Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3036 We are not human

Chapter 3037 We are not human

Narcissus also moved her head in his direction, covering her red lips with the back of her hand, as if to whisper, and said: "Pandora's Box is one of my works. The specific effect is a secret and I can't tell you."


Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned to look at her suspiciously, "Then why are you coming over so seriously? I thought you were going to reveal some real secrets to my brother-in-law."

"It's not all secrets. Let's put it this way, in technological civilization, it is almost omnipotent." Narcissus smiled and said that this was just one of his secret works.

Just now, with a little effort, the voting interface was forced into the main interface of everyone's mobile phone. If you don't vote, you can't exit. You can only take a look at the property information of the parliament members she sent to them.

Ye Lin complained that you are a natural talent for advertising, Beyana's "real mother", that girl always thinks about the skyrocketing number of her Tianjie bank card, or modifying the data in the game.

Narcissus himself most desires, and has invested the most energy in research, a work that can destroy mathematical logic... has not yet succeeded.

Narcissus's actions undoubtedly strongly touched the bottom line of the members of the parliament. They stood up and slapped the table and shouted. The crowd was excited. They pointed at Narcissus and said that she had violated the sacred rights of citizens and private property. They demanded that she be arrested on the spot and all the equipment on her body be confiscated. .

"The public is eternal, the private is temporary, why are you so excited? Do you have a hidden secret? Isn't your income disclosed?" Narcissus spread his hands and said that he was innocent and it was not like he had confiscated all your money.

And my own income is also disclosed.

A somewhat elegant and scholarly man nodded and agreed: "Narcissus is right. You are the leaders of the Celestial Federation. You are standing in the brilliance of the sun. There is nothing else you can't see." It’s human’s fault.”

"Manster, don't confuse right and wrong. Narcissus is tainting the freedom and privacy of citizens. What's even more terrifying is that she must have mastered the virus program that can enter and exit the bank database at will, so she can collapse the financial building of heaven. This is terrible. Already..."

Noisy after noisy, noisy after noisy, Narcissus didn't show mercy at all, and the message was conveyed to everyone. Including the garrison who were still in the "Heaven's Forbidden" in the Old Continent also received the corresponding news, which was carefully listed in the tables.

From cash deposits to gold, real estate, luxury cars, cruise ships, various precious jewelry, personal connections... Pandora's list is like a book, the words in it are clean and clear, just put it here and provide it as you like. People read.

Eating melon and watching the excitement is also one of the greatest interests of human beings. Members who are usually difficult to contact seem to have been stripped naked, and every few pennies in their pockets have been counted.

Immediately, the huge anger erupted like an unstoppable volcano, and the billowing flames rushed out to cover the sky and burn the world... Each huge amount of money was even more than the number of digits in the phone number. A few digits were ordinary. Wealth that no one can achieve in his lifetime.

Not to mention those sky-high-priced property items, which stung the eyes that were originally for fun. It is absolutely impossible to accumulate such terrifying property with a normal salary income of a member of parliament.

"A bunch of maggots wallowing in fat!"

"My head is full of oil!"

"Damn it!"

Thanks to Narcissus' super technical support, various media and websites did not explode and maintained quite stable operations.

Ye Lin shook his head, and memories of the past came to mind, and said: "The heaven of our main dimension was originally an aristocratic politics and an aristocratic economy. The upper reaches of many industries were firmly controlled by the aristocrats, and a large amount of wealth was gathered. The royal family was poor, and even Unable to pay pensions to soldiers who died in battle...Alizee initially had to borrow money and gold."

In a high-end tourist hotel near the sea somewhere, a girl in a white tuxedo held a cup of coffee in her ear, listening to the loud curses of the waiter outside the door, she sighed and said: "This is why I dislike the human world so much that I have been staying in the land of wisdom. s reason."

"You humans have the most outstanding plasticity in the universe. Your wisdom and life attributes are perfectly integrated. You are the most appreciated work of the gods. But along with the birth of life and wisdom is the eternal existence of original sin. The power of Prana is in It’s especially obvious on you too.”

