Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 400 That man is back! Feiyan's doubts (2-in-1)

The lawless zone, Heis, also known as the "Fog City"

The terrain near Heis is steep, with numerous peaks. It is located in a canyon with white mist that persists all year round. A military fortress of Kallet is hidden inside.

Because the people living in the lawless zone are all "fellows", and Kallet's name is to seek justice from the imperial capital on behalf of the lawless zone.

Therefore, the markets, taverns, etc. here are no different from before, except that they have been greatly reduced and become deserted because of the number of people going to Ghent.


The door of the tavern was pushed open, and a man in black leather clothes slowly walked in. Wearing a bowler hat with a long brim, his head was lowered, covering his face, making it difficult to see his true face.

"Welcome, what would you like to order? It's foggy and cold outside. How about a glass of strong wine to ward off the cold?"

The owner of the tavern is a fat man with a kind smile and an oily mouth. His button-up clothes can't cover his big belly.

He wasn't surprised by the mysterious man's attire, because he wouldn't be surprised after seeing it often.

The cowboy style is already popular in the lawless zone, and there are not even ten but nine people who pretend to be mysterious in this way of dressing up in a day.

A bright gold coin was thrown over, with a perfect arc, obviously a veteran.

There was a pleasant swaying sound on the table, and the gold coins made of alloy were so new that they shone brightly under the light.

The boss's kind smile froze slightly, he was stunned for a moment, then he took down a bottle of liquor from the shelf at the back, poured a full glass of it, and sighed intentionally or unintentionally: "Ghent is in chaos, I heard that it has even reached the imperial capital. "

The lawless zone has been occupied by Kallet for many years, and the sea train has been strictly guarded by them for a long time. In theory, ordinary people cannot reach Mospis, and they cannot bring new currency.

But this brand new gold coin is still engraved with this year. Where did it come from?

There is no place to mint gold coins in the lawless zone, especially since the person in front of me is dusty and the mud on his boots has not been wiped clean. He is obviously a person on the road, and it is unlikely that he has been hiding it in his underwear and is not willing to part with the money.

Then, it was most likely that he would have such a shiny new gold coin when he returned from Ghent.

Could it be that Kallet has captured the imperial capital and returned victoriously?

But the boss had an inexplicable intuition that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary member of Kallet. Could he be a cadre?

"I'm a little hungry. Let's have a ham burger."

Another shiny golden coin was thrown over. The shiny metal attracted the few customers in the store. A brand new coin?

"Sorry, guest, you have to pay me another gold coin."

The boss smiled kindly, but the doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

The mysterious man in front of me may be a regular customer!

A piece of salty ham, a piece of vegetables, a little secret sauce and two slices of thick bread. It's good quality, cheap and delicious. It can fill your stomach for two hours.

As long as you order a glass of spirits first, the subsequent burger will be worth a gold coin, because spirits are also bad wine, and the taste has no mellow taste except for an instant stimulation.

But if you order a burger first, you may just fill your stomach. In a place like the Unable Zone, which is not very rich in products, the price is only two gold coins.

He asked the other party for another gold coin, also in a tentative way.

"Oh? The price has increased?"

The man smiled and handed another gold coin over. This time he didn't lose it, but slowly pushed it over.

The fingers were thin, but the palms seemed to have calluses, and the nails were slightly bald. It was a hand holding a gun.

"No, no, the meat slices are two gold coins. People always want to make more money. If you ask directly for high-quality food, you can make more money."

The boss hurriedly waved his hand, put away the two gold coins into the money box, looked at the ingredient tray under the counter, and said, "I'm sorry, the meat slices are gone. Wait a few minutes and I'll fry one for you."

"It doesn't matter."

The mysterious gunman sipped the spirit slowly, as if it was not a spicy drink, but a mellow, bitter coffee that needed to be savored bit by bit.

The boss had just left. In the dark corner of the tavern, several people with extremely weird decorations stood up.

He looks very young, but his uniform is unconventional. He only wears a jacket with complicated metal decorations on his upper body, and trousers on his lower body. He simply uses a chain as a belt, and there are a few stars tied to the chain. A fist-sized metal skull.

For this unique style, I roughly estimate that I weigh at least twenty pounds...

Especially the leader, who wore a metal mask on his face and had a vague smell of blood on his body.

"Old man, where did the gold coins come from?"

A man leaned over, opened the boss's money box, took out three sparkling gold coins, weighed them in his palms, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Picked it up on the road."


"Where did you pick it up? Tell me the place and we can go and make a fortune."

He picked his ears and wanted to provoke, but the person in the lead, the one wearing the mask, suddenly turned his head and glared, and was so frightened that he fell silent.

"That's a murderer, Bernard..." someone whispered in the corner of the tavern.

Bernard is a member of the Kallet organization and Anzu's subordinate. He is cold-blooded, murderous, and extremely cruel. Even people from the same organization are rarely willing to provoke him.

