Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3012 Napkin Theory

Chapter 3013 Napkin Theory

A few days later, the time agreed with Mo Fei had arrived.

The sanctuary built by Nian Nianyan has long since dispersed. The Pero Continent, the Demon Realm, and the sun that was dragged by Astra are safe and sound because of the protection of the little witch and Feng Ying.

This moment constitutes the last color of the Devil's Land, like the last spark in the darkness, a small boat in the vast ocean, filled with an indescribable sense of fatal loneliness.

During this period, Memet of the End of the Day urged Ye Lin that the order in the Devil's Land has collapsed to the extreme, and the Great Collapse is about to begin. You'd better move these three planets as soon as possible.

Before leaving, he told Ye Lin that the little lion-headed Kripa will assist you in the follow-up matters, and Kabbalah may also come, but don't bully others.

Because Memit has also received a summons from the Arbiter and is rushing to the gathering of the gods to go to the "end of the world."

"It's like a mayfly in the sky and the earth. It looks so lonely." Ye Lin stood in the distance in the void, looking at the bluer Perot Continent. Although it was beautiful, it also revealed a kind of silent loneliness.

"Hey, you should also have a will. What do you think now?" Ye Lin called out to the planetary will of Pero Continent. The other party was essentially the Arad Continent where the "heaven and earth" had not yet been opened.

A few minutes later, eddies rolled up at the bottom of the deep blue ocean, and vague fluctuations came, "Thank you...lonely..."

It was thanking Ye Lin. If he hadn't defeated and sealed the evil god Crusu, I'm afraid it wouldn't even be able to turn into the final fire.

"Right." Ye Lin shrugged his shoulders and chatted with the vague will of the planet.

We humans have always been afraid of loneliness, so we need family affection, love, and friendship to fill our short lives. A world without human touch is scary.

It took Pero Continent's will for a while before he could reply... "We also have joys, sorrows, and joys. The lives living on the surface of the earth are us..."

royal capital

It has been a long time since the stars disappeared. Natural disasters began to appear in the world. The laws of earth veins and tides were disrupted. First, the sea level was rising, swallowing up many villages, towns and cities along the coast. Then earthquakes occurred frequently, and rocks and rocks were destroyed. Disintegrated, and many lives perished in the disaster.

Natural disasters are one thing, but at the same time, there is a big problem that everyone did not expect, that is, the Devil's Land has cut off its connection with the underworld.

Without the call and passage from the underworld, the souls of the dead during this period in Pero Continent cannot normally embrace the noble death.

After the death of the body, the soul is forced to wander around the world. It can only gradually exhaust the power of the soul and then fly away. During this period, many supernatural events occurred. Hundreds of ghosts walked at night and the soul appeared, making the Pero Continent even more panic-stricken.

As a result, Mavis became a very busy person. She prayed and borrowed the power of death from the lady in black dress, and then temporarily turned her sword "Usiel's Judgment" into the resting place of her soul to carry the memory of this period of time. The departed.

With Mavis' sword as the center, a huge realm of shadows opens up. The shadows in the realm are as deep as ink, and only the faint light emitted by the ghosts when they swim illuminates some areas.

The sobs of the souls are sad and plaintive, unconsciously telling what they were thinking at the moment they passed away, intertwined with various emotions such as relief, resentment, and unwillingness.

People who don't know about it will probably mistakenly think that Mavis is practicing some evil secret method, and she wants to temper a sword of ten thousand souls filled with resentment.

During this period, the vegetable parrot Gu Yu was pulled by Mei Weisi to help. The former's power was also inseparable from the underworld.

Yimiwu held Bad Bunny in his left hand and Crazy Bear in his right hand, muttering: "It's strange, the underworld is not open, death is not coming, Mavis has helped, why is the normal reproduction of life still stable?"

"You mean...?" Yuena raised her eyebrows, indicating that the little witch could elaborate a bit. It's rare that you are interested in the concept of "life" and asked a very valuable question.

Yuena has been quite leisurely recently. In the devil's land where order is disordered and cause and effect is cut off, Master Remidios can't hear her prayers anyway, so Yuena will occasionally be lazy.

