Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3346 Dual Ghost Hands

Chapter 3347 Double Ghost Hands

The banknote in your hand is quite thick, and when you touch it with your fingertips, it gives you an indescribable sense of security.

It seems that as long as you have a lot of it, all difficult things in the world can be easily solved, all happiness can be bought, and all worries and sorrows will disappear.

Prana happened to be a bartender on the way to find "love", and Sothea rewarded her generously afterwards.

The aristocratic young man spent a large sum of money to buy several bottles of wine, and what he received was Prana's purposeful praise and satisfied vanity.

Prana used the excuse that her family was under strict control and wanted to go home for dinner, so she refused the aristocratic young master's invitation to attend the dinner. The latter was extremely regretful.

"Why can't I print money? I have no credit. Don't I have more face than the king?" Prana asked three times in an unhappy mood.

The abominable Venus only gave her two hundred yuan a day, which was equivalent to a monthly salary of six thousand.


Prana was extremely angry. I am the majestic God of Original Sin. One thought can make the sun fall and thousands of stars dim. The life and death of hundreds of millions of people can only be determined by the blink of an eye. On the continent of Arad, there are only six people in a month. Thousand yuan?

It is easy for the gods to make money, but the problem is that Venus has imposed a ban on her. She is not allowed to print money, and is not allowed to make things to sell on the continent of Arad. If she wants to make money, she can find a job by herself.

Prana has a stubborn personality, so of course she won't listen to Venus's warning... Later, I found out that Destiny, Ye Lin, and Mo Mei were also in the Arad continent, so just listen.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

The first idea is to establish a religion that believes in original sin. As long as there are enough believers who believe in it, and each believer pays a small fee to show their piety, getting rich overnight is not a dream.

However, the religion of the continent of Arad is dominated by the narrow-eyed family. The Black Temple Knight Guards of the black-dressed lady are "half-dead", and they are undoubtedly going to the gunpoint to compete for faith with narrow-eyed eyes.

Later, Luo Lian, the envoy of Venus, introduced her to Kanina from the cafe, the proprietress of the Moonlight Tavern.

"Thank you for your hard work." Sothea gently pushed a glass of the newly prepared inspiration in front of Prana. Whether it was liqueur or muddy water, it depends on luck.

"Sosia, your Moonlight Tavern is a loss-making business, so you can continue to open it like this." Prana drank up the inspired work in one breath, smacked her lips lightly, and gave a "not bad" evaluation .

It's your honor to let me drink your wine, so I won't pay for this glass of wine.

"Another cold beer."

A large glass of beer with ice only costs five yuan. The hops and other raw materials used by Sosia to brew the wine are carefully selected and of the highest quality. Plus the rent, decoration, labor, etc., the price can be said to be very low, with almost no profit. .

Other fine wines, such as the several signatures of Chateau Romanée that she just ordered with the noble young master, are very profitable, but the sales volume is very low.

Sothea didn't mind that her inspired work was solved by the other party in two or two, and smiled: "I bought this piece of land a long time ago, and I also paid for the construction of the Moonlight Tavern, so in addition to labor and cost, I kind of broke even.”

"Of course, I have to hire a few bartenders from time to time to make up for unexpected expenses."

Prana ordered a large glass of beer with ice, took out five dollars and put it on the table. She nodded but said nothing. The question she asked had nothing to do with her income.

The question is why would you want to run a moonshine tavern with almost no income.

Sothea took out a piece of absorbent paper and wiped the clean goblet. She seemed to be always wiping the cup, and her expression was filled with memories:

"I am over five hundred years old. Assuming that humans can live a hundred years, and they are connected end to end, I have also lived the life of five humans."

"I hate separation, and I like a fresh and lively atmosphere, so I established the Moonlight Tavern. As long as I abide by the rules here, I don't mind attracting new customers with low prices."

