Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 640: Loyal Night Members

In autumn, the Canyon of the Dead is located in the north, and there is heavy fog all day long. Walking in it, you can feel a bit cold without realizing it.

The mysterious tower that towers into the clouds has been transformed into the "Genesis" spaceship, which is a hundred stories high. It is the first time for Xiaoyu and the two priests to come here. They unconsciously raised their heads to see the limits of the tower, and their necks were sore. .

Xiaoyu blinked and exclaimed again and again, "It's unbelievable. I thought the tens of meters high building in Ghent in Tianjie was considered top-notch."

"Yeah, and as much as I hate to admit it..."

Taylor skillfully verified his identity at the door of the Tower of Despair, "In Ancient Terra, which has a long history, its technological level surpassed the heavens by more than one level thousands of years ago."

The technological door slid open to one side, and Taylor suddenly came face-to-face with the person behind the door. He briefly froze in place, because the other person was neither Feinayin, who was guarding the first floor, nor the group leader Aizela. Not even the old acquaintance Reina.

But a woman who is still wearing white hot pants and strapless underwear in autumn and is not afraid of the cold.

The opponent had a single ponytail tied on the back of his head, but his hair color was strangely red and white. His skin was a healthy wheat color, his figure was slim, and his two arms were equipped with black and red claws, and there was a faint sweetness about him. The scent comes.

"Poison King Louis?"

Taylor frowned and took two steps back to get out of the way.

One of the Seven Prophets of the Violent Hunting Team, a moderate cadre, the most feared one among the seven, and rumored to be the ancestor of the Poison King lineage, but why did he come to the Tower of Despair.

Because those seven people had different ideas from the hard-line Soderos, they rarely came to the Canyon of the Dead, and more often they were running around planning something.

Ye Lin was also surprised by Taylor's nomination for speaking out. After carefully looking at Paris's friend, Louis appeared to be quite mature, but in fact he was not very old and was in the prime of his youth.

However, there was no expression of any emotion on that very heroic face, which was cold and hard. Her pair of red eyes that were the same color as her hair swept over Taylor, Siatt and others one by one without causing any disturbance.

She didn't speak, walked around Taylor's body, and left the Tower of Despair.

A moment later, Rena, wearing a purple skirt, suddenly appeared on the first floor, "Come in, it's cold outside."

The door of the Tower of Despair slowly closed, and Taylor walked in and couldn't wait to ask: "Rena, why is Louis here?"

"The goal of the moderates is to protect the apostles, what do you think?" Reina pointed to the sky.

Of course, she didn't mean that Louis and Soderos were facing each other, but that there was an apostle Antun in her and Taylor's hometown, Heaven.

"After Ye Lin opened the passage to heaven, adventurers and travelers have already gone to heaven. The news of the apostle in Siman Industrial Base naturally spread."

Reina herself felt helpless. In the eyes of the seven prophets, Lotus was killed by the collapse of the tower in Yelin, and Di Ruiji had his heart ripped out by him and thrown into the crack of another dimension. They were both dead.

So the new apostle Antuun made the seven prophets think about it.

However, because Antuen is too large, and the heaven is a completely unfamiliar world after all, judging from the current situation, the entire Seventh Empire is in a state of anger towards the apostle Antuen.

Therefore, the Seven Prophets, who were all unsure about what to do, asked Lewis to come over and discuss with Captain Azera, but they could not get any good results and could only stare blankly.

As far as the moderates know, Antun is as big as an island. People are like ants in front of it, unable to communicate with the apostles at all.

Do we really want to rely on the moderate manpower to protect Antuun and become the enemy of the entire Celestial Empire?

It's all nonsense no matter how you think about it.

Therefore, for Antuen, even the moderate leader Aisla is in a state of powerlessness.

What's more, one night after Miraz, one of the seven prophets, disappeared in the Grand Forest, the powers of the other six people all showed anger to varying degrees.


Now there is a "one" who has been caught by a mysterious existence, which makes them even more irritated.

"Speaking of which, Ye Lin, your identity and strength are no longer a secret..."

Rena's expression was a little worried. The moderates already knew that the hero of the heaven was the same person as a certain cadre of the violent search team who had saved Azera.

In other words, the news that he openly "killed" the two apostles made some moderate people gnash their teeth at him and were extremely unhappy.

For example, Ethra, Rosenberg and others, of course, there is also a prophet who has a very strong impression of him, that is Sauron who hates Shilok.

Ye Lin shrugged, not caring at all, "It doesn't matter, let them come to me, I'm still worried about finding them."

Even Ethra, who has Held's will, or Rosenberg, who has descended a powerful soul through power, has almost no chance of winning against Tana and Alice, who are constantly strengthening their bloodline through Bakar's "Imperial Order".

What's more, there is a lazy Naiyali at home.

The elevator slowly rose. In the past, adventurers who dared to challenge the Tower of Despair had to climb up one level at a time. However, Ye Lin's strength was obvious to all and there was no need to do this anymore.

Stopped at about the middle position, which is where Aizela, Erica and others live. Because the view is very wide, you can already see the sky outside the window being dyed red by the sunset. Soon, the night will come.

Walking through the metal passage full of technology, surrounded by wires or lights, Reina led them to open the door of a room. "It should be the same place you lived before. Because there are no new people, the room has been empty."