At night, when Ye Lin lifts up the holy skirt to do daily tasks, he can also hum in a melodious and moving voice while breathing rapidly, "Great Lord Remedios ~ Your loyal believers are suffering huge insults, so we must It’s no longer possible…”

"That's right, why are you still pregnant!" The little witch suddenly said a fierce word, which shocked everyone and immediately looked at the slender waist outlined by her gothic dress.

Oh haha!

Your question is extremely problematic.

Could it be that sugar cane made the little witch follow in the footsteps of Held?


If a demon loli who only looks about thirteen or fourteen years old has an unexpected surprise, it will really be an accident. Sugar Cane has no explanation other than committing suicide.


Siatt drew his sword with a cold face, cut him off, we will be sisters from now on.

"Oh no, I don't." The little witch waved her hands quickly, her face slightly red. Who doesn't know how to purify magic with one hand?

"It's like this. When I was shopping yesterday, I saw a family setting off firecrackers and hanging lanterns. I heard that it was a celebration for the family."

Yuena breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, it turns out that's not the case, and then immediately put on a mocking tone, "Haha, stupid loli, this is the power of Lord Remedios, and physical death and the return of the soul to the underworld are two different things. Their power can still extend to the devil’s land!”

"There is a folk saying that is not unreasonable. Children are the flesh that falls from their parents' bodies and are part of their lives." Mo Mei smiled. The hundreds of millions of people in Perot Continent also understand the concept of "life" in a sense. Evolution maintains the basic order of life reproduction and seems to be a world of its own.

Yuena is right. There is no problem with the "death" attribute. The problem is the way to the underworld, which prevents the deceased from embracing the red moon in the underworld and welcoming their final death.

While they were discussing "life and death" enthusiastically, Mo Fei also officially started the star reappearance summoning ceremony.

Since it was essentially a "drama" in which she and Ye Lin colluded, Mo Fei could tinker with whatever she wanted, play tricks, talk nonsense, as long as the signal was sent out.

Mo Fei appeared on the stage, her steps were graceful, her figure was charming, and she strongly attracted the fiery eyeballs. She walked towards the sacred altar that had been built in the eyes of everyone, with mysterious magic array patterns engraved on it.

In fact, it is just a deliberately complicated magic circle of light.

The news of Mo Fei's reappearance of the stars has been widely spread throughout the empire, and has been heard in cities and towns of all sizes in the empire.

The people who have suffered from natural disasters are looking forward to the stars and the moon to shine their brilliance again.

There were many nobles and astronomers among the onlookers. They all frowned and murmured in confusion, saying, "Is this a reappearance ceremony? It's daytime now."

The sun shining brightly and warmly in the sky was so dominant that it was completely incomprehensible how the hidden stars responded to her call.

Mo Fei smiles sweetly and charms all living beings without even realizing it. She did it deliberately during the day. The more contrary to common sense her power is, the more admiration and awe she gets from the public.

"The stars have withered and the bright moon has disappeared. The national sacrifice ceremony a month ago not only failed to bring us eternal happiness, wisdom, and strength, but also seriously damaged the peace of the Pero Continent. The earth's veins were damaged and the tides were unbalanced..."


As if to verify what she said, the huge royal capital suddenly shook, and the earthquake was clearly felt under the feet. Fortunately, it came and went quickly, and no people or buildings were damaged.

The recent phenomena in Pero Continent can be understood from two angles. One is what Mo Fei is saying now, it is the fault of the evil god.

Another way can be said that because you no longer believe in the god Crusu, all natural disasters are divine punishment.

If there is a table full of people in an orderly manner, and there are napkins on the left and right of your plate, will you pick up the napkin on the left or the napkin on the right?

It doesn't matter whether the answer is left or right, what's important is that you can't be the first person to pick up the napkin.

When you are the first to pick up the napkin on the right, the person on your right will also pick up the napkin on the right, and so on until the person on your left also picks up the napkin on the right. This is leadership and the highest prestige. location.

On the contrary, if you are the first to pick up the napkin on the left, everyone else will also pick up the napkin on the left. This is the authority of the "leader".

So the current situation is that whoever is famous speaks first and leads the direction of the topic. Mo Fei has grasped this authority.

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