Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3035 Very “deep” influence

Chapter 3036 Very “deep” influence

"Seriously, of course I will seriously consider it. After all, there are many ways to prepare a piece of pork belly." Another congressman said in a teasing tone.

Once again, the whole room burst into laughter, full of joy, and an atmosphere of arrogance.

What a bunch of inferior monkeys in the old continent have to think about seriously is nothing more than what kind of weapons to use to let them know the pain and the difference between cloud and mud in the sky and the world.

Ye Lin sat quietly in a corner of the parliament hall, listening to all kinds of ridicule in his ears, feeling that they were like a group of monkeys showing off the bananas in their hands, unaware that the gods were watching.

The Heavenly Federation has been proud for too long, and its eyes can only look upward. The Old Continent is synonymous with despicability and lowliness. The people here have their arrogance engraved in their bones. They have never lowered their gaze and have never known the real life of ordinary people.

No, maybe they didn’t think the Old World was human at all, and subconsciously thought they and the livestock were fine.

At a certain moment, the Speaker's heart suddenly jumped and he looked at the door of the parliament hall. Princess Alasha and others arrived at the parliament hall under the leadership of Narcissus.

There are only three people in the Old Continent, and they are currently the three strongest people in the Old Continent. They are dressed casually and carry a vague aura of blood. They seem to have only killed people before.

Just this morning, a mysterious white high city emerged from the sea like a relic. It had never been seen before and shocked many observers. However, because the attack on the Mechanical Head was too sensational, this incident did not seem so obvious. surprisingly.

The Speaker was keenly aware of the anomaly and sent someone to wait there quietly. However, he learned that the people from the Old World had been taken away by Narcissus and did not accept his kind thoughts at all.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Let me introduce you one by one..." The speaker of the parliament seemed polite and elegant gentleman at the moment. The introduction of the three people from the Old World made many members change their expressions on the spot, and even showed panic. They wanted to start from Stand up from your seat.

What a shocking joke, letting those humanoid nuclear bombs enter the parliament hall!

Of course they knew Sean's leader.

"Please be quiet. No matter what happens in today's negotiations, everyone present will not be harmed in the slightest." The Speaker reiterated that this negotiation will be rough, but it is absolutely of great significance.

His eyes inadvertently glanced at Ye Lin, who had appeared in the corner at some point, and his heart suddenly lifted. The reason why he performed so well today was simply because Ye Lin had such a profound influence.

It was very deep, and the bones were visible. The bullet penetrated the arm and caused a lot of blood.

Fras's anger surged and he gritted his teeth: "I really want to chop up all these guys."

The Speaker of the Parliament had already stood up and made simple greetings with complicated looks in his eyes. He had already reserved a seat in advance and did not deliberately look down upon these representatives of the Old World.

Although he looked down on the barbaric primitives of the Old World, he could not help but be very vigilant. Once these guys succeeded in cultivation, they would all be humanoid destruction machines and possess the most troublesome "wisdom."

The members who were laughing loudly just now also fell silent. They looked at the Speaker of Parliament with expressions of incomprehension. What on earth are you doing? These guys can massacre the entire venue.

Flas, Alasha, and Lion King stared coldly at the fat heads and big ears in the crowd, with murderous intent spreading faintly. However, Ye Lin's warning flashed through their minds and they suppressed their anger.

Ye Lin sighed, feeling a little touched in his heart, and murmured: "No wonder it is said that arrogance is the first original sin. From arrogance, class was born, and contempt was born. From the first moment of the birth of ordinary human beings, the gods' The seeds of arrogance also sprouted in my heart.”

He stood up from the corner and walked straight to the front amidst the gazes of many eyes, "Quiet, I facilitated this negotiation."

The light words contained mysterious majesty and power. One person overshadowed the entire audience, causing the entire audience to be silent.

"You don't need to know my name, but I can guarantee that the three of them will never use force in the heaven."

The Speaker of the Parliament looked at where he should have been, then he wisely found an empty seat to sit down, and touched the watch on his wrist.

How could he be completely helpless? He had secretly prepared the forbidden weapons of the Celestial Federation as a back-up... I hope it would be useful.

Ye Lin continued: "Someone has to speak first, Alaxia, you go ahead."

He took out the Ring of Surato, which had a strange effect, amplified his power to the entire venue, and reminded with a smile: "From now on, every word you say will be true."

