe", which is similar to the artificial gods of Ancient Terra.

"Then the next goal in heaven is to kill the gods!" Michele said in a high-spirited voice.


Alijie has remained in a meditative state since she came back from another dimension. She said nothing, and her beautiful amber eyes vaguely held some kind of unknown worry.

The doctors and the others were going to continue their busy work, sorting out the information for the first experiment. Ye Lin transferred four dollars to Michele, and then returned to the palace with Alijie and the chief maid Ma Lin.

Ye Lin gently held Ali Jie's cold little hand and asked with concern: "What have you been thinking about?"

He guessed a possibility about Alijie, and then prepared words of comfort.

The general environment of heaven is different from the past. Due to the times, there will no longer be a second "Irina", but Alijie is Alijie, and you are already good enough.

" won't die, right?"

Without thinking, Alijie suddenly asked an extremely strange question, which stunned Ye Lin for a moment and did not even react.

"I mean normal aging and death." Alijie's warm flaxen hair was braided with the complicated hairstyle of a palace woman, and her eyes were somewhat sad.

"Probably not." Ye Lin nodded honestly. There may be a way to kill the God of the Beginning, but it is definitely not with incomplete time.

"That's true." Alijie's mood was obviously even lower, and there seemed to be a dark cloud about to rain hanging over her head.


"Brother, you said that in ten years or twenty years, when I have gray hair...will I still be your sister? Can I still call you brother?"

Ye Lin was startled when she heard this, then smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she had been thinking about this.

"Brother, think about it, I am just a mortal, and a mortal emperor is also a mortal. I cannot control time. I will eventually end up like Mrs. Mei Li..."

Alijie was too pessimistic to say any more. When her hair turned gray and she was old, her appearance was no longer as youthful and fresh as it is now, and her skin was no longer as delicate and soft as it is now.

Will my brother continue to like me?

"My little head is just thinking wildly. It's just time. It's enough that I can order it to stop." As soon as Ye Lin's faint words fell, the entire heaven fell into a state of time stasis in an instant.

The palace maid walking in the palace paused, with a smile on her face, and the leaves blown by the cold wind froze in the air...

Ye Lin hugged Alijie, who was unaffected, and said: "Alijie will always stay with me, for ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years..."

The love-minded little girl is easy to coax, and he even deliberately said, girl, you will have a child in the future and inherit the future of the Seventh Empire.

"Ah, stop talking, brother, you're so embarrassed." Alijie's little face was covered with red clouds, her head was buried in her arms and she didn't dare to come out.

Only by rejecting bread, tissues and purification magic can we have the "future of the Seventh Reich" with my brother.

"Brother, how old do you like me?" Alijie blinked her big watery eyes. If time could be frozen, she would like to freeze it when her brother liked her the most.

"I like it anytime."

"Hmph, when you first met me, you wanted to go to jail?!"

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