Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2865 Don’t like it

The little girl is half shy and half angry, her watery eyes are filled with traces of love, like green and half-red apples, exuding an alluring fragrance.

The girl in front of him was so pure and flawless, so clean and pure that all his distracting thoughts and desires seemed so dirty and despicable in front of Alijie.

He had to be alone with the dirty girl Xiaoyu for a long time to recover.

"What you read on paper will eventually make you realize it, but you know you have to do it." The devil in Ganzhe's heart defeated the pure angel with one punch, and the heart that had been teased rippled in circles, pulling Alijie's soft and boneless body. Little hands, hurry back.

"Brother~ It's daytime now!"

Alijie was instantly ashamed, and her little face was as red as blood. She was already an adult with a combat power of 1, and she completely understood why her brother had accelerated his pace.

"For the future of the Seventh Empire, we should work hard day and night, diligently."

Ma Lin, the chief maid who deliberately walked quickly and arrived at the Ghent Palace ahead of time, watched His Majesty and the General flirting on the way back, smiled slightly knowingly, and was a little worried.

It is inevitable to be greedy when you first taste it. Your Majesty is ignorant, and the general cannot be ignorant.

Although His Majesty has no breasts, no ass, thin arms and legs like the people in the Demon Realm, and has no advantage over the Doctors in terms of body shape, His Majesty has brought his "good sister" to the extreme, being youthful, gentle, and very good at acting like a baby~~

Not only does it make up for the psychological needs of the general's sister, but it is also said that he is close to turning the general's bus that everyone can take at any time into his own private car.

Afterwards, the chief maid, Ma Lin, made a cup of tea, held a leisurely book "The Autobiography of Helen Capri", and enjoyed some leisurely time with some exquisite snacks made by herself.

It is all thanks to His Majesty that the Heavenly Realm is prosperous and there are no urgent troubles to deal with. The most popular ones recently are the selection of the Seven Gods' Elytra and the recruitment of new members in the Imperial Courtyard.

Half an hour later, Ye Lin opened the door of the chief maid's room. Ma Lin smelled a strange smell from him and saw the unfinished expression on his face.

So he calmly put down his books and biscuits, and untied his hair that was tied up on the back of his head.

She has always been neatly dressed. As the chief maid, her duty is to assist His Majesty the Emperor in his work, and her appearance has never been important.

Probably because it was often tied up, Ma Lin's burgundy long hair looked as stunning as waves when untied, and her original heroic temperament was quickly replaced by mature charm.

Generally speaking, girls tie up their long hair when eating. Ma Lin is a rare woman who needs to untie her hair. The general said that she has the charm of a mature woman with long hair.

It is the duty of the chief maid to bear all the pressure for Her Majesty Alijie.

"Eat it quickly, don't choke, it still has the taste of your Majesty on it."


The annual autumn recruitment selection of the Imperial Courtyard has ended. Being a member of the Imperial Courtyard has been the dream and honor of many heavenly women since they were young.

Although the princess has become the emperor, the courtyard of the princess is still preserved.

The military structure of Heaven Realm is famous for its complexity. There are four headquarters on four continents, plus countless special operations forces, Coast Guard, Train Guard, Black Rose, Storm Troopers, War Goddess Guard...

It is nominally under the jurisdiction of the headquarters, but sometimes Jack can't tell who is in charge of those special operations forces and who is his immediate superior.

At the beginning of the year, with the consent of Alijie, Jack made drastic changes to the military structure. The Sea Train Guard, Coast Guard, Science Park Guard, etc. were all abolished and merged into the local high command.

The size of the private army of the Nospis nobles was also limited.

Among them, the Coast Guard of the Gunnery Division simply changed its name and was given new responsibilities.

The original intention of the establishment of the Coast Guard was to resist the invasion of Kallet in the Lawless Zone. Now that the Lawless Zone has been re-integrated into the Seventh Empire and there is peace in the world, there is naturally no need for the name Coast Guard to continue to exist.

Ye Lin pushed open the door of his office and raised his eyebrows in surprise. He hadn't been here for at least half a year, but the room was clean, without any dust, and there were two pots of living succulents on the table.

