Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 305 Naiyali and the Demonic Sword

Time goes back to ten o'clock in the morning

The bright moon was high and the cool breeze was blowing. A drunkard who had just walked out of the Moonlight Tavern against the wall, his legs and feet went weak and he fell directly to the ground, eating mud and dust all over his face.

"Damn it, I just drank five bowls, why am I drunk? No, I'm not drunk, it's because the road is not smooth."

He complained that the place was uneven and that the people who paved the road were trash. After a lot of effort, he managed to stand up and move to the side of the street. He took a big breath and smelled of alcohol.

"Hey, hey, speaking of the boss lady, who can do that snake-like waist, tsk..."

He muttered something like a memory, and his eyes gradually blurred as he stared at the sky. He was probably going to sleep on the roadside today.

But in the next moment, I saw a huge sword flying past in the moonlight, with a little girl sitting on it?

The little girl still has wings?

The drunkard rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked again, but there was no trace anywhere, only the cold moonlight was left.

"Damn, it looks like I drank too much, I'm going to hell."

"Girl, you can fly by yourself, why are you sitting on me?"

The demon sword was angry and displeased. Don't you have two wings behind you? Why do you need to get a cushion and let me carry you to fly?

"When two people fly, they consume two magic powers. When one person flies, they consume one magic power. It is energy-saving and environmentally friendly."

Naiyali held a bag of hazelnut biscuits in her arms. She was finally able to go out to do things... play. The clean moonlight and the gentle breeze made her feel so relaxed and happy.

"That's what you are saying..." Demon Sword was startled, but immediately retorted: "Leave aside the problem of magic power loss, you and I are not human!"

Naiyali stepped on the magic sword with her high-heeled boots, and her body disappeared instantly, leaving only an excited tail tone in the night sky, "Let's see who is faster!"


In the southeast corner of Hutton Mall, there was a brightly lit villa palace, which could be called a magnificent bedroom. The fat councilor who was still bossing around in the city hall during the day gave himself a hard slap, and his face was almost ferocious.

Drowsiness, fatigue, and lethargy come over me like rising waves, and my eyelids fight like crazy.

He intuitively felt that there was definitely something wrong with the dagger during the day. How could his companion do such a stupid thing as assassinating the Queen? It was simply the worst of the worst.

He really wanted to calm down and analyze it carefully, but the poison that Paris had inflicted has not been removed yet.

"You bitch priests, if you don't detoxify me, don't fall into my hands!"

Unable to bear the fatigue, the congressman fell down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The servants who had been guarding outside the bedroom also breathed a sigh of relief, all with wry smiles on their faces.

The congressman has fallen into this state of irritability and restlessness a long time ago, and it is not uncommon for him to curse and get angry.

Just like Santorini's helplessness in the coffee shop, for a person who really needs to work and think, cutting off his conscious time is simply more uncomfortable than killing him.

Just when the servants were about to extinguish the lights in the villa, a magic sword quietly entered the parliamentarian's bedroom.



With a huge roar, the cleanly decorated white walls shattered and exploded. The congressman who was previously thought to have fallen asleep actually held a huge sword with surging demonic flames and slashed around like crazy.

The servants turned pale with fright and fled in a hurry. Their screams pierced the tranquility of Hedunmar.

"Master is crazy!"

On the other side, Senator Mustache was also sleepy, but his condition was better because he went to take a nap when he came back in the afternoon.

His companion was arrested and imprisoned after entering the council hall with weapons for no apparent reason. He instinctively smelled a hint of conspiracy.

In the past few years, they had emptied the rights of Queen Skadi. In Hedunmar, she was treated like a different kind of emperor. She was so arrogant and domineering that no one dared to look directly at her. She was cheered and supported when she went out.

Behind them is the most powerful empire in the Arad continent. Who dares to touch them?

But now...

"Strange, since when did the Queen's power show signs of shrinking?"

After thinking of this subtle point, he was stunned. Skadi, when did you start preparing to fight back?

What happened today must have been premeditated.

"Although that idiot has been temporarily imprisoned, there are still a large number of troops stationed in Miranda Plains. Tomorrow...or just make an excuse to go out tonight."

Among the three council members, he is considered the more cautious one.

If Ye Lin's sudden intrusion is understandable, but the sudden appearance of the two-foot dagger is really evil.

"Yeah, uncle, it's so late, where are you going?"

The sudden chuckle from behind made him suddenly grab a sharp sword on the bedside and turn around, but then he was stunned for an instant.

A cute little girl with pink and jade sculptures was sitting on the desk in his room, her two white calves were crossed together, and her high-heeled leather boots were dangling.

Because of the sleepiness poison, he could only combine his study and bedroom to save some time.

"Who are you?"

