Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 304: The relationship between father and daughter is very tense.

"Treason against the Queen, he is finished."

Santorini looked at the congressman being escorted by the guards, and his heart was filled with joy. If he hadn't been concerned about his image and influence, he would have wanted to laugh heartily.

He was worried that he had no way or evidence to force three congressmen to dismount, but in the blink of an eye, the other party made a stupid move and hit the gun.

"You can't say that."

Although Cornaro was a little surprised, he still kept a clear head and frowned: "After all, his action at that time was to leave the council hall. It can only be said that carrying weapons is against the regulations, which is not enough to cause a death penalty, but I guess it won't take long. The whole parliament is going to intercede on his behalf."

There are cobwebs of interests involved behind the three congressmen. I am afraid that tomorrow, or even tonight, all kinds of letters will be piled up on the Queen's desk.

But fortunately, the queen has been picked up, which can at least delay her for a few precious days.

After finishing speaking, both of them cast strange eyes on Ye Lin.

Did the MP really bring a sword to assassinate the Queen?

Even if I think about it, I know it's impossible. The best I can do now is to slap a hat on my head and lock him up for a period of time.

However, if Queen Skadi has the corresponding means, she should be able to seize the opportunity to seize the rights from the other party.

Ye Lin hummed, nodded in agreement, and exclaimed: "How brave! You deserve to be armed."

Seeing him pretending not to know, Santorini and Cornalo could only look at each other and shrug helplessly.

I can't force myself to ask him. I can't explain this matter clearly. There are still people in the council hall.

"Come, let me introduce to you..."

Santorini took the two of them to introduce each other, and only then did Yelin realize that the person who had just persuaded him was actually Luo Lian's father!

He hurriedly took the initiative to shake hands and said sincerely: "Hello, hello, Lord Earl, I have been disrespectful before, please don't mind it."

Luo Lian ran away from home for several years, and Cornalo never sent anyone to capture her. In a sense, he was quite a military commander.

"You don't need to be so polite. I heard this girl Luo Lian mention you. You are indeed a talented person. You don't need to call me Earl. Call me..."

"Father-in-law?" Santorini suddenly interrupted.

"Hey, you guys are itchy, aren't you?"

Cornalo's eyes widened and he rolled up his sleeves as if to fight, but there was a sincere smile on his face.

It seems that today, this old friend is still in a good mood. He finally loses his arrogance and is able to make some harmless jokes.

But Luo Lian, he really has a headache...

This girl can be crazy, dare to break in, run away from home as soon as she says she will, or even never come back.

If it weren't for the occasional letters sent back, he would have sent people to the west coast to arrest him.

"I'm going back first. I have something else to do tonight..."

Ye Lin's deliberately spaced farewell made the two of them look stern and secretly frightened.

There is no turning back when you draw a bow. Since you have brought down one congressman, you might as well be ruthless and move the other two as well.

Watching Ye Lin leave, Santorini nudged him with her elbow and teased: "He's pretty good. Your girl is familiar with him. She's rich, powerful, and looks upright. Do you really want to not consider it?" "

"I thought it was useless. I can take care of the traitor who ran away from home!"

Cornalo waved his hand helplessly and sighed, feeling sluggish and depressed, with a little regret in his heart.

He initially asked Luo Lian to train warriors, but he never thought that his daughter was not just a swordsman, but a magic genius!

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have become so stiff!


After leaving the city hall, he returned home and prepared to deal with the other two council members.

"Lorian, I met your dad in the city hall. He is very handsome and powerful, but he is wearing a tuxedo, which doesn't match his temperament and body type."

Luo Lian and Taylor come to eat together every weekend. They are all store employees who know each other very well, and Celia doesn't mind a few more pairs of chopsticks.

Moreover, these idiots always arrive an hour early for dinner, implying that you should cook more. However, Mo Mei and Reni did not come with us today because they had something to do.

Luo Lian, who was dressing up Naiyali, continued her movements without even turning her eyes, and replied calmly:

"I told him countless times that the only difference between a man like you wearing a formal dress and a goblin wearing a dress is that you waste more fabric. What can I do if he doesn't listen?"

The aggrieved and pitiful Naiyali was treated like an exquisite doll by the whole family. Everyone wanted to squeeze that pretty little face and then change her clothes or hairstyle according to their own ideas.

