Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3048 Five Fools

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ye Lin, you are such a big bastard, your conscience is rotten!"

Biana's thin twin ponytails were like two red lantern spikes when blown by the wind. She roared several times at the unfamiliar sky and earth in the God Realm, and her anger was burning her heart.

It's so abominable, even if Ye Lin doesn't help, he just makes sarcastic remarks.

What to say: Since you people from the demon world want to conquer the god world and defeat the people from the god world in all aspects, then from now on, you should be down-to-earth, start from scratch, and start from scratch.

Under Ye Lin's righteous words, everyone gave Biana a thumbs up and sent applause emoticons.

I fully support her mentally, but I don’t get any material or interpersonal help at all.

Muse and Leaf, people from the God Realm, kindly gave some useful suggestions. You must not make any agreements with others casually in the God Realm. If you make an agreement, you must fulfill it, otherwise you will be betrayed by the entire residents of the God Realm. If you are disdainful, you will be looked down upon with cold eyes.

This is one of the basic humanistic attributes of the divine world, agreement.

Another native, Ludmila, was busy in the heaven, working at the "Beleian Port" in Mospis, and didn't pay attention to this matter at all.

"Forget it, let's find a place to pitch a tent now." Biana crossed her arms and shivered, her face turned slightly pale, the temperature on the back of the giant beast was so cold, and Wind and snow.

According to school textbooks, for every 100 meters of altitude increase, the temperature will drop by about 0.6 degrees Celsius.

The low-flying sky-curtain beast under your feet is currently flying at an altitude of almost three thousand meters. In addition, it is also the end of winter in the God Realm. As a result, the current temperature is dripping with ice, making people shiver, and their toes don't look like their own. Yes.

"Get up quickly, you have to quickly find a sheltered place to pitch your tent." Biana is still energetic, probably because she drank a drop of water of life and initially awakened Gu Terra's golden bloodline, so she is now in the team the best.

They have seen several large whales since they arrived in the God Realm, and behind each of the giant beasts, there is a majestic mountain covering it. From the top of the mountain to the mountainside, it is covered with snow. The highest point of the mountain can be called Jishi.

There seems to be no one living on the back of this giant beast of the sky, and there is no GBL religion.

They were lucky and quickly found a dry and sheltered place among three huge and irregular rocks. All they had to do was block the door.

First clean up the debris on the ground, then work together to set up a large waterproof and windproof tent, lay a layer of moisture-proof mat inside, and then take out five soft sleeping bags.


Regardless of their poor academic performance in cultural classes, their outdoor camping skills are top-notch. After all, it is a hobby.

After setting up a place to sleep tonight, I fed Wanzi’s fire-attribute Famelier "Fire Jack" a few small red crystals. Fire Jack chewed them to pieces, then puffed up his cheeks and said, "Hula~" A blazing flame burst out.

The five "wandering" Demon World people warmed themselves around the fire Jack. The warmth came over them and covered their whole bodies. They all showed comfortable expressions. They were so comfortable now and they were alive.

Ye Lin had warned them many times not to blindly follow Kukai. The environment there was very dangerous, tearing energy was raging in the Kukai Pillar, and mysterious monsters were lurking. Source-level experts were at risk of falling if they were not careful. .

But if Biana could be honest and obedient, she wouldn't be called Biana.

They tried their best to drill into the Pillar of the Sea, but the outer barrier was extremely solid and flowed with layers of wave-like magical power. Conventional physical methods could not enter at all, and Maruko's frost drill drill bit was blunted.

Until Biana came up with an imaginative method, we can try using the space jumping ability of the stand-in Scarecrow.

The ability of the substitute scarecrow has been improved. Now it does not need to be passively triggered by slapping oneself. As long as the mind points, it can easily reach the destination.

Then they got in...

Then the tragedy happened, and they were directly hit by the raging energy storm. The various defensive secrets and defensive treasures they used were all shattered in the terrifying storm.

Just when the whole army was about to be destroyed, a brilliant ancient divine light burst out from Biana's Gu-killing spear, leading them to tear through the storm and rush into the sky, where they happened to fall into the arms of a giant sky-veiled beast. On the back.

