Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3347 No Half Price for the Second Cup

Chapter 3348 No Second Half Price

"Has the Transcendent turned into ice beer?" Prana looked at the proprietress Sosia, who was wiping the cups behind the bar, with interest. The charm of a mature woman is more intoxicating than any fine wine.

She and Sosia have known each other for a short time, and they are just friends of Lorian.

This elf lady is pretty good in all aspects. Although her appearance is not as good as hers, it can still be 80% or 90% good. Her body is spiritual, her soul is warm, and she is willing to pay.

Sosia was gentle and calm, slowly putting away the breath of the Transcendent, and recalled: "I have been running a tavern here for too long. I have seen a lot of life accompanied by alcohol, and I like to study some inspirational works. Therefore, I neglected to practice on weekdays, and it is difficult to gather the will to take a step beyond. I can't find that state."

She knew that Prana meant that the Transcendent was not worth much.

If you want to find an opportunity to take a step beyond, you must first close the Moonlight Tavern that has been operating for many years, and then use some time to return to the pure state of "practitioner".

It may take a year, ten years, or a hundred years... Even if the state is perfectly restored, whether it can successfully take a step beyond is still an unknown. This step is a step, and it is also an abyss.

"So I am taking the path of God, which is God's gift. I don't have the mentality to break through and transcend." Sosia put down the clean and bright glass in her hand, took a piece of lemon, a portion of black tequila, and a drop of diluted natural essence, and got a new inspiration.

"God-given." Prana nodded and continued to drink her ice beer. The other party's mentality was in a state of stillness, and she had a clear view of the future, which was rare.

She had blessed some demons with power in the demon land and reached the state of transcendence, and then almost went crazy one by one... and did not end well.

"How many God-givens like you are there? What is the way you get power?" Prana asked two questions she wanted to know, in order to feel Ye Lin's state.

The more God-givens there are, the better. When it comes to the mysterious transcendence, it requires "God" to give the power of its own origin. The more God-givens there are, the weaker the state of "God".

Moreover, the act of granting power is not to choose anyone at random. The general method is to form absolute loyalty in thought through devout faith. In this process, one can continuously bring his own cultivation system, including the state of the soul, closer to God, so that he can bear the power of God more smoothly.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you about this." Sosia's elegant and charming smile hid a hint of embarrassment. She did not answer Prana's question and continued to wipe the cup, because she could not answer these two questions.

She really didn't know who else had taken the method of God's gift from Sugar Cane. It was estimated that there were four or five people.

Three "immortal" methods have been made public in the family group, namely God's gift, water of life, and the imprint of the power of time, which can make everyone's body and soul no longer age and achieve eternal youth.

The queen has always been the queen, the loli has always been the loli, and the beautiful woman has always been the beautiful woman.

Imi Wu will always be 1.5 meters tall, and the flat chest of the three princesses will continue to be flat chested. Some things are destined.

She herself is a transcendent of God's gift, and then Queen Skadi, who has no cultivation foundation, drank the water of life.

Alicia, Yun Mi, Asuka and other girls all thought they were still young and wanted to try to break through and transcend.

It is said that the eldest princess Celia also wanted to take the gift of God. Her "combat power" had long been accumulated enough, but because of the eldest princess's personal character, Ganzhe refused, but she could drink the water of life and essence.

She didn't know what choices other people who had no hope of breaking through and transcending made.

As for the way she obtained power, she was more embarrassed to talk about it. Should she confess to Prana that we were entangled with each other one night, tossing and turning, not a drop was wasted, and then we were successfully poured into the transcendent realm.

Seeing that she was unwilling to talk, Prana knew better and did not continue to ask, but said: "What happened to the dark elf Leila just now."

"She was infected with Kazan syndrome, and she was the most serious patient with two ghost hands. If it were not for the restraint of the ghost binding, the crazy and chaotic power would turn her into a madman who kills indiscriminately in an instant."

"She is considered an adventurer and accepts tasks from the Principality and the Adventurer Alliance, but her condition is getting worse and worse, so I asked her to go to Xuzu to find Luxi, who is also a dark elf with ghost hands and has unique experience in controlling ghost hands."

All power acquisition will be charged a corresponding price. It is generally recognized that there is no perfect treatment for the ghost hands of patients with severe Kazan syndrome.

A currently recognized treatment method is to use a "correction device" to completely seal the power of ghosts and gods, which can do not affect daily life and will not cause sanity to collapse.

The disadvantage is that regardless of gender and race, they have to wear heavy and ugly ghost bindings for life.

President Norton, the chief alchemist of the Delos Empire, has conducted special research on ghost hands in conjunction with well-known scholars on the Arad continent, but has not made significant research progress.

The only result was to extract an active ingredient from the "sleeping shellfish meat" of the sea of ​​​​sky in the heavens, and develop a tranquilizer that can significantly reduce the probability of sanity collapse.

Therefore, most of the ghost hand patients currently solve their problems from three aspects, first wearing ghost binding, then buying tranquilizers, and learning how to control ghost hands from predecessors.

Prana took a big sip of ice beer, and when it was all gone, she took out two and a half dollars and gave it to Sosia, and teased: "A mere Kazan ghost has a great influence in your world."

Um, our Moonlight Tavern doesn't have a half-price service for the second cup, where did you learn that... Sosia was silent for a few seconds, put away the two and a half dollars, and poured half a cup of ice beer for Prana.

From a perspective that only Prana could see, countless fragments of time flew backwards, and Sosia, who was right in front of her, suddenly became extremely far away. The Moonlight Tavern "decomposed" into a pile of raw materials, and countless drinkers walked backwards.

Prana also saw a cute unicorn with white fur getting drunk in the Moonlight Tavern and sleeping comfortably on the bar.

It seems to be a pet raised by Nimer's daughter, Mai Lu.


Boundless blood and energy surged up, like the momentum of a volcanic eruption that was about to burn the sky. The man holding a sword in one hand and an axe in the other was almost without any protective gear. He was brave and unparalleled, rushing towards the enemy camp, easily killing a bloody road covered with corpses.

I saw it again. When the raging dragon fell, Kazan bathed in the bright red dragon blood and went wild. A long roar shook the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, and the world echoed with his fiery blood.


"He almost stepped into the realm of transcendence. He was a hero, but he allowed the stupid king to cut his tendons and veins and exiled him to a cold land to die."

Pranah did not evaluate whether Kazan was loyal or cowardly. Everyone has independent thoughts, and any choice they make comes from their own soul.

And Kazan's price has been paid, and how he will be evaluated in the future has nothing to do with him.

"I've decided to treat the ghost hand." Prana made the decision immediately.

The obsession and curse of ghosts and gods are not enough for her. It is a good thing to help ghost hand patients get rid of nightmares, and then charge some insignificant fees.

In this case, Venus can't find faults anymore, I make money reasonably.

Damn, human society needs money to do everything, this and that, and the world is full of money.

I am a god, can't you worship me obediently?

Prana found Leila's room and knocked on the door. When the door opened, Leila carefully blocked half of her body with the door panel, and people outside could not see that she was holding a dagger in her other hand.

"What's the matter?"

"I can treat your ghost hand, one arm for 100,000, how about it."

Leila was silent for a few seconds, and said lightly: "You are the most plain and unprofessional liar I have ever seen."

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