Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 599: It should be... hopeless...

The meatballs she wanted were taken away. Feng Ying could only slash him with her eyes, and then changed to a less round one, recalling:

"I once found the ruins of the Kingdom of Calamity because I accidentally discovered some ice and snow in a wilderness somewhere. It was early autumn at that time, so I took a look out of curiosity, and then I accidentally discovered the entrance."

According to Feng Ying's guess, the out-of-season frost should have been left by the ghost god Saya, but after Saya left, the power of the frost gradually declined, and it was no longer what it once was.

In Jige's time, Saya's frost could still create a ten-mile-long field of ice and snow, but now it has almost dissipated.

Next to her, Yuena, who had always liked love stories and used to keep a small notebook in her holy book, became less interested, "Saya and Jon, Cruise and Lohia, ugh..."

"Jon's tragedy is that he couldn't elope with Saya because he was involved in the interests of the kingdom." Aisha slowly sipped the juice and said: "Oli told me that there is a dark elf saint in the Tower of Despair. Princess Rai also ran away from the Dark City for freedom."

Hearing this, Yelin and the other three were inevitably surprised. Saya and Rai were both free and uninhibited women, very willing to give up.

One is willing to give up his kingdom in exchange for elopement, and the other is willing to give up his status as a princess in exchange for freedom.

After finishing the meal, Yuena sat down on the chair contentedly because she was the guest he invited, and shouted: "Aisha, if you act more gently this afternoon, I can save some trouble."

"Okay, I'll try my best..."

Shiku was eliminated unexpectedly, and Shaying advanced without knowing what to do. As for the other finalist, it was basically Aisha.

"What a harmonious country." Feng Ying sighed slightly as she thought of what she had seen and heard in the past few days.

Hearing this, Ye Lin shook his head slightly and said solemnly, "That's because you haven't even seen the obstacles Askar encountered when he ascended the throne."

Unfortunately, the wise king passed away due to illness. Aska was still in Hedunmar at the time and knew nothing about it. She ascended the throne based on her identity as the eldest princess and the wise king's will. The process was not as simple as imagined.

Just like Prince Vann of the Delos Empire, although he is the nominal first heir, he still has the covetous Princess Celia and the silly sweet Isabella.

Fann wants to inherit the throne after Leon's death. Not only does he have the pressure of the heir, but also the pressure of his father.

At least Ye Lin didn't believe that the middle-aged emperor would be willing to go through life, old age, illness and death and leave behind this illustrious empire.

As for Aska, although the other princesses and princes are younger than her, they cannot resist the ambitions of nobles seeking the throne.


Four people need a private room to eat, so there is no waiter coming over to ask you if a table can be cleared after you finish eating, and you can chat leisurely until the afternoon.

When the waiter went to clear the table, he was a little surprised that it took so long for the three men and three women to finish their meal, but after receiving a tip of a few gold coins, they left instantly with a smile on their face.

The martial arts arena was in chaos. Of course, it didn't mean that there was a panic in order, but some punters were wailing. The ups and downs of this day were nothing.

Bihars, one of the high-profile and powerful seeded players, was defeated in one second and even the referee did not react.

The magic gun god is so powerful and invincible that he seems to be on the verge of winning the championship. But who would have thought that ghosts and gods would bring back memories of the past, and his mind would go crazy and he would be unable to fight anymore.

So much so that the current gamblers are beginning to hesitate about who among the three remaining players has the ability to win the championship.

There was a lively discussion between Aisha who won in one second, Setsage who was accompanied by ghosts and gods, and Feng Ying who was a gorgeous swordsman.

"It should be ghosts and gods. As long as Shaying can block the first wave of attacks, ghosts and gods have unlimited possibilities."

"If you use Ghost Step, you do have a chance."

"His death tombstone can suppress the entire crowd."


In the afternoon, as soon as Ye Lin showed up at the guest seat, he was immediately surrounded by a group of old people. They were all astonished and amazed as if they were looking at rare animals.

"The future life is terrible."

"I am ashamed."

"I never thought that you would be that adventurer."

Normally, they wouldn't be too surprised when they see a young man who has broken through the legendary realm. They have never seen anything like the wind and waves, and they will only sigh with emotion about good luck and good opportunities.

But Ye Lin's words a few days ago, "The realm of the awakened is actually a shackles," completely conquered them.

