Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3365 Borrowing a Sword

Rain, always rain, it keeps raining.

The strange rainy days in the White Sea lasted for more than a month. The rain was never heavy, but it was particularly long, as if the sky was connected to the sea, and a perfect cycle of eternal rain was achieved.

Ye Lin bought a fruit salad from a street vendor. Mango, apple, watermelon, strawberry and other fruits were cut into small pieces, randomly selected and mixed into a large fruit cup, and some yogurt was added. It was cheap and delicious.


A crow with a big mouth, black feathers and a little purple at the end circled low in the sky for a few circles, stood on the stall selling fruit cups, picked up a cup with its mouth and placed it in front of the stall owner, looking very familiar.

"Peloma, you come to eat and drink again." The old stall owner with white hair smiled kindly and helplessly, tapped the cup with his fingers, and then put two pieces of watermelon in it.

This guy has been eating too many times, just a little bit of it every time.

The mythical beast Peloma is actually very rich, but it has always been stingy.


"Fill it up, I'll pay." Ye Lin smiled and gave an extra portion of money.

"Peloma, you met a kind person, he must not be a local of Qingyan." The stall owner was also happy that someone paid for Peroma, and took the tongs to fill it up, and then poured some yogurt on it.

It has been raining, and business is not good. Selling one more portion can subsidize the family.

Qingyan Observation Deck

Ye Lin's fruit has four toothpicks inserted in it. The stall owner gives two toothpicks for each portion sold, but the mythical beast black crow Peroma does not use toothpicks, it just puts it directly into its mouth.

"Peloma, you can actually talk, right?" Ye Lin glanced at Peroma, who was eating the fruit with his head down. It is said that it is dozens of years old and nearly a hundred years old. It is not only a mythical beast but also a naturally smart corvid.

"Yes, I can... a little bit." Peroma's human voice is hoarse and unpleasant, like a fifty-year-old old duck. It makes people creepy when it speaks, but it can indeed speak human language.

It usually doesn't talk, and it pretends to be stupid so that it can get free food and drink.

"Hiss...Milan Lit asked you to come to me?"

Milan Lit, a poet from Qingyan who was born unable to stand, invited many famous doctors but none of them could do anything for his legs.

After meeting Ye Lin by chance, Ye Lin sympathized with his physical condition and made an agreement that if he wrote a touching poem, he would help him treat his leg disease.

For quite a long time, Ye Lin was not in Qingyan, and Milan Lit could not find him.

"Yes, I only fly around Qingyan once a day, and it's just a matter of luck whether I can find you or not." Peroma's unpleasant voice scared the passers-by, and after seeing that it was the notorious crow, they all kept their distance from this place.

"As a reward, I have four ripe Suan sour fruits every morning and three in the evening."

"I protested to Mi Lan, saying that it should be fair! Then he gave me three in the morning and three in the evening."

Ye Lin supported his forehead, suppressed the smile on his lips, took out two palm-sized powder packets from his pocket, put them in the same small packaging bag, and hung them around Peroma's neck, saying:

"Go back and soak in hot water, tell him to take it all at once, one packet is for curing legs, and one packet is for purifying fog hallucinations. He should have been affected by hallucinations in the battle of Qingyan."

This was an agreement he and Mi Lan Lit had made a long time ago. He bought the latest Qingyan newspaper. The famous Qingyan poet Mi Lan Lit published a poem that gave people courage, praising the wisdom and courage of the people in the God Realm, which caused a wide range of singing.

One cannot break one's promise, and Ye Lin settled this cause and effect.


Peloma flapped its wings and rushed into the drizzling rain. Ye Lin finished his fruit cup slowly. Before he could leave, Peloma flew back with a stack of unpaid bills in his mouth.

It was obvious that Peloma had bought something again and asked him to pay the bill.

It was well known to the people of Qingyan that Peloma was a crow who loved to take advantage.

"This is my errand fee."

Ye Lin raised his hand and handed the bill to Mi Lan Lit.