"Yes." Mailu used a silver spoon to scoop out a piece of mousse cake. It tasted very good. She responded to the youngest first, and then reminded: "I agree with you, sister. Human beings are really super complicated, but I want to correct you. Obvious error."


"There are no traditional human beings among us." Mailu smiled and pointed at the dragon Sophie, the chaos demon Issu, the unicorn rice cake, and Astra, who were not even human.

The little witch and the crazy bear went out for a walk. They said it was too stressful to stay in the house, so they went out to take a breath and see if there were any specialties to buy.

Although she does not have the currency of this world, she does have a bank card and gold bricks given by Narcissus.


Many congressmen looked ugly, and their foreheads were on fire as they sat in their seats. They already wanted to leave, and were not prepared to accompany Narcissus and the people from the Old World to continue making trouble here.

What's the use of your vote? Military power is still in the hands of a few!

But who is the man sitting in the seat of the Speaker of the Parliament? What kind of mysterious power does he possess? Why is the Speaker of the Parliament so afraid of him? It also makes people unable to think of any resistance at all.

"It's broken, brother-in-law." Narcissus tilted his body towards Ye Lin, with a worried look on his face, and whispered: "The people of Heaven are angry about the corruption of the members of the parliament, but for the old continent, many Ordinary people also have strong prejudices in their minds, believing that it is backward, a land of criminals, and a vassal of heaven.”

Narcissus did not wear her extremely conservative researcher gown today. She changed into a youthful cartoon top with a coat on top. When she tilted her body, her career line was exposed. She was worthy of being a mechanical head of state. , the cause is huge and deep.

"You mean the voting data are not optimistic?" Sugar Cane's originally hesitant eyes suddenly focused.

"Well, most treaties are almost at the level of seven to three, and war compensation has reached a terrifying nine to one ratio."

That is to say, 90% of the people in the Celestial Realm do not agree to make compensation to the old continent. They still stand on the standpoint of the Celestial Realm, with their natural arrogance and prejudice.

"Brother-in-law, what should I do? Do you want me to modify the data from the background?"

"It doesn't matter. I didn't expect that a heaven filled with arrogance and prejudice would have the lofty consciousness of equality in a short period of time." Ye Lin shrugged his shoulders. He also said that he would not interfere in the voting of heaven.

Now it was Narcissus' turn to become confused. Although there had been a volcanic eruption just now, and it was far from stopping, and there must be big trouble in the future, it was actually an internal matter in the heavenly realm and had almost nothing to do with the old continent.

Originally, the Celestial Federation Council was opposed to the troop withdrawal. If the vote failed, the follow-up would be even more troublesome.

"Brother-in-law, do you have a way?"


Seeing her stunned expression, Ye Lin smiled, stopped teasing Narcissus, and said, "I just said that the minority obeys the majority, but what does the minority and the majority in heaven have to do with the old continent? I just want to see Let’s see if the Celestial Federation can still save us, if there are still sensible people who know the world’s virtues, and if there are still virtues of sympathy and mercy... Fortunately, I was not too disappointed.”

"Brother-in-law, you..." Narcissus was really shocked, and for the first time, there was something different from the identity of "brother-in-law" in his beautiful eyes like sea water.

Only now did she suddenly realize that her brother-in-law not only wanted to help the Old Continent, but also wanted to perform a major operation on the Celestial Federation to drain out the old, smelly, dirty blood.

My brother-in-law, who is a bit powerful, is sad that he can marry a daughter of the Nimer family.

"What a pity, brother-in-law, you have my sister." Narcissus joked, then frowned and asked: "Which sister is I?"

The voting process ended soon, and the participants were about half of the people in heaven.

Narcissus forcibly implanted programs into everyone's devices to force them to make choices, but he could not control everyone's thoughts. Half of the people suspected that it was a virus and did not dare to mess around.

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