Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3049 Biana’s new transformation

Their personalities and behaviors are very similar to humans, especially the creatures with very human eyes. They have seen many creatures, including four Familiers at close range, Astra, Dabao, Lucky Three-tailed Cat, and others further away. Rice cakes from the past.

They all have extraordinary spiritual energy and can communicate with humans, but their appearance is different from humans. Like rice cakes, they are not surprised when they turn into humans.

Mi Gao is now a beautiful little girl with a horn between her eyebrows, and Director Monica's four Familials have also turned into human forms, causing mischief in the ancient library all day long, running around with Iggy.

The large monster with two tails and a gray body and white belly just now gave them a feeling of extraordinary intelligence and a very human nature. When they left, their cold white eyes showed a strange "looking at fools" meaning. .

"It's so abominable." Lily chewed a mouthful of mutton ribs and muttered: "We, great adventurers, have defeated apostles, fought dragons, and bravely traveled through the three realms, yet we are so strongly despised by a monster."

"Do it?!" Lily narrowed her eyes slightly and made a gesture of wiping her neck.

Wanzi, who had the best academic performance, corrected a cognitive error and said: "It should be a monster, not a monster. The god world calls monsters that are not compatible with humans. Monster is the name of our demon world."

As an additional topic, the definition of Warcraft in the World of Warcraft is relatively broad, ranging from the sea monster Hiero, the time monster Atropika, and the stone witch Anne, to as small as a stone bone beast and a piece of Terra Stone. They are all considered Warcraft concepts. category.

Biana shook her head, picked up a piece of noodles with chopsticks, and sucked it off... "It's late at night, let's eat first, and then we'll have a look tomorrow. This weather is going to freeze people to death."

After enjoying a delicious meal of hot hotpot, with food in their stomachs and no panic in their hearts, they packed up the tableware, and then had the foresight to set up a defensive barrier outside the camp. The five guys just got into the waterproof tent.

After chatting for a while, scolding the disgusting Ye Lin, and checking the phone for a while, he narrowed his big eyes in contentment.

It's great. There is still signal in the God Realm. It's just a little stuck and delayed, but it's basically harmless.


I'm so full that my bones are crispy.

At midnight, the low-altitude flying sky-curtain beast slowly lowered its altitude, and plunged into the huge thundercloud flashing with traces of lightning in the humid and dark night sky. Its body was suddenly wrapped in rich water vapor and thunder, and its position was at The edge of the White Sea.


The raging thunder and lightning in the thunder cloud jumped on the surface of the giant sky-curtain beast, like electric snakes dancing wildly, and the Milky Way was torn apart. The power of the sky was majestic and shocking, and the giant sky-curtain beast with incredible anti-magic ability let out an extremely comfortable sound. chanted loudly.

Beyana and the others, who had just fallen asleep, immediately numbed their paws and woke up with a fright. The tent was moisture-proof and rain-proof, but not lightning-proof. The defensive barrier was shattered by lightning, and the jumping arc light seemed to make people enter the thunder. of hell.

"That giant sky-curtain beast on the west coast doesn't like to go into thunderclouds either. What is this one doing?" Biana was annoyed, her slender body lit up with golden light, and her red twin tails quickly turned into brilliant gold from her scalp. , and does not stop until the last two fingers.

The poison-killing spear also stirred up powerful energy in Beiana's hands, and the golden light flowed like a spear of the gods. She threw the poison-killing spear into the mountain behind her like a javelin. Half of the spear body was submerged in the rock, and then it flew up. .


Kick the tail of the Gu-killing Spear, injecting powerful dazzling energy.


The mountain trembled, blasting out a large hole more than ten meters deep. The flying dust dyed their bodies the color of mud. They didn't care so much, so they quickly packed up their things and went inside to avoid rain, wind and thunder.

Wanzi clicked his tongue a few times, used magic to summon strong winds to blow away the stone powder in the flash, and said in surprise: "Beyana, your transformation of Istar's secret method seems to be different from before."

The door of the cave was blocked with wooden boards, the photoelectric eel was re-illuminated, and Fire Jack exuded a warm atmosphere, finally feeling at ease for a while.