He took the newspaper that published Mi Lan's poems and read it carefully. After a little thought, he passed the newspaper to Camilla and others in the Awakening Forest.


Wu Lan

Celia lay on a boss chair, staring at the ceiling in a daze, wandering in the sky.

The food crisis came much faster than expected. The shelves of major stores were much emptier. People rushed to buy rice, noodles, vegetables, and meat, which once caused a stampede.

Beibei, the sister of the captain Diana, who has cold white skin, a melon-shaped face, and long golden hair, frowned and asked: "Wu Lan has a month's worth of food in stock, why are you trying to grab it now?"

The girl working in Celia's store sighed and said: "Because we don't know when we can break through the encirclement of the monsters. We can't get out, and people outside can't get in. If you don't grab it, you may not even be able to buy black bread tomorrow."

And the concept of food here is only staple food. As the transportation route is cut, vegetables and fruits that are not easy to preserve will soon face a wave of supply cuts.

So the residents of Wu Lan City have a perception that the crystal barrier will not be broken. With Tana in charge, the monsters can't attack, but the human transport fleet can't easily tear the encirclement of the monsters.

Wu Lan is a mechanical city flying in the sky. Almost all of its supplies are not self-sufficient and rely entirely on external transportation and supplies.

When the route is cut off, limited resources will be quickly consumed. This is a completely predictable thing and a very fatal problem.

So whoever grabs more resources will be qualified to live longer.

"Moreover, most of the food for a month is in the hands of grain merchants." Celia added slowly.

It’s still the same old problem. Your God Realm does not have an overriding national concept and cannot use strong means to punish greedy businessmen who make unscrupulous fortunes.

"To put it simply, Wulan has reached the end of the world, and grabbing food is just the beginning."

Celia closed her eyes, sat up, and said slowly: "If the monster blockade is not broken for three days, Wulan will be frantically grabbing food and water. Within a week, the riot will spread, and the order will begin to collapse. Half a month , many people will starve to death, morality becomes a trash can, and all evil deeds can be seen.”

"In one month, those who survive will either be strong or lunatics who have lost their human sanity."

If Wulan was a huge above-ground city, then the worst possible outcome would be to open the city gates, fight to the death with monsters, and shed blood on the earth.

However, Wulan is a city in the sky, and the battlefield is in the sky. Ordinary people are not even qualified to fight to the death.

The next development was just as Celia expected...

The monsters continued to besiege Wu Lan, and they seemed to understand Wu Lan's fatal weakness of not producing resources, and gradually adopted the strategy of only besieging but not attacking, hoping to trap Wu Lan alive.

The demon attack team united with the major forces in Wulan City and carried out several large-scale counterattacks, once tearing apart the demon beast blockade.

However, the Ni Xingwen shining all over the sky is beautiful but deadly, which almost puts the demon strike team into a desperate situation. Another weakness of humans compared to the demonic beasts is that they cannot survive in a high concentration of demonic environment.

Tana quickly took action and retrieved the Demon Strike Team.

The Blue Eagle Pirates' raid on the monsters once again gave Wulan a glimmer of hope and brought a lot of good news. The God Realm already knew that Wulan was trapped and was gathering high-end combat forces to come to support.

However, with the reflection of a strange mirror, the whole world is reflected in the picture, everything is sailing on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and countless sins ignited the fire of karma that boiled the sea... The Blue Eagle Pirate Group was almost wiped out in the mirror. Mira dragged the Blue Eagle Pirates back.

"Prana's mirror, an artifact." Smilla already knew what the mirror was. It was an ancient artifact with some divine power. A transcendent must be extremely cautious when facing a mirror. Maybe both body and soul will be destroyed.

The third day

"I have prepared a large amount of food. Captain, please call on people to assist me in disaster relief." Celia knew that time was almost up, and Wulan would really get into chaos if it dragged on any longer.

"That mirror, I borrowed Ye Lin's sword." Tana said.

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