The only thing that makes Naiyali satisfied and happy is that she has plenty of snacks and fruits at home, but she has to fight for them with rice cakes.

Since Luo Lian didn't care, he didn't bother to worry about the relationship between father and daughter. He waved and said: "Niyali, come here, I need your help if I need anything."


Naiyali under Luo Lian disappeared in the blink of an eye and appeared floating in the air behind Ye Lin. She was dissatisfied and yelled while touching her hair: "Take me out to play!"

"Okay, okay, come with me. There is indeed something for you to do and play with tonight."

Not long after, Celia's little face was filled with the satisfaction of success, and she was holding a plate of fragrant hazelnut biscuits, with a little flour on her fingers.

"Where's Naiyali?"

After looking around and finding no one, he put the biscuits on the table for them to try. There were still some in the kitchen that had not been taken out of the oven, and Pinocchio was waiting for them.

"Outside, that heartless guy in your family seems to be exploiting child labor."

Taylor pointed to the courtyard, where Ye Lin was talking carefully with Niyali and Demon Sword, holding two maps in his hand.


midnight, eleven o'clock

In front of the floor-to-ceiling curtains that were opened on both sides, Siatt was wearing her customary black one-piece dress and a pair of cotton slippers on her feet. She looked out the window at the bright cold moon, with the silver light hitting her face, and her arms around her chest. In a daze.


The door was opened slightly from the outside, but she didn't seem to notice it and remained motionless.

A trace of sadness and helplessness quietly appeared on her elegant and clean face. The hot milk on the table next to her was already cold. She had been standing like this since dinner, and she had been standing in this place.


With a soft murmur, he hugged the graceful waist and body from behind, but there was no unruly movement, just a deep and quiet hug.

"It must be difficult for you to deal with the Third Princess."

Fatty's hatred for the empire could not be completely eliminated by Isabella's overtures. It only related to Siatt's impression of her.

Siatt came back to her senses, leaned back a little, and sighed quietly:

"I don't have any extreme hatred for her right now. How should I put it, your plan is very good, but... I feel like I'm very unhappy and can't vent enough. I want to beat Leon up."

Although she will be very happy about the civil strife that will inevitably occur in the Delos Empire in the future, the most embarrassing situation now is that it is far better to punch her with her own hands than to watch her enemies suffer.

The power is boiling, there is nowhere to vent, and the heart is happy, but it is not enough!

The arms tightened slightly, and there was a trace of guilt on Ye Lin's face: "Are you starting to doubt now that I made up the Song of the Sword Emperor to lie to you?"

"Well, it's really... shameless!"

Siatt slapped away a hand that was pointing upwards, and then twisted it, neither lightly nor hard.

He turned the fat man over, and while controlling the fat, his foreheads touched each other, and he was extremely pleased: "Compared to the first time we met, you have become much stronger, and you should be able to withstand more transfer force."


He didn't give her a chance to answer immediately. Instead, he tilted his head to taste the exchange. After a while, he breathed out quickly:

"After Billmark, I want you to go to a place. You can go by yourself. Of course, your companions can call Feng Ying and Mavis."


"Wei Talun, I will let you strike out with that sword."

Once again, Fatty was deprived of the right to reply. The black fabric of the dress had inexplicable wrinkles, and the fat became cooler.

"Are you playing sumo wrestling?"

After the exchange, Siatt gritted her teeth and couldn't help but stand up on her toes and gave him a hard squeeze.

She has refreshing short hair and does not need to be tied up deliberately.


He was half-lying on his side, breathing evenly, with a rosy complexion and calm eyebrows. He was pressing the quilt hard with both hands, as if he wanted to suffocate something.

After a while, Ye Lin poked his head out from one side and analyzed himself confidently:

"Just like sweet and salty tofu pudding, some people like to eat crystal hard candies, while others like milk jelly candies. Personally, I am more of a middle-of-the-road kind of person. I think the ones that are more chewy like fruit candies taste better."

Siatt rolled her eyes at him and retorted: "Mr. Luo is also very sexy, you should go and eat it!"

In the front yard of the manor, by Mr. Luo's pond, the magic sword hanging on the southeast branch, and Naiyali who lived on the upper bunk in Mailu's room, quietly disappeared.

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