"Who are you and what is your purpose?" someone asked. He was the deputy speaker who instructed the anti-war faction to kill Narcissus.

"I'm not from this world. My purpose is peace, and to prevent a war that a certain goddess doesn't like." Ye Lin smiled and asked, "I almost forgot about you. It was you who asked people to kill Narcissus. of?"


The deputy speaker wanted to give himself a slap on the spot. Why did he talk so much? What he clearly wanted to say was "What are you talking about? It's nonsense."

"Detailed plan, let's talk about it."

Veins appeared on the forehead of the deputy speaker's struggle, but he couldn't help but tell the whole story, how he was adding fuel to the flames, using the assassination of Narcissus to arouse the anger of the whole people, so as to raze the old continent as soon as possible.

Immediately, the whole place was in an uproar.

A smart person can realize that there is something wrong with the assassination of Narcissus after a little thought. The real purpose is definitely not Narcissus... But this kind of thing must not be brought to the table publicly, and it can be tacitly understood.

"It's magic! He manipulated the deputy speaker!" A rather handsome member stood up and spoke out his guess. His quickness in resolving the situation was admirable.

Ye Lin shrugged and said thoughtfully, "Tell me who you were with last night, where you were, and until what time."

"And..., in a hotel, stayed until eleven o'clock in the evening..."

As he read out a woman's name while sweating profusely, an older congressman suddenly changed his face, slammed the table and shouted angrily, "Tell me again what's going on."

The other person is his student, who is usually respectful and courteous, and that name is his wife.

"And..., she said you are old, and she still has some charm,... I also happen to need your resources, and I will let her blow my pillow..."


"You bastard!"

The older congressman smashed the water glass first, then rushed over with a fat belly, and started a fight on the spot, creating a mess.

The Lion King raised his eyebrows, tilted his head and asked Alasha: "Are these guys usually like this?"

"I don't know. The Tianjie Federation is quite bloated now. I'm afraid it needs to be replaced. Gee, my mood suddenly feels much better."

The deputy speaker with a gray face was temporarily detained. When the two congressmen were also pulled out, Alaxia cleared her throat and said: "Arad Continent only has five requirements. First, all garrisons of the Celestial Federation should evacuate the old continent. Take away your weapons, two, dismantle all heavenly prohibitions, three, do not cross the border at will in the future, and do not interfere with our world, four, make war compensation, five, punish the promoters of the war."

Alasha's words were short, and there were not many requirements. She fully considered the degree of freedom that the girl in the white tuxedo could give her, and understood that this was an opportunity for the old continent to usher in a new future, but she must not bully others, as it would be counterproductive.

In fact, it can be summed up in one sentence: Get out of the Arad continent and never come back again.

"The Old Continent is also our territory. Do you want to be independent or rebel?" another congressman said, frowning displeased.

The resources possessed by the Arad continent are not bad. How can a huge piece of fat be cut out and handed over to others at will?

The effect of the Eye of Surato is still there, which means that he instinctively believes that the old continent is part of the heaven and its territory.

"Fart, the oldest magic book records that the Heavenly Continent was ascended from the Arad Continent by a white-clothed magician, and you are our vassals!" The Lion King slapped the table. He had a figure that seemed slightly out of proportion to his physique. learned.

Ye Lin stretched out his hand to stop the anger between the two parties and asked, "What does heaven mean?"

"The old continent is a vassal, and you pay tribute every year!"

"Impossible!" Alaxia's beautiful eyes were filled with anger.

Ye Lin smiled and said: "The minority must obey the majority. If you have any opinions on the five treaties, I will not interfere."

The Speaker of the Parliament frowned deeply, not knowing what this person wanted to do. The Parliament seemed pedantic, but the interests were related, and everyone was in the same boat.

There’s absolutely no guessing about the answer to the poll.

"Narcissus." Ye Lin waved.

Narcissus walked up to the parliament hall, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, raised the computer in his hand, and said with a smile: "I don't need to introduce myself. I just used Pandora to connect all media and everyone's mobile phones. All the assets and blood connections of everyone present have been made public, and I swear on my honor that they are all true."

Ye Lin tapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Everyone is a member of the heaven, so the voting is on a scale of the entire heaven."

Then he tilted his head and asked Narcissus in a low voice, "What is Pandora's Box? Why haven't I heard you mention it?"

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