Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 431 The end of that era

"Your Royal Highness!"

Feiyan, Raphael, and Taylor and the other Celestials had expressions of excitement on their faces, and they knelt down on one knee, but they were also filled with guilt.

After Alizee was confirmed as the next highest priest, the responsibility of the Imperial Courtyard was to serve the Imperial Princess and protect her loyally.

However, Alijie was captured by Kallet's transformation troops. This was indeed the biggest shame in the history of the Imperial Courtyard.

Siatt and the others also bowed and performed the knight's salute with one hand on their side. Alicia's identity is not only the same as Isabella's princess, she is also the future master of the heaven.


After twisting her body and jumping off Ye Lin's back, although she was embarrassed for a moment, she quickly regained her dignity as a princess.

Heaven's requirements for etiquette and etiquette are quite strict.

"Your Highness the Princess..."

Raphael looked eager and enthusiastic, but he was also a little stumped and at a loss.

I want to apologize to the princess for my past dereliction of duty, but this place is obviously not suitable. I want to ask Alijie if you are okay, how have you been recently, and have you been wronged? I feel like this is nonsense.

"But it doesn't matter."

Alicia put her hands on her waist and smiled slightly. She could feel that Raphael had an emotion that he wanted to say but didn't dare to say. It was very sincere.

Secretly lowering his head and then slowly raising his head, Raphael chuckled: "Your Royal Highness, there is cream at the corner of your mouth and you haven't wiped it clean."


Feiyan stretched out her hand and used the strong finger strength of the wandering gunman to squeeze the stiff man's lower back. The pain caused the latter to grin and look resentful.

They didn't know that Alijie had the ability to distinguish between good and bad in others, and they didn't expect that their own princess would seem to have made good friends with Ye Lin in just ten minutes, and even asked for cake.

After wiping the cream from the corner of her mouth, Alijie pretended to be fine. Her eyes rested on Gu Yu, whose skin color and ears were obviously different, for two seconds, and then on Mi Gao for five seconds.

Then they lined up the crowd and looked down at the smoke-filled Ardennes.

Although the originally fierce war situation suddenly came to a stalemate due to Lantilus' quantum self-destruction and Ye Lin's large magic circle, there were still bullet casings left over from the previous battle, as well as the wailing wounded who had not received timely treatment. But nothing can be faked.

Before, everyone's eyes were on Ye Lin who used magic, but after Alijie stood at the front of the team, both the Wandering Gunner and Kallet understood that this war that would hurt both sides was already over. It's almost over.

"This is a ridiculous tragedy, isn't it?"

Alijie's voice was not loud and a little childish, but it was full of sadness and her eyes were downcast and sad.

For a moment, Siatt was slightly surprised and turned her questioning eyes to Ye Lin. She actually noticed something strange just now, as if there was some kind of magic or curse that wanted to affect her emotions.

Ye Lin leaned closer and explained in a low voice: "Alizee has strong mental power and can influence other people's emotions, but this ability is very weak now."

A born monarch?

Such an idea suddenly popped into their minds.

A golden book suddenly popped out, restrained all the light, and quietly stuck to Alijie's back, and in an instant increased her ability by more than a hundred times!

"Our ancestors, more than four hundred years ago, worked together to fight against the Explosive Dragon King Bakar..."

Looking at the thin body not far away, the gray-stained palace attire, but the firm and bright eyes, Ye Lin had to admit that Alijie was indeed a born monarch.

Her speech skills were very good, and she directly brought the matter back to more than 400 years ago, bringing them closer together. With the help of the increase in the ability of the Seal of Heaven, almost all the Kallet soldiers dropped their weapons, with miserable and peaceful expressions on their faces. sad.

Some of the weak-willed ones even cried on the spot.

"I, Bella Alizee Ben Belacher, swear on my own name that I will definitely change the current bad situation in Mospis. Please believe me and give me some time..."


"This girl is not simple. She has already called herself me. It seems that she is bound to gain the rights to the heaven."

Isabella sighed deeply and did not go up to introduce her identity. It would not be too late to discuss diplomatic matters until she returned to the palace.


Ye Lin poked the arm of the third princess and whispered: "The princess Alijie is the future monarch of the heaven, and Aska is already the monarch of the Xuzu. Do you have any ideas~"

"No, my father is in good health, the emperor's brother also covets the throne, and the married Celia is not my turn."

Isabella stretched herself. The situation in her family was no simpler than that of the Jurgen family, where the father was kind and the son was filial. It was even more complicated.

On the other side, Alijie’s voice suddenly became more serious:

"When people make mistakes, they must pay the price. I have made mistakes before, and so have you..."

Using both kindness and power, no matter what the origin of Kallet is, the damage they have caused to the heavens is already well-documented.

With a sudden thought, Ye Lin twisted countless bullet casings and firearms into handcuffs, locking the hands of Kallet in the Ardennes.

As for how to judge them, this still has to be decided by Alijie and the people of Heaven.

"The Ardennes, I hope when we talk about it again, it's not because of the war, but because of something else."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he shrugged and waved, "Let's go and give that old man a break."


Double-Gun Hass also gave up fighting Belit because Rantilus exploded into fireworks in the sky. His old face was extremely slumped and his eyes were cloudy.

His left hand was dripping with blood and had been pierced by bullets, and he no longer had the strength to lift it.

"Haas, where is that guy Anzu? I want to end things with him."

Belit's momentum collapsed for a moment, and fireworks filled the sky. This not only meant the end of Kallet, but also meant that the "Eton Brothers" he had established with Anzu more than thirty years ago had finally come together. The curtain of exit.

The most important thing is that when the imperial capital is tried and settled in the future, ordinary soldiers may still have a slight chance to survive, but Anzu, as the leader, will definitely be hanged.

He was going to die anyway, so he might as well die in his own hands, and at least leave a story of "Eye of Dawn" that could be spread among the wind and sand.

"Anzu, he..."

Haas's expression suddenly became strange, and he slowly turned his head to look behind him. A middle-aged man, with a rifle hanging in his right hand, was slowly walking towards him.

His steps are firm and his face is calm. He wears a black jacket with a blue vest and a pair of trousers. His figure is not burly but he looks strong.

The nominal final boss of Kallet, the Eye of Dawn, Anzu Cypher!


Belit frowned slightly. Anzu was only a few years younger than him, but he and Haas both had white beard and hair. Why did this guy still have black hair with only a few white strands?

"Belit, you're here."

The slightly hoarse greeting quickly made Belit dispel his doubts. It was too familiar. This voice that he had gotten along with day and night was indeed that guy's good one.

"Anzu, Kallet has reached the end. Our era is coming to an end."

After taking a look at Ye Lin and the others who were standing not far away, as well as the roaming gunmen with bright eyes on the other side, Belit dispelled the loneliness in his heart.

"The eagle in the sky is about to spread its wings and fly high. It's time for us old guys to clean up the past."

"Haha, Belit, you are still the same as before, with a strong sense of justice, but you are right, it is time to understand."


The Ardennes are exposed to wind and sun all year round, and the terrain is not hard rock. When strong winds kick up, yellow sand fills the sky, and the entire highland feels like it is being struck by sand.

At the moment when the wind and sand swept over the two of them, fierce gunfire erupted, and the two flexible figures kept shaking and colliding in the wild sand.

Shooting wildly in the wind and sand, unleashing each other's fighting spirit and emotions, Eye of Dawn and Shadow of the Sand, more than thirty years later, brought an end to that unyielding and lawless era.

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