Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3013 I will remember you Happy New Year

Chapter 3014 I will remember you "Happy New Year"

Mo Fei activated the ritual altar engraved with mysterious lines under her feet, and those dazzling lines lit up like snow one by one, gradually changing from soft to dazzling, making onlookers unable to open their eyes to look directly.

How to reappear the stars? Questions linger in every street and in everyone's heart in the capital.

Just a few minutes later, a sudden change occurred, the altar shone, and a huge beam of sacred light instantly rushed to the extremely distant sky. The light column contained terrifying power that shocked the mind and heart, just like a god sleeping in the earth unfolding. glanced.

This also completely changed the expressions of the nobles and powerful men who were about to see Mo Fei's joke. Their eyes were lowered and solemn, and they silently re-examined the power possessed by National Master Mo Fei in their hearts.

Kingship, kingship, in the final analysis, the king relies on the fist, which is the strongest power!

"It's scary. If I touch the light pillar, I might be seriously injured." A young man in white clothes said this about the light pillar altar built by Mo Fei, his tone full of wonder and awe.


Upon hearing the man in white's personal approval, the lips and corners of the nobles' eyes frowned coldly, and they all frowned. Some plans were completely overturned, and some ambitions were immediately suppressed.

Because the man in white is a powerful origin-level man who is good at swordsmanship. He once tried to snipe the mastermind Emperor Rey during the psychic fog incident, because the fog almost killed his wife and children.

The sniper attack failed, and he was stopped by believers who had received the gift of the evil god.

Now even he said that it was impossible to estimate the true combat power of National Master Mo Fei, and the problems inside were huge, and everything had to be overturned.

A serious question appeared in front of everyone. If someone other than the national master Mo Fei was allowed to ascend the throne as the emperor, would the throne under his butt really be safe?

"I don't believe she dares to risk the disapproval of the world. She is very strong, but she is not invincible after all." There are still people who are not willing to give in, and their tone is fierce, but no matter how you look at it, there is a hint of fierceness and internal jealousy.

The man in white shook his head indifferently, not wanting to be Mo Fei's enemy for no reason.

If she is willing to reason with you, then all she lacks is an orthodox name. If she is not willing to reason with you, she is already the Queen of Mo Fei.

"Mo Fei... Mo Fei... Her name is a bit special. Do you think there is a stronger Demon King behind her..." Someone had a sudden idea and said something that once again caused turmoil.


Some of the hesitant nobles frowned again, all gloomy. A difficult choice was placed in front of them, whether to give it a try or settle for the status quo.

Soon, they made a decision, news circulated quickly, and a consensus was reached.


devil's land

Ye Lin was chatting with Planet Will in the void when he suddenly saw the signal given by Mo Fei. A beam of light penetrated the atmosphere. He immediately ended the conversation and prepared to take action.

"Thank you...I'm sorry to trouble you..." vague fluctuations came from the planet's will.

"Easy to do."

Ye Lin smiled and nodded, then stretched out his right palm towards the blue planet in front of him. Immediately, the power of space power emerged. The supreme power shook the world, and invisible ripples of rules spread out.

A shocking scene happened. Ye Lin's divine body gradually grew taller. It was as tall as the stars, his eyes were like the blazing sun, and the supreme law flowed all over his body, like the giant god who created the world in the beginning.

It wasn't until the Pero Continent, the Sun, and the Demon Realm, the three huge celestial bodies became three tiny points of light in his palm that Ye Lin held his palm and prepared to take them to the mirror dimension and to the place chosen by Fei Lao.

It really takes a little effort.

From the perspective of the Perot Continent, the bright and bright day just now suddenly turned into a deep night. The sun in the sky disappeared out of thin air. It seemed that there was a terrifying dark barrier firmly grasping the Perot Continent.

Coldness hit from all directions, panic spread among the crowd, and darkness emerged. Mo Fei's beam of light became the only source of light. A succubus actually had a sacred charm at this moment.

Beings who cannot break through the physical boundaries of their own world will instinctively give mythical colors to the sun, moon, and stars, admiring them, loving them, and fearing them.

Ye Lin grabbed the three celestial bodies and felt the sight behind him. When he turned around, the little lion-headed Kripa and the little lion-headed Kabala were staring at him with cute round eyes, mainly staring at his fists. There are two giant stars and a star fragment inside.

Kripa's color is darker and purplish, with only four fingers on his two small hands. Kabala is a bean, and the color of his body is brighter, as if covered with a layer of gold plating.

It wasn't that Ye Lin's divine body had grown larger, but that the three stars had become objects in his palm, and they had all become smaller.

"The world in a bottle..." Kripa whispered. One civilization described the universe this way. A certain supreme being poured a handful of sand from his bottle and sprinkled it into the void, and the stars and the universe were formed.

Kabala came closer, stared hard at his fist, tilted his head and body, and asked curiously: "Does it have the power of space power? Let me see."

He and Ye Lin knew each other very well. They had helped each other before and imported a lot of potato chips from him.

"No, no, I'm just dabbling in space abilities, where's Xiaodou." Yelin smiled and poked Kabala's forehead with the fingers of his left hand. Now I'm going to take them to another dimension. You two are in charge of the devil. Let’s finish it off.

"Azuki is outside the Devil's Land."

Ye Lin grabbed the three world objects and took one last look at the dark and silent Devil's Land. There was no light at all. The concept of nothingness was growing. Nothing existed here.

"I will remember you."

The last lingering sound spread out as ripples of divine power. Ye Lin left the land of demons and disappeared directly in front of the two little lion heads.

Kripa exclaimed, "How is it possible? He did not leave along the disconnected cause and effect line, but disappeared directly. It really looks like..."


Kabala covered Kripa's mouth with his small hand and shook his head, "It's just that he has outstanding talent. Understand, I heard Memet say that he can win 73% against Terra."

Not long after Ye Lin left, the void in the Demon Land collapsed, and the darkness was being swallowed up by the invisible giant mouth. It was like a cardboard box with an empty interior suddenly being trampled by an unpredictable force. The concept of void They also disappeared piece by piece.

Kripa and Kabala also left the Demon Land and returned to the edge of the dimensional barrier, trying their best to stabilize the chaotic time and space order. They used a large number of time and space stabilizing devices.


Accompanied by a dull sound, a vague sigh and relief, the Devil's Land dimension completely collapsed and then disappeared in various concepts. There was no future or history, and the invisible body had been integrated into the main dimension.

Even Ye Lin, who holds the two basic powers of space and time, cannot enter the "Devil's Land" now. It only exists in the memories of the gods and the records in the Book of Order.

Ye Lin was silent. He did not go to the Devil's Land, but to the adjacent Heaven's Forbidden City. He tried to pass through the dimensional barrier, but what he arrived at was a land at the edge of the universe where cosmic turbulence and dark matter roamed.

"I will remember you. I don't want such a tragedy to happen again."


The last chapter was harmonized around 10 o'clock. I was a little busy during the New Year and only found out in the afternoon.

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