"People waiting around, please don't enter, otherwise you will be arrested and held accountable."

Behind her, Rebecca "seriously" pulled away Ye Lin who was standing at the door. This is my office. What are you doing here as an unrelated person? I'm going to suspect you of being a spy.

The doctors and the others habitually continued to call Ye Lin "General". In fact, he had resigned a long time ago and now does not hold any military position in the Seventh Empire. He is a "non-working person".

"So my office will be used directly by you?"


Rebecca pointed to the door number. She was now a staff officer at the Foreign Operations Command, a somewhat vacuous position.

The purpose of setting up this department is to always pay attention to the outbreak of war between the heaven and the Arad continent, quickly mobilize troops and respond actively during the war. The reason is to nip the trouble in the bud, which is usually just a false job.

"Of course~" Rebecca sat comfortably on the chair next to her desk, raised her plump and fleshy legs, and said with a smile: "If you are willing to come back, I will give you this office back."

Ye Lin resigned to avoid suspicion and to pave the way for Ali Jie. At that time, there were targeted remarks from all sides. How could an extremely important military position in Heaven be held by an Arad man.

However, there are still many people in the army who admire Ye Lin's strength and have received his life-saving grace. They hope that he can come back and take up any position.

"The office was given to me, where are you going?"

"I'll find another one, or resign. It's boring to sit in an office. I still prefer an adventurous life."

"Then how about I transfer you to be my secretary? If you have something to do, you can do it. If there's nothing else, we can do it together."

"Okay... go ahead." Rebecca rolled her eyes at him quickly, "What's wrong, secretary? It's okay... secretary."

After chatting for a while, Yelin mentioned her unrelated brother Wu En and your current state.

In the past, Rebecca had always strongly resisted recovering her memory, thinking that since she instinctively didn't want to recover her memory, it meant that it was a painful past that I didn't want to pick up from memory again.

Later, he cooperated with Jacket in a painful drama, and then he slowly allowed Rebecca to accept it and face her past.

Escape is not the solution. Escape will only make the pain more painful and regret more regretful.

"Uen, he has made his mark and is now the commander-in-chief of Mospis, his official position."

Uen used to be the acting commander, but now he is officially appointed by Her Majesty Alijie, and is the youngest regional commander in the history of heaven.

Although he is not as good as Ye Lin who resigned in terms of military exploits and achievements, Wu En is still a very dazzling new star in the world. Born in a lawless zone, he has the noble qualities of being strong, calm, and responsible.

"Every day, people inquire about Wu En's marriage, including many nobles and wealthy businessmen." Rebecca couldn't help but shook her head. Wu En is not good at dealing with those guys who are shrewd to the core. As her sister, she must help him take care of it. close.

Ye Lin picked up a newspaper on the table, glanced at the title, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Wu En has been looking for you for many years. There are many people gossiping that he is looking for his fiancée..."

"Uh..." Rebecca frowned, because everything Ye Lin said was true.

When she is currently serving as a casualty in the army, when someone finds out that she is the sister that Wu En is looking for, the daughter of the Commander-in-Chief, they will always gossip and ask her about the past, which is very annoying.

"How should I put it?" Rebecca rubbed her eyebrows, her cheeks looked a little helpless, and said: "Uen has been my follower since he was a child. I treat him as my brother. I don't have such thoughts. There are pure things in this world. Of friendship, you thought it was you."

She was only in her teens when she met Wu En, and Wu En was still younger.

Poor little Unn was beaten at home by a drunkard and a grumpy father, and outside by able-bodied older kids...and within a few years Kallet was taking the lawless zone by storm.

Immediately afterwards, Rebecca's mother died in the village guard battle. Rebecca, Unn, and Jay's three children together formed the follow-up to "Wings of Peace".

Until Rebecca desperately rescued her brother Unn in a conspiracy bomb, she was rescued by Captain Root, and then unfortunately lost her memory.

"More than ten years ago, everyone was just a child running for his life. They just wanted to survive and have a full stomach. How could they think about love and love? Besides... would anyone really be attracted to someone they had seen since childhood?"

Ye Lin raised his head and pretended to look at the ceiling.

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