Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 432 He is still the same young man as before...

The sky is filled with yellow sand, gunshots are heard continuously, and two vigorous figures are showing off wantonly, but they are also full of sadness and desolation like the sunset.

Any qualified roaming gunner must not only have superb shooting skills, but also have flexible physical skills.

No one intervened or made a sound to disturb the duel. They all avoided the wind and sand while paying the highest respect to the two people in the field.

"Shadow of Sand" Belit and "Eye of Dawn" Anzu Cypher, their status in the Lawless Zone is equivalent to that of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War in the Celestial Realm. They are living legends!

However, the two legendary gunmen, who were once as close as brothers, had to engage in an almost fateful life-and-death showdown thirty years later, which is sad.

Everyone else is just watching the excitement. Legend defeats legend. No matter who wins today, he will step on the other's corpse and achieve the most far-reaching reputation in the Unable Zone.

Most people who don't know are vaguely optimistic about Anzu Saifu, because in terms of appearance and spirit, he is obviously a level better than the white-haired Belit.

However, only Ye Lin knew deeply that Anzu, who had become a robot, was far less flexible and agile than Belit in the physical body. It was only a matter of time before he would be defeated.

Sure enough, with a groan of pain, a figure suddenly fell to the ground in the flying yellow sand. However, because the wind and sand covered his eyes, it was not clear who was injured and defeated for a while.

Who wins this duel between legends?

Ye Lin looked at Kelly quietly and nodded gently as if he had a clear understanding. It was already time.

With the magic power surging within his body, he forcibly calmed down the raging wind and sand on the Ardennes Highlands. The sand and dust stopped and became calm.

The ability of this hand to calm the weather made the surrendered Kallet even more surprised and frightened.

From the magic sword hidden under the ground, transparent threads shot out from the eyes in front of the hilt, wrapping around the ankles of Randyllus' men and guard captain Kurki.

For a moment, Kurki's eyes became confused, and he seemed to have turned into a puppet.

"Shaying, Belit won!"

"Eye of Dawn was shot in the chest!"

"Oh my god, the two legends finally come to an end today~"

Belit's old face suddenly became haggard, as if his whole body had been drained of energy. He silently put the revolver back into his waist, and with eyes full of sorrow, he stared at his old friend who was leaning against a rock with his back and was shot in the left chest. .

The feeling of killing one's old friend with one's own hands was like a stone stuck in the heart, making it difficult to breathe and feeling choked.


"When we were young, we got together over gun skills. Although we were both so poor that we had holes in our socks and had little cultural literacy, we pursued romance as our goal and were physically young, so we were both happy and tireless."

Belit stood dry, lost in the memories of the past, and his lowered eyes under his white eyebrows seemed to sparkle with a glint of crystal.

"You are optimistic by nature and love to fight against injustices. You will yell blindly when you are drunk. You are very stubborn. I have told you many times and you have not changed."

"You are good at using a rifle, and your marksmanship is extremely accurate, and because you are willing to help others, you are called the eye that brings the dawn..."


A spark suddenly burst out from Anzu's chest, and dark blue electricity enveloped the originally "dead" Anzu Saifu. Under everyone's weird eyes, he actually stood up straight!

He was shot in the left chest, which was obviously the fatal part, the heart.

"Are you a reformer?"

Belit's eyes turned cold and he quickly drew his gun. He thought that Anzu had turned into a modified person like the murderer Bernard, with a machine hidden under his clothes.

"My old friend, Belit..."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp light shone, and the bright red blade split "Anzu Saifu" into two from the waist.

Anzu, who had just stood up, fell backwards into the yellow sand again. Green liquid oozed from the cross section cut off by Ye Lin. Inside the metal shell under the bionic skin were dense wires and a Metal spine.

At this time, everyone could see that the famous Kallet leader Anzu was not a modified human, but a more complete robot!

So where did the real Anzu Cypher go?


Kelly deliberately pretended to be surprised, ran over in a hurry, then squatted down and started tumbling over Anzu's body.

"Kelly, what's going on? How can that Anzu guy be a robot?"

Now Belit was completely confused. He had just been extremely sad because of killing his old friend, and he was still trapped in memories for a while. He almost couldn't extricate himself and shed tears.