"Well, it may have something to do with my golden bloodline. Hehehe, isn't it amazing?"

At the same time, on the other side of the mountain, in a naturally formed rock cave, there was also a pile of bright and warm flames burning. The raw material of the flame was not wood and charcoal, but a kind of divine world similar to a cassette stove. Machinery uses "fire" in the five elements of energy as raw fuel.

A teapot is boiled on a simple tripod above the flame, with some suan sour fruits in it. After boiling, it can bring a little sour and sweetness to the tea. It is the simplest way to make a drink.

Next to the flames, there was a girl playing with her crossbow and calibrating the sight on it. Her hair was light blue-grey, with part of it highlighted in a wine-like purple-red, which was very expressive.

The girl herself has clean eyebrows and heroic spirit. She wears white silk stockings and denim hot pants, which outlines her slender waist and long legs. She wears a suspender-style tube top on her upper body, which has a lot of curvature. flavor.


There is also a half-human-sized owl in the cave. Its wings are covered with a layer of metal armor. It is a mist machine that can increase the ability to fly. It is specially built for certain mythical beasts with combat effectiveness and is extremely expensive.

"Okay, here you go." The girl with dyed hair smiled, grabbed a handful of Su'an sour fruit and fed it to the owl, then turned to look outside the cave. The mysterious big cat "monster" that had just frightened Beyana and the others suddenly appeared. Appear at the entrance of the cave and walk into the cave with your claws.

It made no sound when it moved. With its liger-like body, pointed ears, and cold white eyes, it was definitely an extremely fierce predator, as if this cave was its territorial lair.

"Is the meal ready? It's thundering outside." The big cat monster actually uttered human words, and then was wrapped in a purple-black energy a few steps away, and then turned into a man with long black hair, partially A beautiful girl with blue highlights.

She has a pair of very unique and eye-catching heterochromatic pupils. One eye is like beautiful amber, and the other eye is like a light burgundy color. When she speaks, you can see two of the teeth in her mouth. A small tiger tooth with a longer root.

The dyed-haired girl put down her crossbow, took out a schoolbag from her back, rummaged through it, and said, "Sweet bread, sour fruit soup, Racine sauce, and some dried meat. Let's deal with this beast for one night." There is no prey on the back, so it would be nice to have a warm mouth in the wild environment.”

"We are not those leisurely travelers exploring the unknown. I heard that they will bring salt, vegetables, and fresh meat when they go out. It's like a vacation. We have a mission."

"Yeah." The tiger-toothed girl nodded, took a piece of sweet bread and took a bite.

The girl with dyed hair filled a bowl of sour fruit soup and handed it to her and asked: "Have you noticed anything unusual? Something seems to be wrong with this giant sky-curtain beast. It has become unsocial. It's very strange. The giant sky-curtain beast can resist magic. The resistance is extremely high, what kind of energy can have an effect on the giant beast of the sky?"

During the day, a light burst out from near the sky and sea, and something seemed to fall on this giant sky-curtain beast.

They suspected it was a monster, and they heard that Kukai was related to monsters.

"I didn't find the root cause of the abnormality of the giant beast, but I found five fools."

Sky-curtain behemoths are magical creatures that chase groups and move around. Small ones can be hundreds of meters long, while large ones can be several thousand meters long. They almost never move alone.

From the perspective of people in the God Realm, these spiritual giants seem to be flying freely under the curtain of the sky, unfettered, so they are called sky-veiled giant beasts.

The race of divine beasts, the Heavenly Curtain Giant Beast, is not too rare in the God Realm. There are several groups, but the total number is not large in terms of numbers, with a total of less than three hundred.

Because they have a long lifespan, are huge in size, and like to swim around, the giant sky-curtain beasts seen in various places in the God Realm basically belong to those groups.

And because the giant sky-curtain beasts are huge and highly recognizable, almost every sky-curtain giant beast has been given a name by the people of the God Realm. The name of the sky-curtain giant beast under their feet is "Green Belly" because Its belly is always green.

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