Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3364: Popularize education and fight against academic cliques

"After this incident, I will be the first scholar in Baihai, with a noble status, and I will be paid generously for teaching anyone."

Rui Qi pushed the amethyst eyes on her straight nose, slightly raised her snow-white chin, and was getting closer to her dream of lying flat. The history books of the God Realm will record her name.

Ye Lin nodded with a smile, followed the words, and praised generously: "You are worthy of being a famous beautiful scholar in Baihai, with both beauty and talent. You have achieved your original ideal."

"No, my ideal is to be rich, famous and show off." Rui Qi looked suspicious, shrugged her snow-white shoulders, and then pointed to her dark circles. Look carefully, my skin has become worse because I stay up late and work overtime every day. How can I be successful?

It's almost time to wait until this press conference is over, and I will be qualified to ask for the knowledge and reputation of the great professor.

"What I mean is... don't you want to be the genius Werner of the second century? Your anti-hallucinogenic drug is excellent and crucial."


Ruiqi unconsciously pushed her glasses again, as if there was such a thing, but she forgot.

However, the difference is not big. If she wants to become a person like Werner, she needs to wait until she makes the research results public this time and shock the God Realm a little bit first.

Haha, although I, Ruiqi, used to be a theoretical person who didn't do anything, as long as I make a little move, I can show my genius-level background.

Just when Ruiqi's thoughts were a little off, fantasizing about the future, with a smug smile on her lips, and forgetting everything, Ye Lin took out a plant about one foot long, purple-red in color, and with many leaves.

As soon as it appeared, a smell of herbs spread.

"This is a medicinal herb found in our Arad continent, named... Life. It has extraordinary effects and can reverse the transformation of demonic aura infected people into demonic beasts, but it is limited to patients in the early and middle stages. People who are almost completely transformed into demonic beasts have little effect after taking it."

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, Ruiqi's smile gradually froze on her face.

She looked down at the plant called "life", then at Ye Lin, raised her hand and pointed at the door, took a deep breath, and suppressed some emotions in her full chest.

"Get out, get out quickly, I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen."

She believed every word Ye Lin said, even though there had never been an infected person in the God Realm who was infected with demonic energy and successfully transformed into a human except for the demon protector.

Otherwise, the monitor village would not force them to board Sara Island immediately every time someone was infected with demonic energy, and ring the bell to say goodbye to their families at the last moment of reason.

Ruiqi believed that if Ye Lin said that this herb was useful, it must be useful. She had seen many miracles on him.

The key was that Ye Lin suddenly took out the magical herb. What did it mean? It meant that her vacation plan would be stranded, she would have to work overtime again, her dark circles would be heavier, and her skin would be worse.

Damn it!

Ruiqi took off her amethyst glasses, rubbed her aching eyebrows, and almost begged: "Michelle Curio is also in our God Realm, she is also an excellent scientist, go find her and ask her to make a potion for you."

The mechanical assistants Xiaotang and Xiaocu can contact Michelle who is still in Chongquan, and Ruiqi often has academic exchanges with her.

Michelle seems to be fond of the research of airships, and does not have much professional knowledge and interest in herbs and mist.

Ye Lin laughed and saw that Ruiqi was just complaining casually. The herbs that can treat reverse monster transformation will cause a new round of huge sensation in the God Realm, completely subverting the common sense that monster transformation is unsolvable, and can save the lives of thousands of people in the God Realm.

Although Ruiqi is only the person who refines the potion instead of the discoverer, it can still win her great reputation.

Ruiqi, who is eager to start, will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Only one plant?" Ruiqi picked up the herb and looked at the veins of the leaves with a magnifying glass, suggesting that one plant can save at most three or two people.

Send charcoal in the snow, not matches.

She has a herbalist friend, Cynthia, who often visits her, so she has a good understanding of the efficacy of herbs and knows the general usage amount of herbs.

"There are a lot of them, you can use them as roses for bathing." Ye Lin handed her a ring, which contained a large amount of purple-red herbs, all of which were mass-produced by him using Wuxuan to promote reproduction.

Due to the agreement with Yasha and Ergon, this rare herb from the Secret Forest will be said to be from the Arad continent.

"Rui Qi, send the first batch of potions you made to Wu Lan first, where a battle with monsters broke out. Next, someone will come to you to get the potion."

"No problem, it's not difficult."

Rui Qi took the ring and glanced at the tons of herbs inside, saying that it would only take one to two days to establish a relatively standardized extraction process.

From nothing to something is often the most difficult step. Now that the herbs are in front of us, many academic problems can be easily solved.

In other words, Ye Lin had done a great deed that was so delicious that she could just open her mouth and eat it.

Rui Qi was stunned, and then she was surprised to find that she was not too shocked at all. It seemed that she was already used to all the miracles, and she would not be surprised by anything that happened to Ye Lin.

If someone had said a year ago that there was a herb that could cure the infection of demonic energy, she would have definitely sneered. As a theoretical person, she had never thought that the infected could be turned back into a healthy human being.

Ruiqi heated up hot water and made a pot of black tea. She sat down on the sofa, crossed her slender legs, and said in a helpless tone: "If there is anything else that keeps me busy, just say it in one breath so that I can be mentally prepared." ”


"You really have it?!"

"Well, I am going to let you, Grayson and Wulan from the Star Turtle Library, work together to carry out an education reform, popularize educational qualifications, and combat the closedness and tradition of the gear workshop..."

Ye Lin got inspiration from the genius girl Alusa and the Wulan slum Zenas. The academic situation in the god world is relatively serious, and many people have no opportunity to receive education.

There are schools, but they are few and expensive, and there are shadows of major academic organizations behind them.

"That's a good idea, I'll help." Ruiqi took a sip of tea, looking as if she didn't have to worry about having too many lice or having too many debts.

Ten minutes later, Ruiqi's upper and lower eyelids began to twitch, and an unstoppable sense of drowsiness came over her. Her body slumped on the sofa, as if she had drunk black tea to sleep.

"Ye Lin, use your ability to control time to give me five...four more hours. I have to go out later, so give me some time to have a good sleep."

As Ruiqi said this, she took off her shoes and lay on her side on the soft sofa. She almost lost consciousness when her head hit the pillow.

She felt that she was too tired. The Demon Strike Team was working hard on the front line, and the scholars were also making contributions in their own way.

Ye Lin nodded, and the symbols of time power flowed and spread, constructing different time flow rates, creating a state where only ten minutes had passed in the outside world, and Ruiqi had slept for four hours.

He found a blanket and covered Ruiqi's body. The latter noticed it in a daze and muttered: "Don't touch me, let me sleep alone for a while. After I finish my work and feel relaxed, I can sleep with you again."


Ye Lin held an umbrella and walked in the urban area of ​​Qingyan City. He bought a newspaper at the store. The eye-catching headline was naturally that Wu Lan was besieged by monsters and was in a critical condition.

At present, only a few airships can enter and leave the fog through special magic circles. It is undoubtedly very unrealistic to use this to transport millions of residents.

"Next step, Liyun Chamber of Commerce will raise the price of goods, just sit back and raise the price,"

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