As a result, the "brother" I had been flirting with for a long time turned into a cold robot?

Not only him, but the people watching the end of the legend also had baffled expressions and couldn't figure it out.

"Master, this robot has been around for at least ten years."

"ten years?"

In an instant, the surroundings were full of exclamations and imagination. Could it be that Anzu used robots to prepare a way out for himself ten years ago?

Could it be that the real Anzu is still hiding somewhere, at large?

At this time, Kurki, who was swaying, murmured in a hoarse voice: "Anzu died ten years ago."

"What did you say?"

Belit's beard trembled and he looked excited. His old friend, the leader of Kallet, died ten years ago?

"Say, what's going on?"

With the blade across Kurki's neck, Ye Lin looked "ferocious" and asked the other party to tell him the explanation that the magic sword had already instilled.

"Ten years ago, Anzu said at a secret regular meeting of Kallet that he wanted to correct Kallet, saying that our goals were skewed, and that Kallet should be an organization that pursues freedom and romance."

"Later, Anzu often fell into a state of confusion and nonsense, as if he was in pain, and one evening, while crying and saying he was sorry to his old friend, he shot himself."


Everyone's expressions suddenly became strange and exciting. The famous Eye of Dawn actually died of suicide ten years ago?

"Then what?" Kelly then asked at the right moment.

"Later on, only Randy Luce, myself, and Dr. Giselle knew about this matter. Because Anzu was the backbone and leader of Kallet, we analyzed the data on his corpse, built this robot, and used To control Kallet.”

"You are truly a shameless person!"

Yelin suddenly burst out with an angry shout, frightening the shocked Belite and others.

"The dead man is the most famous Eye of Dawn. You can do such a disgusting thing and disrespect the strong and the lawless zone!"


After saying that, he hit Kurki's head with a powerful side kick. The huge force caused the burly man to tilt and fall into the yellow sand.

And there was no movement for a long time, as if he was knocked unconscious by a kick.

"Damn, bah!"

Yelin spat hard as if he was being aggrieved. At the same time, the magic sword under the ground also modified Kurki's memory, turning Anzu's suicide into a very vague "fact".

The saddest thing for Sand Shadow Belit is that he killed his old friend with his own hands, and the emotion and recollection of the romance of his youth.

Now that the fact that Anzu is a robot is right in front of him, coupled with Kurki's "evidence", Belit will be deceived.

You didn't kill your old friend with your own hands. Your old friend committed suicide out of guilt because he led Kallet astray. He is still the romantic poor boy he was before, without any change.

A well-intentioned scam that can give Anzu a "good death" is already the best result.

For example, Van Vladin will be eaten by wild beasts, and Lantilus has exploded into invisible momo in the sky...

"I... have a little memory of when Anzu disappeared mysteriously for a week."

Haas suddenly said that as a veteran of Kallet, he had a very good relationship with Anzu, and he had always been aware of the abnormalities of his old friend.

He thought it was a matter of mental fatigue, but to his surprise, Anzu turned out to be a robot.

"Do you still remember that a plague broke out in the Lawless Zone more than thirty years ago?"

Ye Lin decided to place the last chess piece to bring this scene to a complete end, and continued:

"I checked the relevant information. With your kind of strange plague, patients will fall asleep for a period of time. After waking up, they will have a heightened desire to fight, which will affect people's character and mentality and make them extreme. But over time, it will slowly dissipate."

Of course he was not talking about the plague, but the black nightmare spread by the old man, and the effects of the black nightmare were permanent, and there were basically no signs of recovery.

Some young people may not be impressed, but Haas and Bellit suddenly understood.

The Lawless Zone A long time ago, a similar disaster did break out, and magical stories circulated, a sleeping plague.


Belit picked up the weapon left by Anzu, the Sunset Rifle, and then regarded the weapon as Anzu himself and made a rough tomb.

"I'll just stay here. There are still some stubborn Kallets hiding in the desert. I want to find them out. This is what I should do." Belit sighed, his figure was shabby and lonely. .

Yelin and Kaili looked at each other secretly and smiled knowingly. The things they couldn't do were settled for the time being, and it was time to go back.

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