If there are no limits, how can we talk about breaking them? The road to martial arts is never-ending!

This kind of understanding makes them wish they were twenty years younger and would surely achieve greater glory.

Some ashram owners even made this sentence into a banner and hung it in the ashram hall.

"How did you have this kind of epiphany?" someone couldn't help but ask.

They were really curious. If this sentence was said by Master Jiulong, it would seem very natural, but when it was said by a young man, it was a bit strange.

"It's like this. In the northern seas of the Principality of Bellemare, there is a wandering giant sky-curtain beast, and a group of GBL cultists live on it..." Ye Lin explained the reason for the connection.

The GBL teacher, who intended to exhaust the world's knowledge to realize the blue truth, found out that knowledge is endless and belongs to everyone in the blue world.

"I see." The old man beside him nodded with emotion and sighed: "Steel has its limits, but knowledge has no limits."

These respected old men did not bother him too much. If they could learn a truth that enlightened them, their trip would have been worthwhile.

"Boy, you have such generous conditions, why can't you get that girl?"

The court martial artist stroked his beard and signaled that Aisha and Feng Ying were already on the stage.

Ye Lin touched his nose when he heard this, a little embarrassed, and said: "There is no limit to my learning. My fighting skills are very bad. I am often pushed to the ground and beaten violently by her."

A group of old men gave out a burst of good-natured laughter. They had their strengths and weaknesses, and they understood.

Moreover, Ye Lin, who had reached the legendary realm at such a young age, really put them to shame. Now that they heard that he could not beat Aisha in martial arts, they felt a little better.


Dark Moon's sword blade collided with the ivory-like Eastern stick, and they were separated in an instant. Feng Ying's face was serious, and her beautiful eyebrows were filled with confusion.

She is good at using two swords, one hand is Hell's Land and the other is Black Sword Dark Moon. Her melee attack speed is not much slower than Shi Ku's.

Once she is allowed to press forward, the enemy will be greeted by a continuous attack like a violent storm.

But no matter how gorgeous her swordsmanship was, she just couldn't break through Aisha's oriental stick defense, which was like a thick iron plate.

Moreover, Aisha's body is unimaginably flexible, and she can dodge and move with incomparable agility.

Aisha smiled slightly and took the initiative to explain: "I am the queen who controls the storm. To be more general, wind is also air. In my opinion, every attack you make will be naturally slower."

"Yeah, we really need to have a good chat when we have time." Feng Ying nodded in surprise.

Aisha and she are actually the same kind of people, both have an obsessive pursuit of "beauty", the beauty of fighting and the beauty of swordsmanship.

"Come again!" Aisha hooked her hands, her whole body was filled with incomparable confidence, exuding a dazzling feminine charm.

Feng Ying pursed her lips, although she was unwilling to do so, but she had to admit that before she broke through the "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top, Five Qi Heads to the Origin" and reached the Seven-Star Yaohua realm, she really was no match for Aisha.

But admitting defeat is not his attitude!

The two swords chopped out several gorgeous sword flowers, but they were still blocked by the oriental stick. Aisha's beautiful eyes were filled with confidence, but Feng Ying raised a sly smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Aisha, I don't just practice swordsmanship~"


Feng Ying suddenly let go of Dark Moon in her left hand, the long sword fell to the ground, and struck forward with a palm, hitting it in the middle.

The flames exploded between the two of them. Aisha stepped back and turned pale. If the clothes were not made of special materials and magic, she would have been seriously injured and defeated.

Feng Ying is good at using swords, but her palm skills have always been ignored by others.


Feng Ying, who succeeded in the sneak attack, did not pursue the victory, but stared blankly at her left hand, still maintaining a subtle gesture, her eyes were in a trance, she is so big!

Showing off your breasts is something I almost don’t have!

She lowered her head and glanced at her reluctant ups and downs, and a sense of frustration suddenly arose in her heart. Alizee could still have reason to say that she had not grown up and had some opportunities.

But at his age, he should be... hopeless.

"I surrender……"

Feng Ying felt even more frustrated now that she had given up, and looked defeated.

Not to mention the fit Elsa, but also her partner Mavis, who seems to have just the right amount of justice, not to mention Siatt and Cyrus.

They are full of breasts, deep and proud, and they are confident and mediocre...

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