Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 598: The standard equipment of the strong!

"How to sublimate?"

The old man frowned in confusion. The situation was now so critical that he was lucky to be able to stop the situation from developing.

"Because the main purpose of the Qinglong Conference is martial arts fighting and the selection of talents, and the purpose of the selection is to make the virtual country more powerful. Now..."

Ye Lin raised his chin to signal Shi Ku, who was still crazy, "Now, we have a very vivid example."

After saying that, without waiting for the old man to understand the meaning, he used materialization magic to make a bamboo hat and jumped straight off the high platform.

In order to maintain the mystery of Emperor Nian, Mo Mei is not in a conspicuous place, and she may not necessarily know the reason.

Master Jiulong is not at the scene. He will come over in the afternoon and is currently at Yuelun Mountain.

As for other people who have the ability to break through the mental energy shield, such as Siatt, the others, and Aisha, they don't understand the reason for Shiku's current state.

The judges' bench and referees had slowly moved closer, and someone quickly told Aska the information and asked her to make a decision.

"Fortunately, Mo Mei didn't use her full strength, otherwise I would have been in a lot of trouble."

He carefully looked at the thick mental energy shield, which not only blocked external interference, but also had a strong restraint effect on the overflowing energy inside.

The sword's blade was as white as snow, and its light was as cold as autumn frost. The moment the divine sword was unsheathed, all the swords in the fighting arena suddenly let out a clear cry.

The martial arts arena, which was originally in chaos due to the unexpected situation, suddenly became silent and could hear a pin drop, and everyone was shocked.

Although Xu Zu advocates telepathy and fighting skills, swords are still the most commonly used weapons. People who use gauntlets or oriental sticks as weapons have little real ability to use them.


The palace martial arts master who lost a hundred gold coins had a solemn expression on his face, staring closely at the figure in the field, standing proudly, the blade of his sword pointed directly at the mental energy barrier.


The white line was drawn horizontally, and it seemed like an ordinary sword strike, but it shattered the mental energy shield arranged by Emperor Nian, turning it into fragments of fluorescent light and dissipating in the air.

Seeing this, Shaying quickly retreated, unable to stop the crazy Shiku.

Liuyun is disillusioned!

There was an angry shout, and the spear followed the retreating shadow. The bloody rules of the imperial arena, no matter how many contestants there are, only one can survive!

"Hey, Ye Lin, help me block this guy, he's crazy..."

Shaying was still frightened. If it weren't for his super high affinity with the second ghost, he would have been stabbed to death by Shi Ku.

Extraordinary power surged from the magic gun, so powerful that Ye Lin glanced at Shaying helplessly, "I'm wearing my bamboo hat in vain, you call me a hammer."

"If you can't cut off the magic spear and prevent the other party from going crazy, then you can only..."

His left arm began to be covered with a thick crystal gauntlet, which grew several times in size in an instant. Then, under everyone's horrified gaze, he grabbed the attacking magic gun.


The sharp gun blades continuously exploded into crystal fragments, but were immediately covered by elemental energy protection, forming a stalemate.

The violent air flow exploded, blowing away his bamboo hat and causing the corners of his clothes to flutter.

"Shi Ku, the Imperial Arena is gone and no longer exists."

His voice was not loud, it was very calm and light, but it had an unexpected special effect. Shi Ku's struggling and twisted face softened slightly, and his strength began to weaken.

"A few months ago, a mysterious strong man destroyed the arena and many nobles died. You should know this news, right?"

The Imperial Arena is not only Siatt's nightmare, but also the nightmare of countless magic gunners. They hate it deeply. It is a building stained with sin.

It wasn't until it was blasted to pieces by Siatt that it came to an end temporarily.

There will definitely be a place in the Empire to replace the arena effect, but where exactly that location is, the Rebels are still looking for it.

"I know you want to take revenge on the Empire. Perhaps, you can start the reckoning from where you were a slave?"

Just when the other party was hesitating and confused, Ye Lin reached out his hand and covered the other party's face with Dream-Eating Tree Pollen.

"Pollen is so useful. I'll ask Ajialu for some when I have time~"

The rebuilding of Northmar has been half-baked, the tragedy of the Red Diamond has been hidden, and the plague has been eradicated by the Order of the Hierophants.

The undead Ajialu worked very hard during the reconstruction work and was unexpectedly loved by the residents. She became the mayor of Northmar, and Namu became her secretary.

"Quick, doctor, and Lord Paladin..."

