Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 466: Reconstructing the Seven Gods

"I really want to tell him the truth, but... alas."

Tana no longer pretended to be Alice's indifferent elegance, resting her chin on one hand and staring at the somewhat rickety figure of the general.

On the battlefield, he was a loyal soldier, but now he is just a father who lost his daughter.

"There will be a way." Ye Lin could only comfort him like this.

Because Rebecca didn't get along with her father when she was a child, and she wasn't willing to look for the lost etiquette. If she forced herself to be a matchmaker between the father and daughter, Rebecca wouldn't necessarily appreciate it.

She is a very stubborn girl, and if she doesn't handle it well, it will embarrass everyone.


In the suspended harbor, Jacket stood on the shore of the harbor with a simple luggage on his back, staring at the sparkling sea.

Half of the burden of more than ten years was suddenly taken away. Facing the sea, he exhaled a breath and boarded the sea train to the foggy capital without looking back.

"Rebecca, I will find you."


"Colonel, Colonel, are you crazy? Are you on drugs?"

Temi, who was promoted to major, looked at the messy office with documents scattered all over the floor. The once unsmiling man was sobbing and crying under the table, like a child who had been robbed of a lollipop.

"She, she is still alive, sister, she is really alive..."

Unn, who raised his head, startled Temi. His sleeves were wet with tears, and his handsome face had now turned into a tabby cat. Is this the same colonel who showed no expression when facing Anton?

"What's alive?"

Temi was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and asked tentatively and in surprise: "You mean, Rebecca?"


"This is heaven, it's quite magical."

Celia pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose seriously. She wore a black women's suit with a tight-fitting hip skirt, like a successful white-collar worker in the workplace. Ma Lin was stunned for a moment.

"Ahem, Your Excellency Marin, I am the person in charge of the Celia Chamber of Commerce. I want to discuss trade with you. We in Arad need flashlights, telescopes and other scattered convenient equipment. We can discuss what supplies the heaven needs. price."

Ma Lin hesitated and said calmly: "Money..."

Although the noble council has sucked a lot of blood, there are still many things to solve next. The entire heaven is crying for food and needs money.

Ye Lin leaned over and whispered in Celia's ear: "If you come here often in the future, it is not suitable to live in the palace all the time. You should consider buying some real estate."

After saying that, he measured the curvature of the fat with his own hands, which elicited an angry look.

In the afternoon, after sleeping in, Alijie went to court seriously and accepted the establishment of diplomatic relations between the three countries of Arad. She also accepted some assistance in an effort to rebuild the heaven and restore people's livelihood.

For a time, the princess's reputation was filled with honors among common people.

"I already have the Royal Courtyard, Tianying."

Alijie was filled with pride, her little face shone, and she said loudly and loudly: "The Black Rose Special Forces Team has successfully selected the new General Rachel. In addition, I want to reconstruct the Elytra of the Seven Gods!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another commotion among the respectful ministers below, mixed with a few sighs of awareness.

In addition to the dragon kept outside the palace, the princess has already mastered extremely terrifying power. Even the previous supreme priest Beilean did not have a native power in the heaven!

Princess Courtyard, Sky Eagle Organization, Ghent Garrison, Black Rose Special Squad, Lawless Zone Military Headquarters, Ghent General Military Headquarters.

Among them, the army in the Eaton Industrial Zone is in the hands of Pedra, but it is only a matter of time before it is recaptured. Because of Hailan, the Coast Guard is in the stage of thorough investigation. It is only a matter of time.

Now that the princess intends to gather the new Elytra of the Seven Gods, which is the highest scientific and technological honor in the heavens, people have to lament that after the princess holds a coming-of-age ceremony in the future, she will change her name to emperor.


Several men and women of different heights and ages entered the hall respectfully.

"Melvin Richter, I reappoint you as the Elytra of the Seven Gods."

Although Melvin looked reluctant because of his lazy personality, he was thinking about the huge temptation of Ye Lin's words, "You work for the princess, and I will position you as Gaibojia, otherwise there will be no need to talk."

Still, he cheered up and said respectfully: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"The founder of G-series machinery, Perla Venn."

A projection screen suddenly floated in the air, and Pella, who was far away in the Siman Industrial Base, bent down and saluted: "I am willing to serve you, Your Majesty."

He heard that the reason why his mother was not executed on the spot was because Alijie showed him a little face, so he was grateful.

"Lindsay Rosen."

A girl with short hair, fair skin and a delicate appearance saluted and thanked her.

She is the only daughter of the Rosen family. She is currently researching new energy. She wants to get rid of the shackles of "electricity" in the blood of the heaven.

Although it seems that there are no major revolutionary results at present, because the research aspect is very important, no one objects to it.

"Nairn Sigg."

"Thank you... thank you... thank you... Your Majesty."

Nairn, who was also far away in the industrial area, could only use a projection method to say greetings. However, because he was extremely afraid of strangers, he blushed and hesitated for a long time before he could say a few simple words.

"Merry Fay'O'Neill."

An elderly woman who openly smoked a cigarette in the hall nodded, then glanced at Melvin and Ye Lin coldly.

Suddenly, the two of them shuddered and shuddered.

One had the psychological shadow of being airdropped for support, and the other had released the Meili pigeon that afternoon. The corners of their mouths were slightly twitching and their expressions were stiff.

Women in heaven are all tigresses, and this is the Tiger King.

"Hugh Fitzraley."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another commotion in the hall. It was obvious that he was not interested in this name, even Jurgen was the same.

Wearing a red coat, the man was as handsome as a knife but had cynical eyes. After saluting, his eyes kept looking at Ye Lin with great expectation.

He was probably the only person who had a fanatical pursuit of "magic" before Ye Lin brought people up.

The family is a wealthy family of Nospis. Although they are not nobles, they are quite wealthy.

When Beilean was still alive, the noble council strongly opposed Xio joining the Seven Gods. The reason was that the research direction was too ethereal and sounded too mythical.

The fusion of magic and machinery is his theme.

But now that Alijie has personally appointed him, it doesn't matter. Besides, this person's research in the field of explosions is quite essential.

"Spirit of the Machine, Gina Theodore."

The last candidate was confirmed, and the reaction of the civil and military officials was average, which was expected.

Gina was once nominated for the Elytra of the Seven Gods, but because she was a commoner and not a rich person, she received strong opposition. However, in terms of science and technology, her qualifications are absolutely sufficient.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to serve you, but I may..."

Gina, who has a healthy complexion like wheat, long chestnut hair, and a proud figure, is hesitant to wear a pair of goggles.

She is the person in charge of the war core workshop, but the Elytra of the Seven Gods is to protect the princess and should stay in Ghent.

"It doesn't matter, Nairn and Pella are not in the imperial capital either. The elytra of the Seven Gods is an affirmation of your honor." Alijie comforted.

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