The doors and windows were intact and not damaged at all, but a little girl suddenly appeared in the room. Such a ghostly scene was enough to make people's hearts rise in their throats.

A purple light flashed in Niyali's palm, a long purple whip was held in her palm, and a burst was thrown in the air: "Uncle, I heard that you are very rich."

Hearing this, he couldn't bear it any longer. He held the financial power of Bellemare. Over the years, he had enriched his own pockets with countless coins, gems, and gold.

The other party's direct mention of money was tantamount to directly touching one of his most sensitive nerves, and also proved that this little girl did not come with good intentions!

The sharp sword slashed diagonally, and the sword energy roared softly. He actually concealed a good sword soul strength.



The desk was split into two, but the mysterious little girl was completely missing.

Naiyali, who appeared behind him, waved her whip and said aggrievedly: "Ah, uncle, you are so cruel and unfriendly."

The congressman turned around, not to swing his sword at Naiyali, but to break open the door and escape.


The small leather whip whipped out a crisp sound in the air, winding like a poisonous snake, and stretched more than ten times in the blink of an eye, tying the opponent into a rice dumpling.

An even more terrifying situation occurred. The escaping congressman was unable to control his body and began to walk back involuntarily.

Black high-heeled leather boots made a "da~da" sound on the wooden floor. Naiyali had a playful look on her face, and her eyes shone brightly:

"Come on, uncle, write down where you hid your money, how you hid it, and the partners who have been with you over the years. Don't miss a word."

"That guy said, if you can write at least three pieces of paper, if you miss one word, I'll give you a whip on your spine! Hehehehehe~"

The congressman who was forced back to the desk was horrified to find that under the light above the bedroom, the girl's shadow slowly appeared with horns and wings!


next day

When Ye Lin stretched and went downstairs, he saw Naiyali sleeping on Tana's lap and the magic sword he had hung on the tree. He couldn't help but smile knowingly.

It seems that the three poisonous insects have been restrained and have a fatal handle, and the rest is the Biermark Empire Testing Ground.

"Hiat! Hurry up!"

He shouted upstairs.

"Here you go, call me Hammer, I haven't had breakfast yet."

Siatt hurried downstairs, grabbed a piece of bread, and signaled to lead the way and get down to business.

"Yeah~." Celia clapped her hands and smiled sideways: "After everyone has finished eating, pack up and get ready. Let's go back to Grand Forest."

After Lord Conard left Hutton Mar, the third princess Isabella took up residence as the nominal embassy of the Delos Empire.

The purpose of his meeting with Isabella this time was not to discuss distant marriage and ambiguity, but to take the most critical step in the plan to transform the princess, the Billmark Proving Ground!


In the corridor inside the embassy, ​​Cyrus who was passing by suddenly sneered, causing Siatt, who had been walking intently, to stop.

After scanning the corner of his eye, he snorted from his nose, showing his disdain.

"Your sword control skills seem to have improved. Are you chopping vegetables faster?"

"It's indeed faster to cut off that piece of garbage on your body."

The two people at the door were instantly at war with each other. Their momentum was tit-for-tat in the air, and they kept colliding.

One person's sword intent rises, the elemental demon sword shines, the other person uses the demon snake sword, the demon king is bloody and violent.


Along with the sound of the door closing, wanton energy surged and bloomed instantly, and the elemental demon sword collided with the strange demon.

Ye Lin shrugged, locked the door of the small living room, walked to the small round table in the center, sat down, and said helplessly: "Let's fight. Fight in advance to avoid accidents later."

"Ahead of time? Wait a moment? Are you bringing Cyrus with you when you ask me about something?"

Isabella asked the question keenly and did not feel shy or embarrassed at all, even though the man in front of her almost became her husband.

"Haha, don't you think she won't let you alone, and lock you up as a hostage?"

The atmosphere is also very casual and natural, like an afternoon tea between good friends, talking casually.

He took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee, hesitated for a little, then brought the topic back to the main point, and said, "If you have time, come with me somewhere, maybe two to three days."

"If you plan the trip, you should be able to squeeze out a few days. Do you want to take me on an adventure?"

The Third Princess's eyes lit up. She had long expressed her desire to go on an adventure with him, but due to various subtle accidents and reasons, Ye Lin never took her there.

"Adventure...that's right."

Ye Lin smiled. The test site of the Billmark Experimental Empire is now filled with various mutated beasts. They want to break into the top-secret area and help Fei Lao obtain the vital transfer power at the center of the experiment. It can be said to be a very exciting adventure.

However, when the third princess entered that hell-like testing ground, it was still unknown whether her attitude and stance could develop and change in the direction he expected.

Was he shocked by Lyon's crime, or did he fall into emotional isolation because of it?

Of course, if things go beyond expectations, Magic Sword and Alice will also delete the memory and treat her as if she never came.

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