Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 399: The song of Shura Field is about to be played

Because the gunshot wound shot by the air combat mechanical storm was on the chest, only slightly deviated from the heart, the speed at which the resurrection coins could be restored was also slower.

After about twenty minutes of touching~

In the eyes of a group of Kallet soldiers who squatted and surrendered, they looked like they had seen a ghost. The frontline commander who shot himself and coughed up blood and was dying miraculously came back to life.

The ability to bring the dead back to life is simply incredible and appalling!


Babylon was shocked when he got up. He touched his chest unconsciously, and then looked at the ground. There were still traces of bright red blood in the cold rain. There were also bursts of stinging pain coming from the place where the bullet was shot in his chest. mind.

Even the brass bullet lay quietly on the ground, all alone.


A pair of exquisite brass handcuffs had firmly locked a pair of wrists when he was still in a daze, and there was no key to unlock them.

With a slight smile, Ye Lin casually crushed the flying storm, shrugged and suggested: "You can try to bite your tongue to commit suicide, or grab the ground with your head, but believe me, you won't die until Alijie comes back. Because of your Fate belongs to people in the heavenly world.”

Then he ignored Babylon, whose face was ashen and desperate. With a trace of doubt in his heart, he carefully searched and inquired among more than a thousand Kalat prisoners.

The cautious but sharp eyes made all the Kallet's hair stand on end, trembling in various ways against the rain, and they were frightened.

But the commander has been captured, what is he looking for?

"Have you ever seen a person with an old face, gray hair, and black glasses? His name is Giselle Rogan, a scientist with a high status in your organization."

Giselle was once one of the Elytra of the Seven Gods and one of the main promoters of Kallet's invasion. She was obviously a knowledgeable person, but her path took a wrong turn, or she fell off a cliff.

According to the intelligence, Babylon should have received Giselle that night, but it seems that the other party is not here now?

A Kallet soldier who had an injury on his arm and was tied up with a simple bandage raised his other hand tremblingly, with a frightened expression on his face and said nervously:

"Giselle? Is she the white-bearded scientist, the one who does human experiments? He drove away in a large machine halfway."

"Yes, yes, that machine of his is very funny. It's equipped with a chainsaw..."

"But he ran pretty fast."

All the soldiers echoed one after another, telling all the details and trivial traces, for fear that some information would be missed, and praying to win some favor.

As stragglers and cannon fodder, they not only gained nothing after fighting for several years, but also did not have much savings in their pockets. They also suffered from injuries and illnesses.

But the irony at this moment is that they should not be executed by the imperial capital like Babylon.

Cadres once had the glory of cadres, and small soldiers also had the luck of small soldiers.

But prison, or reform through labor such as repairing Ghent, is at least inevitable.

Ye Lin searched carefully and couldn't find anyone, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Giselle is an old and cunning guy. Now she has run away. Maybe she has settled somewhere and then hid for ten or eight years before coming out again.

It is also possible that he escaped back to the lawless zone through some unknown means.

The world is so big, there is always a place for him to spend his old age.

If you want to find it, you have to wait at least until Kallet is defeated.

The drizzle was hazy, soaking many people's military uniforms. Many soldiers were wrapped in bandages, with traces of blood oozing out, and various hideous wounds that had healed, and their expressions were in decline.

Those who are defeated have no fighting spirit at all, and they are lucky to be able to save their lives.

"What have you gained after so many years of war? Have you lived a better life? Have you eliminated other people's prejudices against Mospis?"

Ye Lin's voice was not loud, but it was full of deep emotions. The defeated soldiers in front of him actually had a very bright future.

A hundred years ago, the lawless zone was connected to the sea train. A few years ago, Jackett, who came from the lawless zone, served as the commander-in-chief of the heavens, and Unn served as the colonel. They are both prominent people.

The policy tilt will allow more and more capable people to emerge in the lawless zone, and eventually there will be a breeze from heaven that will slowly heal the injustice of four hundred years.

They only saw the lawless people who were looked down upon because of their unique accent and speech style, but they didn't see Jacket using this accent and brazenly facing the nobles without falling behind.

"The future new owner of the heaven will be a princess who cares about the people and is fair and just. Mospis will definitely change in her hands. However, it will take time to buffer. Everyone in Mospis and their ancestors, We also joined forces with the Imperial Capital, Nospes, and the Eaton Industrial Zone to fight against the Exploding Dragon King..."

With her beautiful ruby-like eyes flowing, Feiyan watched quietly walking among the Kallet soldiers, calming down the enemy soldiers with her speeches that were not outstanding in eloquence but full of affection.

Mo Mei's mental energy mask exhausted its power and slowly disappeared.

A drop of cool rain fell just on the bridge of her smooth nose, sending a chill through her body and her heart beating slightly.

Perhaps, this is the price that heaven should pay?

In a distant era, more than five hundred years ago, when Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, still ruled the heaven, the four continents were connected together.

People began to rise up to resist the tyrant's rule, and residents of the entire continent gradually united. The revolutionary organization headed by "Eternal Light" became the hope for the rebirth of the heavens, and spawned various famous names such as the Mechanical Seven Gods of War, the Black Rose Squad, etc. name.

That day, at dusk and dusk, the sunset glow rose like fire.

When a fierce and ferocious black dragon roared with extreme unwillingness, it fell from the sky like a meteor. The continent was divided into four pieces by the infinite power, and there were also some scattered islands.

At that time, Mospis's ancestors also spent their efforts fighting against Bakar and accumulated countless lives. Why should their descendants be treated with such contempt?

She is a top student in the Imperial Courtyard and knows more than the average person.

Although it was nominally the first exploration, Mospis was not opened to traffic due to errors and threats from marine life.

However, in fact, the technology of the heavens at that time was extremely advanced, and Mospis was the largest continent. In the entire continent, there was not even a port or a route to pass the sea train?

Isn’t it a big joke!

Of course there are doorways and "ghosts" inside.

The lawless zone is dominated by desert terrain. No rich development resources have been explored, and it is not suitable for housing factories. There are no people in the lawless zone in the noble council.

Laying a maritime track requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources. At that time, the Parliament had just stabilized the ruling ability of the nobles, and they were quietly accumulating family wealth. Mospis had little to gain...

If the situation of Mospis in the heaven cannot be changed fundamentally from a policy perspective, there will be the first joint organization "Kalert", and there will be a second and third Kallet.

In heaven, the lessons and the price you have suffered this time have been heavy enough, and it’s time to wake up!

Boom boom boom~

Machinery after machine was destroyed by the fifth element, and except for food and other supplies, all weapons were destroyed.

Afterwards, the Royal Capital Army will come, take away these prisoners and Commander Babylon, and begin to pursue the remaining Kallet organizations across the continent.

Unless Anzu personally comes to lead and integrate the remaining forces, Kallet on the continent of Ghent will only face the fate of surrender or death.

He casually used magic to form a shield over Feiyan's head, and asked her opinion with a smile: "I want to see the suspended harbor, do you want to go?"

"Huh? Are you going to Mospis now?"

"That's not true. I'm just more interested in the miracles of the heavens. We also have a miraculous sky city in Arad."

Feiyan pursed her lips. Some of the questions that had been lingering in her mind for a long time finally couldn't be resisted anymore. They were as dense as rain in the sky...

"What is your status in Arad continent? What is your level of strength in Arad? Ma Lin said that you have defeated a giant dragon. Is it true? I also heard that there is a big whale that covers the sky and the sun? Also Can fly? What’s the relationship between Siatt and the others and you? Aren’t you the princess’s consort? How many girlfriends do you have?”

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