"How's the situation in Ghent?" Bernard asked in a low voice.

No matter whether the mysterious gunman in front of him is Kallet's person or not, these brand-new gold coins are enough to show that he has definitely just arrived in the lawless zone not long ago.

It's always a good idea to ask about the news there.

Ever since Landilus and Anzu captured the princess, they have been preaching that they will gather all the people in the lawless zone and wait until the imperial capital is broken to sacrifice her blood!

However, the battle situation on the front line seemed to have suddenly undergone some strange changes. Otherwise, in terms of time, the imperial capital of Ghent would have been bulldozed in the past few days.

"Well, the Seventh Empire brought in help and captured three cadres alive. I heard that the help came from..."

The mysterious gunman put down his cup and quietly pointed at his feet.

At first, the drinkers didn't react. After a while, the exclamations continued one after another, which was incredible.

"The world below?"

"What? No way, that's a big ocean!"

"The legend is actually true?"

"The ocean hasn't collapsed?"

The mysterious gunman Wei Wucha sighed. From this incident, we can see how delayed and backward the information in the lawless zone is.

That team had already helped fight two small victories when he arrived, and I heard that the news had already reached Nospis.

However, it took him several days to reach the lawless zone via the garrison's ferry, but the people here knew nothing about it, especially in a place like the tavern, where information was relatively well-informed.

I hope my vision is not wrong, or in other words, my apprentice’s vision is not wrong, help a bunch of helpless people...

But then the drinkers came to their senses, and more people were shocked. Three of Kallet's cadres were arrested alive?

The explosive content of this news is no more shocking than the "world below".

Not long ago, didn't Kallet capture the princess?

With such an invincible posture, it was just around the corner to overthrow the imperial capital and reorganize the situation.

Why did the situation suddenly change in the blink of an eye and three cadres were arrested?

"The dying fish can't even jump a few times."

Bernard snorted coldly. He had long heard that everyone in the Imperial Courtyard had special skills and that the Ghent garrison was not afraid of death. Occasionally small losses were excusable.

However, he had secretly made up his mind to report the news to his leader when he returned and immediately command his troops to level the imperial capital.

Otherwise, it will be really troublesome when the mechanics at Eaton Industrial Zone and the Coast Guard are freed up.

"Yes, a dying fish, Kallet can't jump around for a few days."

Youyou sighed, making everyone's hair stand on end. The boss, who had just walked out with the prepared burger, trembled in his arms and dropped the secret burger...

Someone actually dared to openly provoke Kallet in the lawless zone, especially in front of this murderer?

Are you really desperate?

"Haha, old man, did you hear the vultures calling outside?"

Under Bernard's steel mask, a flash of red light suddenly flashed.

Only then did someone suddenly notice that the murderous Bobo was also a reformer!

Not only will he not feel pain after cutting off some of his nerves, his legs will move as fast as the wind, and his two robotic hands will replace his arms. Not only will his flexibility not be reduced, but he will be extremely hard, capable of cracking mountains and cracking rocks.

"I'm old and my ears don't work well, so I didn't hear."

"The vultures are calling, they are hungry."

"The vultures shouldn't be able to gnaw at the iron lumps on your body, right?"


In front of the tavern, Bernard rubbed his paws against each other nonchalantly, making a clanking sound of metal.

Unwritten rules, personal grievances, duels, duels, duels, and other matters that are not large-scale gang conflicts or assassinations will be dealt with by duels.

His head has a metal protective gear, his limbs and fatal parts have been specially modified, and fifty percent of his entire body has been metalized.

Cowboy duel?

The threat to him from the revolver was minimal.

It can take six bullets without any problem!

Because it is located in the canyon and fog city, the wild sand that roars all day long in the Lawless Zone cannot be seen here, but the cold canyon wind still blows the corners of Belit's clothes and trembles.

"Old man, who are you? Vultures don't eat cans without brands."

"Ha... I've been away for too long, and no one remembers me, an old man."

Belit gently placed his left hand on the round hat, slowly held it, and slowly lifted it away from his head.

The reason why he stirred up trouble in the tavern was to tell the lawless zone and Kallet that the legendary "Gun God", Belit of the Sand Shadow, was back...

I just never expected that I would be lucky enough to provoke a Kallet cadre.

Is this a meeting gift?

He took off his round hat, threw it away, and landed firmly on the fence outside the tavern.

"Haha, he's such a dead old man. His hair is all white. How can he hold a gun?"

Bernard's little brother ridiculed and bullied the weak, which was considered the "traditional virtue" of Kallet.

"That guy Anzu has become really thorough. Even these rubbish are included in the organization. No wonder Ye Lin arrested three cadres."

The six bullets fell into the roulette wheel one by one. After the roulette wheel returned to its position and closed, he put it into the holster on his waist and fastened the button of the holster.

This is the rule of a cowboy duel. Both sides put their pistols back into place, either looking directly at each other, or walking with their backs to each other, building up each other's momentum and tightening their muscles.

