Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 391 The healing power of two different experiences!

"No, as a Martial God who believes in physical fitness, you still have to exercise hard, at least for three hours."

Ye Lin shook his head for a while. After the opponent's left leg became numb, it was his turn to be arrogant and complacent, completely forgetting that his waist was still hurting.

"Oh? I'm giving you a favor, deliberately letting you off the hook, and the little earl will be embarrassed, right?"

Isabella, who was wiping her left leg, had a cold expression. She threw away the tissue and the light green air flow condensed on her right leg. The momentum became more and more explosive. The curtains were shaken by the strong wind in the room. This move was a strong kick from the God of War!

"Don't, don't..."

Ye Lin was so busy that he felt resentful for a while. If he kicked him off, the whole courtyard would explode and the entire palace would be awakened.

The current princess has short hair, a rosy complexion, and a toned body and long limbs. She has an astonishing beauty, especially her round and fat body, which is even more astonishing.

"Okay, okay, I have to go back, help, and clean up this room quickly." Isabella stepped aside and avoided the palm of her hand with a white eye.


In the end, the news that Ghent deliberately spread to Nospis was a small victory. Kallet still retained a large power, but had seen the dawn of victory and other perfunctory words.

The nobles who were far away in Nospis, who were content in their own situation, naturally did not really think that Kallet was such a complete defeat.

Moreover, as long as the princess was not rescued, the war would be far from being a success, so they all wrote back letters of condolences and encouragement.

But in private, who knows how many people will curse Alijie, and it is best to say goodbye without any help.

Alicia is the next "Supreme Priest" designated by the previous Supreme Priest Beilean before his death. If she is unfortunately sacrificed by Kallet's blood and has no last words to designate a successor.

Well, in the House of Nobles, there are a hundred ways to prevent the birth of a new "Supreme Priest".

The "perfect" aristocratic parliamentary system was born.

"Feiyan said that if we look at military industry, we are at least nothing...major."

Mo Mei bit into a red apple and wondered about the official position of "major", which she had never heard of before. What position was it in Xu Zu?

At least he's a vanguard officer, or the leader of a knighthood.

However, both the Princess and the Supreme Commander were not in Ghent, so it was not convenient for Jurgen to appoint such a relatively high-level position.

Although the regent has great power, Jurgen knows that it is best to leave military affairs to Jacket, otherwise he may be in trouble in the future.

The general who was born in a lawless zone is one of the few people who can make the gentlemen of the House of Lords feel extremely unhappy with his personal aura.

Of course Jacket would be happy.

"Major Mo Mei!"

Ye Lin saluted with a military salute, which made Mo Mei roll her eyes at him angrily, and then threw half an apple in his arms into his arms.

"Where are Yuena and the curator?" He looked around and took a bite of the apple, which was very sweet.

There were no two people in the room. Nowadays, the business in Ghent is almost stagnant and dilapidated, and it doesn't seem like a good time for shopping.

Siatt tore open a bag of tomato-flavored potato chips and prepared to feed Mailu. First, she also stuffed a piece of rice cake into her mouth. It was crunchy and crispy, and she said:

"The two of them have gone to the hospital. Many soldiers are on the critical line of life. These two days are the most dangerous time. Let's use healing magic to help for the time being."

Yuena is an orthodox pronunciation evangelist, and has already touched the threshold of Seraph because of the light angel Agamemnon, so her healing ability is natural.

As for the curator, who is the secretary, he was trained purely by him. If he is proficient in healing magic, he can quickly repair some teeth marks and scratches.

"We not only help fight the war, we also borrow money, give medicine, and now we save people..." Gu Yu counted each item on his fingers, then put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "From now on, I will also be a hero in the heaven. Wherever I go, I will be a hero." It’s like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.”

Feng Ying, Xiaoyu and Meiwei Si were playing a game of Landlords with stakes. Hearing this, he complained casually: "Then you, the source of disaster, will probably not survive for a day. Mr. Luo is not like you, who can make waves everywhere." Ah. My landlord goes out first, three with one."

"Bomb." Mavis calmly dropped four 2's.

"Hey, you're sick. I'm just three 3's and a 4's. Are you like this?"

"Shunzi, king bomb, a 3, I win."

