Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 306: Confess to the Princess

"My imperial brother said that you scared Human so much. I don't like that guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He often speaks ill of me and says that I have lost my status as an imperial daughter."

Isabella was in a very happy mood. She was freed from the shackles of the palace and was about to embark on an unknown but certainly interesting adventure. She was full of excited expectations for it.

She is not asking Ye Lin to respond and agree, but is expressing her feelings on her own, and the other party only needs to listen.

Pushing open the door of the living room, a strong wave of air hit her face, but she was not a weakling with no strength. Although her hair was blown away by the air current, her face showed no fear.

Siatt and Cyrus were still fighting, but it seemed that they were very measured in their attacks and were just venting their emotions. This fight would have to happen sooner or later.

After all, if there was a fight between life and death, the Delos embassy would be demolished into a pile of ruins in less than three minutes.

Of course, the exquisite courtyard is already pitted and the rockery fountain has long been in pieces.

Isabella pointed to the courtyard and complained: "I want to lay a lawn here, plant fruit trees, and dig a few ponds to raise ornamental fish, but Cyrus won't let me."


Ye Lin rolled his eyes and complained secretly. The rockery, floor tiles, and fountains in the original courtyard were all arranged. If he wanted to follow what she said, he would have to tear them all down and start over again, which would cost a lot of money.

This kind of nonsensical luxury behavior may not be affordable for ordinary nobles.

But now two high-quality demolition workers have carefully smashed the courtyard to pieces, and it is impossible to rebuild it without rebuilding it.

After looking at each other for a brief knowing smile, he hesitated a little, sighed, and started to open the topic:

"Residents near the Elvin Defense Line received news that a very aggressive red cat demon appeared in the nearby forest, and there was a strange roar in a certain direction."

Tell it earlier, tell it later, the Biermark Empire Testing Site is all about letting the princess know, so why not announce it frankly now and directly tell the other party where this adventure is.

Otherwise, if he abducted the princess to Biermark and then explained it in detail, he would have lost a lot of impression and goodwill at first, and it would have the smell of deliberate deception.

Even if things continue to develop in the direction she wants, there will probably be some grudges and rifts in the princess's heart that are difficult to erase.

Frankness is respect for each other.

Isabella didn't seem to react immediately, her expression was one of surprise and anticipation, and she directly ignored the bloodthirsty cat demon:

"Near the Elvin Defense Line, isn't that the Gran Forest? The place where the elves once lived is called the Moving Jungle. I heard that the elves' secret treasures are hidden in it. Where should we go?"

To this day, Grand Forest is still a place where many adventurers are willing to go to experience, not only because of the mediocre strength of goblins and cat monsters, but also because of the allure of elven relics.

"It's a pity that the elves disappeared in a fire." He seemed to be in despair.

Isabella nodded in agreement with regret: "Yes, there was an inexplicable fire. Among the elves, only Sosia from the Moonlight Tavern is left."

Ye Lin's eyes moved slightly. Judging from the princess's behavior, she didn't seem to know that the main messenger of the fire was Leon.

Also, that fire is still a mystery that countless scholars cannot solve. In terms of confidentiality work, it is much better than the test site.

It may also be that the aftermath work is relatively in place...

After thinking about it, he decided to reveal his destination, so he pretended to be confused:

"According to the information obtained by the principality soldiers' exploration, the direction where the bloodthirsty cat demon appears is on the edge of the Grand Forest, which seems to be... the former Bill Mark."

"Bill Mack?"

Isabella was stunned. This name was actually not unfamiliar to her, because her best friend Cyrus once participated in the transfer experiment in pursuit of power.

The explanation given by Leon, her father, was that a group of willing people who were thirsty for power took the initiative to participate in the transfer experiment.

Because her best friend Cyrus had indeed gained demon power beyond mortals, this explanation was easy for her to accept.

But Yelin seemed to be hesitant just now, and she immediately guessed that there might be something in Billmark that was difficult for her to accept?

Although she has a vague concept of money and is adventurous and cheerful by nature, it does not mean that she has no brains or is not smart enough.

The corridor of the embassy had reached the end. Ye Lin sighed and patted the bench next to the corridor to indicate that he should sit down and rest for a while.

"To tell you the truth, the bloodthirsty cat demon should have come out of Bilmak. Queen Skadi found some immunity capsules with great effort. Let's go take a look at the closed testing site."

He didn't say it directly, but hinted at it from the side. Your father publicly stated that the interior had been wiped out due to the explosion. Why are there still bloodthirsty cat monsters surviving?

Is your father lying?

"I've also heard that there is a transference atmosphere inside, and it's impossible to enter without an immune capsule. Could it be... that the cat monsters mutated after entering?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Isabella's originally worried face. If the transfer of aura is so terrifying, it would not be impossible if an outsider really caused the mutation.

"Then... let's go see what's going on inside?"

Probably the self-comfort had an effect, and Isabella returned to her original energetic state.

Moreover, Billmark was once the place where Cyrus and Siatt stayed. She was actually a little curious about what kind of wonderful experiment could give people such powerful power.

Isabella really didn't think too much about it. She had never cared about national affairs. If it weren't for her best friend, she might not have known about the testing site.

Taking risks and spending money are the only two things that make you happy.

This is exactly what Ye Lin has been unable to control so far. When it comes to spending money, the third princess is definitely a good hand, but she is obviously not mature enough to run the country like Skadi and Meia.

Moreover, the territory of Delos is much larger than that of Xuzu, and the difficulty of running the country is also far greater than that of Aska.

Regarding this situation, after having an in-depth discussion with Siatt last night, we could only decide to take it one step at a time, giving Lyon a hammer first and allowing Bellemare to return to the country.

After clearing his throat, Ye Lin made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted, "Stop fighting, we should go."



The sword energy and the snake belly sword collided with each other, and a very deep pit exploded on the ground between Siatt and Cyrus. Mud splashed more than ten meters high, covering the entire imperial embassy.

After that, just cleaning up the soil will probably take more than half a day of manpower.

"Oh, do you have pinkeye? You need to be treated. Pay attention to hygiene, wash hands frequently, and wear a mask."

Siatt was breathing heavily while holding the giant sword, but she still spoke well, sarcastically saying that her red eyes were caused by unhygienic rubbing.

"It's a lot of nonsense, and it's as flashy as your sword."

The scarlet color in Cyrus's eyes slowly faded away. The fight did not cause any injuries, but only consumed a lot of energy.

Her red eye problem is caused by being invaded by a demon, and her vision is slightly obstructed and uncomfortable.

But after Demon King Tamos was inexplicably called out by Ye Lin that day, the situation became much better. As long as no force was used, red eyes would generally no longer appear, but a very clean amber color.

"Let's talk first, Cyrus."

When the huge EX Dornier was already in sight, Ye Lin issued a warning in advance: "Be careful to control your emotions, otherwise we will tie you up and throw you into the airship warehouse without letting you play."

She is loyal to the empire. She will meet Feng Ying and Mavis later. If they fight again, it will waste some time.

And regarding Cyrus, Ye Lin is also a little careful, that is, whether she can turn her "hound" loyal to the empire into a "hound" loyal to Isabella.

The devil (dog-licking) Tamos on the opponent is also a force that cannot be ignored. It is a pity to list him as an enemy.

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