Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 641: Element Beyana

"It seems I can't hide many things from you, and that's right, Alice is here."

Aizela sighed softly. Most of the nearly a hundred powerful people in the Tower of Despair thought she was from the Demon World. Only a few, such as Dr. Muniz, knew that she was a member of the Guterra Star.

She comes from the same place as Held.

"I advise you to give up this idea. The Darkness of the Beginning is selective and difficult to take by force." Aizela hesitated for a while, then took down a hanging painting and touched it lightly on the wall with her fingers.

A mechanical panel slid to one side, revealing an electronic screen that slowly lit up the fluorescent light.

After Azera ran a series of programs that dazzled him, he extracted a storage disk marked with top secret information. After entering a series of complicated passwords again, he opened a storage socket.

"You have a close relationship with the apostles, so I won't hide this video from you." She tapped her index finger, inserted the USB flash drive, and chose to play it.

Erica, who was lying on the bed eating bread, also jumped up and stared at the screen curiously, with a hint of excitement to pry into a major secret.

"Actually, you are not the first to have this idea of ​​turning humans into Bayana, that is, turning them into apostles." Azerra shook his head slightly, with a complicated expression, as if he had gone through a reincarnation.

Biana, the goddess of light and justice in the ancient Terra star, wanted to turn herself into Biana after the twelve Biana, so she concentrated the power of the elements and injected it into the experimental subject, but the result was that the experimental subject was all Exploded to death.

Now, why does the genius she admires so much and the rising star recognized by Lord Soderos also want to embark on the path of becoming an apostle?

Could it be said that being an apostle is really the end of everything?

The first thing that appeared on the electronic screen was a dark starry sky, like a piece of paper soaked in ink, dotted with a few bright pinks, which were stars.

Erica's eating movements slowed down significantly. This was the first time she had seen this video. It was obviously a scene that only existed in the storage medium, but it had a simple and awe-inspiring aura.

The scene seemed to be still and lasted for a long time. Ye Lin and Erica unconsciously held their breath, concentrated, and clenched their palms unconsciously.

After the calm, there will inevitably be earth-shattering changes.

Sure enough, suddenly there was a bright golden arc across the starry sky. For just a moment, the two people's hearts suddenly lifted.

After a moment, the golden arc seemed to draw a circle in the sky. After turning back, it stood quietly in the dim starry sky. It was a humanoid life form.

He is surrounded by extremely bright golden light, like the sun suddenly appearing in the dark night, dazzling and perfect, exuding a kind of brilliant power.

It is like an ancient god, stepping from the depths of the universe, accompanied by the sacred golden light, and is born to accept the worship of the world and the admiration of all things.

The picture was fixed and there was no sound, but just from this scene it was enough to guess that the Terra planet at that time must have been filled with people and enthusiastic carnival.

Erica's eyes are obsessed. She is also a battle mage. The way to become stronger is to get closer to these perfect life forms that existed in ancient times.

Even Azera, who has been worried about him, has some obsession in her magnificent purple eyes. The people of Ancient Terra's worship of "Biana" can be called a fanatical belief.

However, Ye Lin frowned slightly. The ancient fragments recorded by the Tower of Despair, and the Biana exuding the divine golden light, should not be the twelve original Biana. Those living beings have extremely high wisdom, and there are very few. Act alone.

Sure enough, not long after, the situation of Biana, suspended brilliantly in the dark night, changed drastically.

Like a perfect life form shining like gold, it suddenly swayed in the air. The light kept shining and dimming, repeating the cycle one after another.

The living body seemed to be in pain, and began to unconsciously unleash violent and violent attacks from its body. Every move made the earth tremble, and the screen of the vibrating video equipment shook greatly.

At that time in Terra Star, everyone was probably in shock and fear, not understanding what was going on.

Suddenly, the perfect life form shot straight into the sky, and after launching several terrifying attacks in succession, it exploded like a super-large firework in the night sky.

Four different colors of energy rendered the entire starry sky, brightly illuminating the night of Terra, symbolizing the regretful end of a certain desire.

Elemental Biana, following the twelve artificial gods Biana, Terra scientists are trying to achieve new breakthroughs and try to complete the "human Biana" plan.

It is to replace the twelve primordial darkness with the mysterious "elements" in the universe and inject them into the body of life to complete the super evolution of the life level and reach the level of Brilliant Beyana.

But obviously, the experiment failed.

What followed was a scene of chaos. The elemental storm caused by Biana's explosion continued to linger over Terra for several hours.

When Azerla turned off the screen, the two of them still thought about it for a long time, and finally let out a long breath slowly.

"As you can see, the human body cannot bear a certain amount of elements. You are a human being, not one of the twelve experimental subjects specially created to adapt to the Darkness of the Beginning."

Aizela was sincerely trying to persuade him to be sensible and to pry into the power of the taboo. The consequences would be irreversible. The risk was just as critical as it was too dangerous.

It can almost be said that the word "death" is clearly written on his face.

"Transform, Biana!"

A solemn and solemn voice suddenly came from his ears. The elemental power condensed in the shape of circular dazzling patterns, and then submerged into the body. In a burst of bright brilliance, a strange life form with a slender figure and a war spear was born.

The eyes seem to have no pupils and glow with a faint golden light. Although the face is beautiful and tends to be feminine, there are no female features on the whole, and only a little black armor covers important parts.

But Erica’s small-scale justice is now mediocre after her transformation and disappears out of thin air~

"It's strange. I obviously made Biana using elements, so why doesn't it glow?"

Erica's voice had not changed yet, and she shook her hand. Although she could feel the surging power in her body, the gap between her and the element Biana that lit up the entire night sky in the video just now was a bit too big.

One shines like a nuclear bomb, the other is ordinary like a firecracker.

"It's a matter of quantity."

Ye Lin guessed: "Your transformation is to use elements to form solid dazzling patterns. You can control your power as you wish. In other words, the elements you use are within your personal limits."

"Yes." Azera nodded to express the same opinion and said: "At the time of Gu Terra, in order to pursue Biana's terrifying power, the concentrated elements were terrifying. In theory, as long as you inject enough power, you can Become the elemental Biana in the video.”

Erica nodded, but she also knew that if she wanted to reach the level in the video, she would have to at least reach the power of the elemental holy spirit.

However, there are only a few people who have reached the realm of the Elemental Holy Spirit. They can control the attribute elements at will and can cause terrible attacks. They will not try the extremely dangerous transformation of Biana.

Erica exited Bayana's state and immediately lost her face, "It's really depressing. How can I beat Charles Futz?"

The reason why she came to the Arad continent from the demon world was because she was young and frivolous, or had ADHD that refused to admit defeat. She dared to provoke the notorious leader of the Kaxiu sect many times, but she was slapped almost to death.

It was Bordeaux's Feather, a teleportation prop carefully crafted by her father, that saved her life.

Although she didn't usually talk about it, Erica herself had always been very upset about being defeated by Schaller.

Before Ye Lin had time to comfort her, Erica muttered to herself again, "It's strange. Sister Niwu's transformation is different from mine. Her breasts can become so big. How could I..."

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