Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 467 Boss Meili’s teasing

"Gina and Hugh are supposed to be the replacements for Coolio and Giselle. Why is there no one taking my place?"

After the meeting, Melvin began to complain again. He was so lazy that every cell was infected by a turtle. If there was not enough temptation or a strong threat, he would never serve as the Elytra of the Seven Gods. .

"Give me some respect. After all, it is the highest scientific honor in the world, and it is coveted by countless people."

The two walked slowly outside, Ye Lin put his hands behind his head, thinking about when to ask Alice to help, trying to locate the position of Gaibojia's fist.

Then use the space gate to perform reverse calculations, find Gaibojia's body, repair it, and re-display the glory of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War.


With a soft cry, as soft and clean as an oriole in an empty valley, a cute and delicate girl wearing a long skirt, holding a volleyball-sized mechanical turtle in her arms, ran over with small steps, her little face full of joy: "Brother , Congratulations, you have become the first batch of complete elytra of the Seven Gods."

Then he turned slightly sideways, smiled kindly at Ye Lin and bowed: "Hello, I am Mia Richter. I have been wanting to meet you for a long time. Magic is really amazing."

Mia Richter, Melvin's sister, a senior engineer and machinist in the Eaton Industrial Zone, was once responsible for liaison and communications. She temporarily returned to Ghent because of the blessing ceremony.

"Hey, the Seven Gods are very"

Turning his eyes, Melvin looked left and right, took a step closer to Mia, and whispered: "Mia, are you interested in making the elytra of the Seven Gods?"

"Huh? Me?"

Mia was startled, then hurriedly waved her hands and shook her head: "No, no, no, no, how can I take my brother's place and work with you adults?"

She knew that her brother was a slacker, but she never expected that he would be so lazy as to set his sights on her sister.

"Listen to me, your brother and I have something important to deal with. You can do it for me..."

"Melvin, Yelin, you two come here."

An unkind-sounding tone came from behind, and Melvin immediately shut his mouth. Ye Lin also looked resentful.

Meili lit herself up with tobacco leaves as soon as she walked out of the palace gate. She glanced at the two of them and exhaled a breath of choking smoke, which briefly covered an old, wrinkled and serious face.

Although this boss is over eighty years old, he is still energetic and full of energy. Of course, he can also be very angry when he curses people.

"Let me first thank you for your contribution to the heaven."

Mei Li nodded slightly in greeting, leaving Ye Lin to shake his head and respectfully said: "It should be right, heaven is my second home."

"It looks like he is very talented and very strong, but it takes a little time. Remember to pay attention to strengthening your kidneys and body."


She rubbed her nose and felt a little helpless. Meili was already over eighty years old, but she could still make such a small joke, so she was still young at heart.

"Melvin, since you have taken the seat, work hard for me. Today's young bastards can't even say hello to their elders. How can you have one percent of Mia's manners?"

Melvin, who had been gloating just now, suddenly turned dark. The boss was blaming himself for not saying hello just now, and by the way, he compared Mia with him and scolded him.

"I'm sorry, Lady Meili..."

Saying hello respectfully, Melvin felt more and more that today he should be like Dr. Pera and set up a projection to stop people from coming.

"Here, let me introduce you two."

Meili's old face finally calmed down, and a rare smile appeared. She pulled the two beauties behind her and pushed them forward as if she was pampering her granddaughter.

"The mechanical spirit, Gina Theodore, is also the head of the War Workshop."

Gina, who has healthy wheat-colored skin and a well-toned figure, made a graceful ladylike gesture.

"The only daughter of the Rosen family, Lindsay Rosen."

After thinking about it, Meili glared at Ye Lin again and warned: "Both of you are the pride of my heaven. If you dare to attack, I will chop off your claws."

After hearing this, Gina shrugged her shoulders generously, while Lindsay pursed her lips and smiled, just listen to the jokes made by the elders.

The future husband of a Rosen family woman must be someone who is truly talented and knowledgeable, and has a common interest in research.

Although I heard that he was very strong, he was not a scientific talent after all, and his professional fields were not suitable.

The seven people in Elytra of the Seven Gods don't actually know each other well. Many of them are "one-time acquaintances" who know their names but haven't met them a few times.

Especially Gina, because she stayed in the core war workshop all year round and was deliberately targeted by nobles, she had some disdain for the other elytra.

Tianjie is still pursuing "beautiful" machinery. As a leader, she naturally has her own arrogance.

But after what I saw today, my arrogance has subsided a bit.

"Boss, do you have anything to do with us?"

Ye Lin asked cautiously. Faced with such a "heavenly treasure", especially a big boss who is also good at swearing, every move must be carefully considered.

"It's like this. The two of us need a little help from you, so we asked Lady Meili to help introduce you."

Gina took out a small tablet computer from her windbreaker, her eyes were burning, and she said expectantly: "You are a very capable adventurer. You must have encountered many terrible monsters in your continent, right? Can you tell me their appearance? , size, attack method.”

Tianjie pursues the beauty of machinery and wants to break the rigid pattern left by the seven mechanical war gods. It even does not hesitate to greatly improve the social status of women, which also has the side effect of "tiger".

As a leading figure, her bionic mechanical ghost tiger and wolf weapons have received unanimous praise, and this has triggered an aesthetic revolution that is no less than that of "G-series machinery".

It’s “biomechanical”!

Refer to the vibrant life of nature and use their body shape and characteristics to create new destructive weapons.

Apostle Luke also did this. The iron will that guards the energy furnace in Silent City is a special weapon modeled after the Dragon King Bakar.

Because there were not many destructive monsters in the world, Gina felt that her thinking was limited. In distress, she wanted to find inspiration from the adventurers of Arad.

"For this, I may not have time."

Ye Lin spread his hands and felt a little embarrassed. He was going to take Cyrus to the Realm of Nothingness soon, and now he had to make various preparations in advance.

"But I can introduce you to someone."

Seeing that Gina's interest suddenly dropped and dark clouds were about to appear above her head, Ye Lin changed the subject and said: "My secretary Isadora is very interested in collecting and recording materials. Our team's journey is also She recorded it, if you have time, I will take you to find her later."

"Really, that's great, please."

Gina smiled broadly, held the tablet in front of her, and accidentally squeezed out the extremely proud plumpness, which made Lindsay's eyelids twitch and she looked away.

However, Lindsay hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Do you have energy?"

"Source energy? You mean the new energy source from the Sky Eagle organization?"

"Well, that's it."

Hearing that he didn't seem to be confused about Yuan Neng's meaning, Lindsay slowly breathed a sigh of relief and took the initiative to explain:

"It's like this. My research direction is new energy, but I have never been able to find an energy source that can be mass-produced, civilianized, and commercially available. I heard that Tianying once sold energy bombs, so..."

"Do you want to try to control source energy? For civilian or commercial use?" Melvin suddenly interrupted and interjected.


"It's difficult." Melvin shook his head regretfully: "Source energy is like a bomb. You can let it explode instantly. It's uncontrollable, bit by bit."

"I still want to try it. Without clear research results, I can't rest assured in my position as the Seven Gods."

Lindsay's eyes were filled with stubbornness. A woman from the Rosen family had never given up.

The Rosen family is not actually an aristocracy that started out in science and technology. It was very difficult for Lindsay to participate in scientific research when she was a child, but with her determination to study, she became an official Elytra of the Seven Gods. The Rosen family is proud of it. daughter!

Yuan Neng is a great opportunity!

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