In view of the super restless personalities of the five of them, Ye Lin stuffed amulets into them in case of emergency, but they would only explode when they were on the verge of death.

The light of the Gu-killing Spear should be Niwu's back-up, and its triggering priority is higher than that of Ye Lin's amulet.

Wanzi tightened his large coat, stretched out his hand to warm himself, and muttered: "I won't be able to get down for a while, what should I do? There is a strange magic power near the body of this giant sky-curtain beast, and the flying broom and the substitute scarecrow are ineffective. "

Leader Ophelia's giant sky-curtain beast has no such problem. Magadha and Dornier come and go every day, but the wind is a bit stronger around them.

As the captain of the demon team, Beyana scratched her head and thought hard for a while, then slapped her thigh and said seriously: "Now that it's over, let's eat first, I'm hungry."

Everyone nodded immediately, then took out Wanzi's magician's hat, groped around inside, and found a cooking pot, a stack of bowls, beef, mutton, pork, fish balls, ham, various vegetables, wide noodles, sesame sauce, and hot pot. Base material...

Adventurers also have to eat, so they are well prepared for meals and carry at least half a month's worth of rations.

A simple cooking pot stand was set up. Fire Jack jumped up and down, taking the initiative to get under the pot to serve as fuel. The photoelectric eel rushed to the top of the tent, emitting warm and bright light. Snow Jack ran away and went to sleep on the snow mountain. meeting.


The shadow night cat squatted on Wanzi's shoulder and swung its tail, leaning its little head into the pot, trying to eat the fish balls.

The sky in the God Realm has slowly been covered with a dark layer of mist. It won't go down for a while now, and I don't know where this giant sky-curtain beast will fly to. It's better to eat first.

They come, the security.

The warm stove and the smell of food seem to have become the only light on the mountain behind the giant beast...


After eating one fish ball, the Shadow Night Cat was about to eat the second one. Suddenly he meowed and his hair exploded. His topaz-like eyes were staring at the dark space beyond the photoelectric eel, and "Woo-woo" came out of his throat. "The threatening voice.

Seeing that his owner, Wanzi, was still eating, Shadow Night Cat swooped down and slapped Wanzi twice on the face with his little paws, and then pointed hard at the darkness outside with his little paws in Wanzi's confused eyes.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Wanzi quickly put down his bowls and chopsticks. The photoelectric eel also understood and immediately tried its best to shine, illuminating a radius of 100 meters like the light of day.

The next moment, the threat revealed made them fearful.

In the darkness illuminated by the photoelectric eel, behind a thick pine tree, lurked quietly a mysterious monster that they had never seen before, staring at them without emotion with a pair of cold white eyes.

The mysterious monster has a burly physique yet is streamlined and graceful. Most of the fur on its body is gray-purple in color. The fur near the eye sockets, back and tail are darker in color, and its abdomen is covered with soft gray-white fluff.

A pair of ears are very long, like those of a caracal, and have two tails with a whole ball of down at the end.

"A subspecies of the lucky three-tailed cat, the lucky two-tailed cat?" An idea popped into Bailey's head. The other person looked very much like a cat.

But those cold white eyes didn't look lucky at all.

"Hiss! When did it come close to me?" Natya was tensed up, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

As an excellent adventurer, being quietly approached by an unknown danger is definitely a big mistake and could be fatal, not to mention that they are in a completely unfamiliar world of gods.

I was too relaxed when I was setting up the tent, and mistakenly thought that there was no one else behind the giant sky-curtain beast, so I didn't set up a defensive barrier.

Lily quietly picked up the staff, then couldn't help but shrink her neck and said: "I always feel that its eyes are like the shadow night cat, very intelligent, it seems to understand what we are saying and doing, It was looking at me when I held the staff."

"Ahem, you... how are you? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat? Have we occupied your territory? We will find a way to leave tomorrow." Bayana waved to the big cat, taking the lead in showing kindness , it would be best if we could communicate.

The mysterious feline monster glanced at them briefly, then turned into a shadow and disappeared.

"Why do I feel..." Wanzi said in an uncertain tone: "It seems to be looking at five fools."

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