Aska held up her skirt and rushed to the ring anxiously. She did not expect that an accident would happen at this time. The top four contestants went crazy inexplicably and even fell into a coma.

After careful inspection, Yuena put her hand on the other person's forehead and sprinkled some healing light. "It's nothing serious. It's just mental exhaustion and physical weakness. It only takes a few days to recover."

The paladin hired by the royal family at a high price is Yuena. It's easy to make some extra money without much effort, so why not do it.

"I'm also tired. Please help me heal..." Ye Lin trembled and stretched out his paws in front of her.

"Okay, physical therapy. I have a lot of experience in beating therapy."

The holy spear Brionak appeared in the palm of her hand, and Yuena smiled. It's okay for me to help you loosen your muscles and bones.

"Your Majesty, Shiku is like this... you are like this..."

They gathered around and murmured. They couldn't hold it any longer. They all asked what happened and if anyone could explain it.

Soon, the unconscious Shiku was carried down. After first announcing that Shaying had been promoted, Aska pressed lightly with both hands, and the whole place was silent.

"People, it is very unfortunate that the player Shiku, because of the influence of the third ghost and the fifth ghost, has awakened a very bad memory..."

Askar has some very good oratory talents. Her friendly smile and her performance in recent days also make people happy to listen to her tell the reasons for things.

If it weren't for maintaining the dignity of the king, I really wish that the commentary for every scene would be His Majesty the King.

She spoke affectionately about the abilities of ghosts and gods and Shiku's tragic past. She did not directly point out the Delos Empire, but only said that he had to fight desperately to have food, etc...

Moreover, things about the Imperial Arena can be known by just asking around, so it’s not really a secret.

Suddenly, a strange battle turned into sympathy and indignation. Xuzu had been peaceful for hundreds of years, but he never thought that there would be such a bloody thing and a ruthless tyrant in that place.

After some clever comparisons, their new king Askar became more and more pleasing to the eye, and he became more and more grateful for being born in a peaceful country, and his cohesion was greatly improved.

Then, everyone unanimously set their sights on the ring, looking for the man who took the sword with his bare hands. His absolute strength was suppressed without any adulteration, but there was no trace.

"He should be the sword god who defeated Lai Qi that day." Someone repeatedly exclaimed.

"It should be, and besides, he is too young. I thought he was a middle-aged man."

"Yeah, he was wearing a bamboo hat that day, and he's wearing a hat today too."

"I heard that Master Jiulong also likes bamboo hats. Could it be that this is the standard accessory for strong men!"

After Alice's stunning performance made dresses with slanted fronts and open skirts popular among women, the face-covering hat began to inexplicably become popular among men again.

However, because Ye Lin slipped away too quickly, all the nobles and ladies who were looking forward to him were stunned and disappeared without a trace, and they suddenly looked regretful.

He is so young and powerful, if he can be won over, the family will definitely be invincible in the future changes of Xu Ancestor.

It was almost noon, and after the brief panic was perfectly resolved, Askar announced a break and would play the final again in the afternoon.


Yuena was backstage, holding a box of lunch before she opened it, when she saw Ye Lin, Aisha and Feng Ying greeting her.

"Let's go out to eat." Ye Lin waved.

"I don't want to move, this lunch box tastes delicious."

"My treat."

"Go for a walk."

The surrounding hotels and restaurants were very popular, and the catering business took advantage of the popularity to become popular. The four of them walked a little further before they found a place with a seat.

"Teacher, Feng Ying, how are you two going to play... fight this afternoon?"

There are basically no variables in the competition between Aisha and Feng Ying. Feng Ying just wants to try a challenge and see what level she can achieve.

"I'll do my best." Feng Ying was unhappy. She had a chance of winning against Shaying and Shiku, but she was only one-third unlucky to hide the boss Aisha.

Yuena picked up a piece of beef with chopsticks and muttered, "After we surprise Aska, we go back to Hutton Mar? What happens next?"

The source of the increase in pretenders has not yet been found, and the whereabouts of the three dark knights are unknown. She always feels uneasy.

As time goes by, more and more branch churches will become irritable, and Bishop Magello will have another headache.

"It depends on the situation." Yelin's chopsticks were as fast as the wind and snatched away a meatball that Feng Ying wanted to take. He said proudly: "If there is any news about the Dark Order, I will ask the leader Aizela if there is Gutai. La’s artificial god technology, if Gina makes a nuclear bomb, we will go to heaven, and if Feng Ying can remember the location of the disaster bank ruins, we can also go and see the real ghosts and gods."

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