When walking with their backs facing each other, there is a moment of understanding, or when they are facing each other head on, after a very small hand movement from the opponent, it is a life and death fight!

Whoever draws the gun faster and whose technique is more accurate is qualified to stand and drink the glass of wine given to the winner by the boss.

There will be no charge for that cup.

And the person who claims to have the fastest and most accurate gun-drawing skills in the lawless zone is...Kelly.

However, Kelly was forced to jump into the sea a few years ago. In a sense, she became a legend in the lawless zone.

"who are you?"

Bernard leaned forward slightly. He didn't use a pistol, his body was the best weapon.

No matter what fancy shooting skills or wandering body skills, after he gets close, a pair of steel claws can disembowel everything and tear it into pieces.

But the other party's sudden mention of "Anzu" made him suddenly feel a little frightened.

An old man with white hair, a gunman, and he knows Anzu. He has a very aggressive tone and is very proud. Could it be... the double-gun Haas?

That's not right either. Haas is good at shooting two guns at the same time, but the opponent only has one.


His powerful left foot kicked hard on the ground, and his explosive speed allowed him to approach the opponent in the blink of an eye. No matter who he was, if he was torn into pieces and turned into a corpse, there would be no difference.


The gun went off...

The jaws of those watching outside the tavern suddenly dropped to the ground, their faces full of shock and horror.

Bernard, whose body is 50% mechanized, can be said to have his only fatal weakness, his two empty eye sockets.

But at that time, Bernard was moving at high speed, and trying to accurately hit his eye socket under the metal mask was about as difficult as jumping into the sea to avoid death.



The three younger brothers led by the murderous Bernard all collapsed without exception. Each of them had a bloody bullet mark between their eyebrows.

This mysterious gunman not only shot and killed Bernard, but also took away his three younger brothers in an instant?

"B...Bel...Lit? Belit of Sand Shadow?"

Finally, someone shivered and finally recognized the old man in front of him, who had white hair and beard but a strong spirit. He seemed to be the gunman who had been away from the lawless zone for several years.

Even in the wind and sand, one shot can hit the enemy's vital point!

Suddenly, everyone was in an uproar. In addition to the miraculous skills of the gun god Belit, which has gradually become a "legend", there are two things that people talk about the most.

First, his apprentice Kelly could not help but lead the woman with the fastest gun-drawing skills. No one who competed with her one-on-one on her gun-drawing skills would come back alive.

Second, Belit was once the predecessor of Kallet, one of the founders of the "Eton Brothers", and is now the leader of Kallet and the brother-in-law of Anzu Seifer!


There was a crooked-neck tree outside the tavern. Several crows suddenly fell down on the branches. The man who screamed at the top of his voice was upset and his eyelids suddenly twitched.

"The imperial capital has invited strong reinforcements from the world below, named Arad Continent. Kallet has done all kinds of evil in Ghent and made people angry. Their days are over. I came back just to be a End, the regret of youth."

Belit took back his revolver, picked up the round hat that had been left on the fence earlier, and prepared to leave.

He doesn't need to explain too much. As long as he appears and expresses his position and attitude, the news of Sha Shadow's return will be like a bird with wings, flying to the entire lawless zone at high speed.

"Oh, right……"

Belit turned around suddenly, making them all tremble with fear.

"Where's my burger? And the drinks."


Silently watching Belit's boots hit the yellow soil, he slowly left.

The corpse of the murderer Bernard was strangely littered with crows on the ground. Everyone unconsciously looked up at the sky, which was filled with dark clouds and thick fog, making it gloomy and melancholy.

The lawless zone, after being ruled by Kallet for decades, seems to be... changing.



Faced with Fei Yan's straightforward question, Ye Lin, who had been so brave and sincere in his speech just now, suddenly looked resentful and hesitated for a long time without saying a word.

"Ahem, I have some status in Arad. I have a good relationship with the Queen. My strength is top-notch, but not the strongest, because there are a few old men who are incredibly strong. They might be able to defeat Ghent with one sword, including Hal. The special mountain has been chopped down, and the whale and dragon are real. When the princess is rescued, I will take you down to have a look..."

"Then what?" Feiyan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, but she still had several questions left unanswered after her words came to an abrupt end.

This morning, when the two teams went to pick up supplies, she saw the other party touching the senior sister's beautiful legs while holding the Taylor gun, and then was kicked.

And Siatt, the short-haired beauty, often twisted his arm and scolded him for being shameless, which seemed to be dishonest.

A gentle and considerate curator, he is so knowledgeable that Ma Lin would be ashamed of himself. He is like a warm-hearted person like a close sister, but the affection in his eyes is as soft as water and tingling into his bones.

The girl with a sensitive mind naturally noticed something strange, because... isn't this guy the prince's consort?

For being so dishonest, aren't you afraid that the princess will punish him and kick him to the sky?

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