"You guys make the bed first and get ready to rest. I'm going to see the group leader." Ye Lin nodded heavily, and then strode away in a hurry. He had lived here for a month, and the internal structure was quite familiar to him, so he wouldn't get lost.

Taylor and Siatt looked at each other and curled their lips. If anyone could make this unscrupulous guy obedient now, it would probably be the gentle leader he longed for.

In an elegantly furnished small room, Aizela tried her best to use wallpapers or hanging paintings to cover up the cold mechanical feel inside the Tower of Despair, making the environment seem warmer and warmer.

There are gains and losses. Although the Genesis spacecraft has the effect of eliminating the influence of time and delaying lifespan and aging, the loneliness and coldness of the internal space often cause people to fall into negative mental problems.

"Sister Aizela, let's go out and play together. It's very boring here."

Erica was lying on Azera's bed rolling around. She had a restless personality and couldn't bear the loneliness in the Tower of Despair. She often wandered out to play, but due to safety issues, she usually didn't run too far.

Aizela kept taking notes in her hand and smiled fondly, "Where should we go? There are only a few villages and towns near the canyon. You have been there dozens of times."

Erica is from the Demon Realm and is younger than herself, which makes her feel like she is taking care of her younger sister.

"Let's go to Hedunmar and play in Yelin." Erica buried her head in the captain's fragrant pillow, mumbling indistinctly.

She was so envious of Ye Lin. According to Reina, she often traveled around the world in an airship.

"You just can't bear your temper. Next time Lena or Oli go, go and relax with them. You can go a little further." Azerla put down the pen and sighed softly. She couldn't find it either. Method to communicate with Apostle Antoun.

That guy is too big to hit.

However, the Odin family and the Tartans have a symbiotic relationship, so is there any way to contact the Tartans within the apostles?

Either from the black volcano or from Antoun's mouth, it seems unrealistic.

It is said that there is black mist in Antuen's mouth. The black mist contains strong electric ions and other substances, which is extremely dangerous.

While she was frowning and thinking, someone suddenly rang the doorbell, "Captain, are you there? I'm Ye Lin."

Aizela was stunned. Before she had time to get up, Erica, who was rolling on the bed, got up without putting on her shoes. She stepped on the carpet and opened the door excitedly.

"Hey, did you install surveillance in sister Aizela's room? I was talking about you just now."

Erica has crooked eyebrows and a smile on her face. When Ye Lin comes, she will definitely bring a lot of interesting things.

Even if you don't, you can follow him to Hutton Mar. The people in the Tower of Despair are too boring.

"Yes, I heard your call, so I showed up immediately." Yelin reached out and touched Erica's head, then stuffed a large bag of snacks into her arms and ate it.

"Wow, the bread is still warm." Erica smiled, satisfied.

She is different from ordinary girls. She doesn't like sweet things very much. Instead, she likes things with a lighter taste but very soft and lively.

For example, cucumber-flavored potato chips, French fries without dipping sauce, and freshly baked bread, especially the latter, you will never get tired of eating them for a hundred years.

"Captain, how are you lately? I see that you have lost a little weight. Eat more. Health is the most important thing. Do you want something to eat? Or a drink?..."

He held the leader's soft and boneless hand tightly with an excited expression on his face. Erica beside him choked on the bread and rolled her eyes. At the same time, she secretly cursed that this guy was really nagging, but he was really loyal to Azerla.

"I'm fine. I don't need anything. It's dark outside and it must be cold."

Aizela had the same gentle personality as always, with a pair of purple star-like eyes, full of a gentle smile.

Reluctantly letting go of the group leader's little hand, he nodded a little sheepishly, "It's not bad, but the fog is quite heavy."

Sitting aside, he casually brought up a topic about his recent life. When he casually mentioned that the number of pretenders in the Arad continent was increasing, Azerra looked obviously apologetic.

"I'm really sorry. I have restrained the moderates not to interfere in this matter, but there are still some members who want to get close to Ozma in this way."

The moderates advocate protecting the apostles, and they protect them regardless of the target. Whether it is Lotus who destroyed the GBL religion or Ozma who destroyed countless people, they are the targets of their protection.

But Azerla is different. Her premise of protecting the apostles is based on the premise that she will not bring serious disaster to the planet.

She has experienced the Dark Holy War, so she understands better that the apostle is the ultimate evil to everyone in the Arad continent and must be destroyed.

Aizela can often distinguish between right and wrong very clearly. This is also what gives her unique personality charm.

"It's okay, Captain, I have something to tell you about Ozma..."

When Ye Lin mentioned his plan to hunt Ozma and inherit the power of the apostle, he never expected to be immediately opposed by Azerla.

"No! This is impossible. Even the sub-level elemental Biana made by Gutera finally exploded and died. Your body cannot contain the power of the apostle at all."

Azera did not directly deny that there was Ancient Terra's technology on the Genesis, nor did she deny that she was from Ancient Terra. Instead, she directly pointed out the key points. The human body absolutely cannot withstand the power of the Darkness of the Beginning.

Once absorbed, it will definitely explode and perish.

Even the Archangel Michael from another dimension did not dare to directly obtain the power of the apostle. Instead, he used his protective angel, the embodiment of one of the seven archangels, to indirectly seal Ozma.

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