Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 392: Silver Spoon Group’s “Confidential Documents”

"It's better not to let them in yet. Go and invite Ye Lin..." Before he could finish speaking, a look of embarrassment appeared on Zedin's face.

Maybe it's because the other party is so powerful and trustworthy that if you don't call him when there are special situations involving Kallet, you always feel uneasy.

Ghent, the capital of gods, is now like a crumbling wooden building. It can no longer let even a moth take a bite out of the foundation of the wooden building.

At the south gate of Ghent, a group of imperial soldiers surrounded the city wall, staring intently at the circus stage set up outside the city gate. On it was a lean and short man, holding a torch and performing a performance of breathing fire from his mouth.

Although Zedin ordered not to open the city gate, this could not stop the curiosity of the soldiers. The funny circus made them laugh, and there was a lot of joy on the city wall.

The colorful balls, box magic, fire bottle throwing and other magic tricks are dizzying and applauding.

"What are you all doing? Come down here!"

Below, a sudden angry rebuke caused the soldiers on the wall to panic. Then they climbed down the ladder and lined up neatly in the ruins. They put on a "I'm not smiling, I'm very serious" expression.

"You think your life is too long?" Zedin looked gloomy, and the fire in his heart roared, almost exploding out of thin air, and said angrily: "If there are Kallet's machine gunners hiding on the other side, you will be a group of human targets, and you will be in vain. Lose your life.”

If there was such carelessness and violation of military regulations as usual, she would inevitably impose extremely severe punishment.

But now seeing the dirty faces and arms of these soldiers, she couldn't bear it for a while, and finally turned into a deep sigh.

"I know you are tired, but it is better to endure it than to lose your life. Ye Lin has passed. If I can ensure the other party's position, I also want to watch a wonderful circus."


The Silver Spoon Circus's premises are brightly lit inside and outside, with colorful streamers and balloons, forming a very sharp contrast with the ruins in Ghent.

The venue where the circus was set up was about fifty meters away from the city gate. This was a very dangerous distance for both parties.

No matter which side, they all have the ability to shoot with firearms.

The simple city gate made of thick wooden boards slowly opened a crack. Ye Lin patted his sleeves and adjusted his collar. Although the white military uniform looked neat and tidy, it was a bit hot in such a dull weather.

The military uniform was a King of Tactics suit that Ma Lin found from the military warehouse, and it was a limited edition. Wu En and Jackett also had one each, but they both disliked it because it was too flashy.

Zedin said that she suspected that the Silver Spoon Group had colluded with Kallet, but she was reluctant to part with the "secret information" the other party mentioned, so after some planning, Ye Lin pretended to be a general from Ghent and went out alone.

After entering the circus, Ye Lin's eyes were stern and he said arrogantly: "Take me to see your leader."

On the city wall, the Imperial Army armed themselves with guns and ammunition to give him momentum, saying that as long as you give a signal, we will turn the circus into a hornet's nest.

A man who seemed to have dwarfism nodded silently and made a gesture to invite in without saying a word.

On the high platform set up, the magic continued to be performed, with several similarly weird-looking people stepping on the ball and dancing with three torches in their hands.

The difficulty level is very high, and only Mr. Luo in the family can probably play it.

Ye Lin pretended to nod slightly in approval. I wonder if it was an illusion. He led him to see the dwarf patient of the two group leaders and seemed to smile.

A colorful round tent, with several colorful ribbons fluttering in the breeze at the top of the tent.

Siket Parfes is wearing a white dress and a purple round hat. His skin is thin due to the wind and sand that cannot be brought, and it is the color of yellow sand. His face is naturally a bit ferocious, and even if he forces a smile, it is very charming.

Petshu was a little stronger, and his face was covered with thick white powder, giving him a funny decoration like a clown.

Ye Lin looked at them one by one, then found a chair and sat down, saying, "I am the representative of Ghent. I heard that you have secret information. Tell me, what do you want?"

He was so straightforward and asked you what you wanted, which immediately shocked the brothers.

So tactless?

If you dare to go deep into the "lawless zone organization" alone, is it because you have a bomb tied around your waist? Or are you sure they don't dare to kidnap you?

They come from the lawless zone!

"We want to enter the city and exchange the Kallet distribution map for Ghent's protection." Sickert held his magic wand and unconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his throat suddenly becoming hoarse.

What's going on? He obviously looks like a young master from a noble family, but he has a more terrifying oppression than facing the frontline commander Babylon.

"Where's the information?"


The white powder smeared on Peteshu's face was particularly funny because of the beads of sweat. He hurriedly took out a heavily creased map from his arms and handed it over.

Now, Ye Lin was a little surprised when he took the map. He actually just said casually to test the other party's bottom line, but the other party really gave him the map?

It is indeed a topographic map of Ghent. In addition to Ghent, the city of God, there are also many small red dots marked on the map. The small characters indicate the approximate size of the Kallet organization in this place.

Especially in Antebulu Canyon, it is simply a straight red line.

If the terrain map is true, it will be the icing on the cake for Ghent's counterattack soon.

"This is Ghent..."

Ye Lin pointed his finger at the center of the continent, and then drew a circle in the center: "Ghent was already surrounded by Kallet. How did you get through?"

He smiled slightly. Such a simple and easy-to-understand truth did not require much elaboration. Silver Spoon Group must have come into contact with Kallet.

At this juncture, the key point, using a topographic map that I don’t know is true or false, are you allowed to enter the city?

Jing Ke assassinated Qin?

"We..." Sickert looked around cautiously and gritted his teeth: "We are being forced. We really have no choice but to cooperate with them."

Sickert then gave a detailed explanation. It turned out that after Kalert's massive attack on Ghent, the number of mobile people in the lawless zone suddenly became much rarer.

Mospis was originally a large area, and the population was mainly concentrated near the oasis and the fog city. Now it is even more sparsely populated, and the Silver Spoon Group, which makes a living by performing, simply cannot survive.

No one is watching the show!

With more than a hundred mouthfuls of silver spoons filling their mouths, they couldn't just stare and wait for death, so they had no choice but to cooperate with Kallet.

"I heard it said."

Ye Lin scratched his head and frowned: "You will adopt some sick and deformed children, train them, make money with their funny figures, and then give them a bite to eat. This is why I can come to see you."

The brothers' behavior was not noble, but it didn't seem to be bad either.

If those who are born with unlucky bodies do not meet the Sickert brothers, they can only be eaten by ants and vultures in a place where the weak and the strong can eat them, and turn into a pile of withered bones buried in the yellow sand.

In that place, human touch is extremely weak.

When he entered the circus, he deliberately noticed that most of the less fortunate people were wearing all kinds of funny costumes, but they looked as if they were hungry and malnourished.

This is normal. During the war years, it was really difficult to keep a full stomach, especially for an organization with nearly 200 people, including the elderly, weak, sick and disabled.

"When we were children, we were also hungry..."

Sickert was a little embarrassed. They did use these people to make money, and they had some selfish motives when taking them in.

Now that Kallet was defeated, the commander of Babylon called the two brothers early this morning and asked them to use confidential information as a seduce and sell hard to find a way to gain the trust of the garrison.

A few days after the performance, when Ghent relaxed its vigilance and took out the weapons hidden in the ruins when Kallet retreated in the middle of the night, Babylon had an idea and wreaked havoc.

The circus will definitely be carefully searched when approaching, but it will be much more convenient if some bombs, grenades and other equipment are buried under the ruins in advance when retreating.

I just didn't expect that a tall city wall would suddenly appear at the south gate of Ghent, so if you wanted to cause damage, you had to go into the city first.

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