Mavis played all the cards in one breath, and then pulled the bet in front of Feng Ying, the delicious chocolate candies, in front of her.


On the first night after the war ended, even though there was great sadness in their hearts, some Imperial Army troops who were still capable of fighting still cheered up and patrolled everywhere closely.

After a battle, if the spirit is relaxed and the vigilance drops, it is most likely to give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it, so be cautious.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue. This is not a very profound principle but applies to most battles, and Ghent is not ignorant of it.

If we can take advantage of the moment when the Kallet organization is still in shock and send elites to conduct a surprise attack, we will definitely gain unexpectedly big gains.

However, due to Kallet's sudden general attack, Ghent suffered more damage than expected. The counterattack was intentional but ineffective.

Zedin and Ma Lin wanted to be shy and ask Ye Lin to help them go to Antebulu Canyon to strike a sword.

But in the afternoon, news came from Feiyan that Ye Lin was holding his waist and gasping for breath, muttering that the force was too great. It seemed that he had suffered some hidden injury?

They were too embarrassed to ask for anything else, so they could only tell him to take good care of his injuries and take care of his body, leaving the latter in a mess.

Cultivation is the most important and only thing to do in Ghent, the city of God.

The counterattack on Kallet and a devastating blow to the base hidden in the Antebulu Canyon is still an action of unknown time.

"Captain, there's a situation at the south gate."

Captain Temi was breathing heavily and handed over an urgent document from the front line.

"South Gate?"

Zedin suddenly felt something in his heart and hurriedly took the documents. It was only in the morning that Ye Lin used magic to raise a simple city wall at the south gate. Why was there something wrong at night?

"Captain Temi, are your injuries okay?"

Zedin asked the opponent's injuries in a gentle tone while flipping through the documents. During the defensive battle last night, if it hadn't been for Sergeant Mayne holding him back, Temi might have died on the front line because of his recklessness.

Now, she still has a bandage on her shoulder, and she doesn't look very healthy.

Temi was not from the Ghent garrison, she was a soldier under Colonel Unn.

Unn was taken away by Jacket to deal with Anton. Out of concern for Gent, he ordered Temi to stay and assist him who had his hand broken at the time.

"The gunshot wound on the arm, after taking the medicine, it's no big deal." Temi smiled cheerfully, saying that he felt very comfortable after the shot last night.

She was once a shameful deserter, responsible for patrolling and defending Ghent, a village on the edge of the continent.

Later, when Kallet invaded savagely and slaughtered the villagers and heavenly soldiers with the flames of machine guns, she went on the battlefield for the first time. Unable to control the fear that overflowed in her heart, she fled with her family to the deep mountains and old forests.

Later, the war in heaven became more and more dangerous, and most of the huge Ghent continent, except for the city of gods, fell. Only then did Temi muster up the courage to return to Ghent and join the army.

And last night, with a fighting style that was not afraid of death, he bid farewell to his past cowardly self.

(Ghent refers to both the city and the name of the mainland. Generally, the city of Ghent is called the imperial capital)

"Silver Spoon Circus wants to come to the city? Says it has confidential information on Kallet?"

Zeldin was extremely surprised to have the information from the front line in his hand. At this critical and delicate moment, there was actually a team of organizations from the lawless zone, carrying Kallet's secret information, wanting to enter Ghent to seek asylum?

She instinctively sensed the weirdness, whether the so-called secret information was a real secret or a false gimmick.

The Silver Spoon Circus, also known as the Silver Spoon Acrobatic Troupe, is headed by a pair of biological brothers, Sikter Pafis and Petshu Pafis. It is an organization that makes a living by wandering in lawless areas and performing acrobatics.

Most of the members in the circus are special people suffering from strange diseases, such as dwarfism, congenital intellectual disabilities, etc.

Because there is no magic in heaven, the wonderful magic tricks performed by the two brothers using various magical props were once very popular in the Lawless Zone and were one of the few entertainment activities there.

Nowadays, most of the Heaven Realm is occupied by Kallet, and Ghent was heavily besieged before. How did the Silver Spoon Circus get close to Ghent?

Any normal person would feel that there is a ghost in it, and the circus must have had contact with Kallet.

But if the Pafis brothers really turned against the enemy and brought key information, that would be the icing on the cake for Ghent.

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