In short, Sothea established the Moonlight Tavern because she liked the lively atmosphere. As for whether it made money or not, it was secondary. It was enough to maintain a balance of payments.

"So, a matter of privacy, how did you and Ye Lin..."

"Give me a room to stay until tomorrow."

Prana was suddenly interrupted midway through her inquiry. She turned around unhappily and saw that it was the woman sitting in the corner before, wrapped in a black robe, who had killed someone before.

At that time, there was a bottle of high-altitude spirits and a few simple snacks, peanuts, cucumbers, and pickled beef on her table. She was drinking by herself in the corner, completely unfazed by the warm atmosphere of the Moonlight Tavern. disturbed.

Some drunken drinkers coveted her graceful figure under her black robe, and took the initiative to go over to talk to her. However, before she could get close, they all turned pale, bowed and apologized as if they were frightened, and hurriedly backed away.

Prana didn't care about the murderous aura she deliberately exuded. This woman dared to interrupt her. She must be impatient...Dark Elf?

She saw that the other person's appearance under the hood was quite beautiful, with pointed ears, long gray hair, and dark wheat-colored skin. All the characteristics indicated that she was a dark elf.

The Dark Elf avoids death because the Dark Elf can be used to taunt Venus.

Sothea gave her a key to the room. She was obviously familiar with the other party. She sighed and said, "I'll write you a letter of introduction. You can leave for Xu Zusu Nan early tomorrow morning."

"Xu Zu is far away, what are you doing there?" Dark Elf asked lightly, while reaching out to pick up the key, which had a room number on it.

I heard that due to its geographical location, the highest temperature in Xuzu in summer is less than 30 degrees. Compared with the temperature in Huttonmar, which can soar to 38 or 39 degrees, it is a summer resort.

Of course, the real summer resort is in the Stone Snow Region.

"Luxi is there. She is a dark elf like you, and she has rich experience in controlling ghost hands. If you ask her for advice, it will be ten times more useful than asking human ghost hand patients."

"I don't need it." The dark elf refused bluntly and picked up the key to leave.

"You need it, Leila. Your pursuit of power has made you vaguely take an abnormal path. Your hands are covered with blood. You must go to Luxi." Sosia wrote the letter of recommendation, put it in an envelope, sealed it, and then Leila handed it to her.

"I killed bandits and got a bounty from the principality. Isn't that the best of both worlds? I don't have any psychological burden. I'm normal."

"Take it. Go to Xuzu tomorrow." Sosia suddenly used a commanding tone. The faint transcendent aura made Leila unable to resist. She left silently with the key and envelope.

Prana looked at Leila's back with interest and said, "It's interesting. Both of her arms are wrapped with some kind of power. It is a curse and a blessing. Her soul is like a burning flame. She has unlimited potential and is prone to playing with fire and getting burned."

Prana gestured to Sosia, "Give me 100,000, and I will help her solve the problem of both arms. How about it."

"It's really cheap~" Sosia sighed sincerely that Prana didn't seem to understand the market price. Once infected with Kazan syndrome and formed ghost hands, it was almost irreversible, just like the demonization of the gods.

I don't know how many ghost swordsmen died on the way to find a way to treat ghost hands, and there is still no perfect treatment for ghost hands in Arad.

Now Prana is asking for 100,000, which is naturally the cheapest among the cheap ones, and can drive many ghost swordsmen completely crazy.

The ghost hand is a curse and a blessing, and vice versa. It can smoothly obtain powerful power, but the price is that the sanity is always on the verge of collapse.

Many ghost swordsmen don't want to be ghost swordsmen at all, and they hate to wear "ghost binding" on their arms for a lifetime.

The Leila in the mobile game has two ghost hands, both of which are abnormal in color and wear ghost binding.

I haven't played the mobile game much, and I don't know much about Leila's background. I think she is pretty good.


I seem to have urticaria. For no reason, my whole body is covered with the kind of bumps after mosquito bites, so dense that I want to cut my flesh.

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