Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 670: Mr. Anton is behind me!

"Can you still hide?" Ye Lin gradually became murderous.

He has cut off all the metal that can be in contact with the outside world and blocked all possible escape gaps.

Now Terrence's basement resembles a utility room and has become a completely enclosed space, not even an ant can crawl out.

The huge transistor shook violently in the air, as if it was stimulated by him.

In the next moment, a violent lightning arc shot out from it, and the ultra-high energy that had been stored for a long time burst out with all its strength, trying to annihilate the intruder with the destructive power of high-voltage electric energy.

The high energy bloomed for a full three minutes, and the surrounding cement walls also showed signs of melting at high temperatures, turning into a charred black mess.

The crystal that originally glowed with blue light in front of him now dimmed rapidly and turned into an ordinary blue crystal.

Ye Lin deliberately smoothed his hair with his hand to cover up his slight discomfort, and said with a mocking look on his face: "That's it?"

After all, it was all the electricity that Patrice had saved, and his scalp and back were still a little numb, a bit like a numbing electrotherapy.

Patrice's shadow slowly emerged from the crystal, and for the first time he felt extremely panicked.

Its scope of activities changed from the electricity in the sky to the Siman Industrial Base, and then to this small basement. From a free-flying eagle, it turned into a chicken in a birdcage in the blink of an eye.

"We are Lord Anton's guardians and energy providers. Once we lose contact with Lord Anton, he will definitely send powerful reinforcements!"

Desperate, Patrice could only start to threaten verbally, "I can't beat you, but behind me is an apostle, the ultimate life form in the universe, one of the strongest. If you touch me, you have to think carefully."

Ye Lin really stopped and touched his chin as if thinking.

In fact, what Patrice said is true. The demise of the four guardians is related to whether Anton can be fed. They are very important energy providers and have some status.

Even if Andern himself is still sleeping, his symbiote Tartan will definitely take targeted actions and try to occupy the power station again.

Filling one's stomach so that one is not hungry, and eating one's fill are two completely different concepts.

Therefore, this is why he visited the War Core Workshop on his way to Eaton.

He would naturally be prepared and alert for the apostle's revenge.

"You have an apostle behind you. What a coincidence, I also have an apostle behind me, or..."

Ye Lin made a fist with his right hand, then stretched out his fingers and slowly counted one, two, three... just like Patrice used his nails to count the members of the team when he was swelling, and added a look of disdain.

"Well, I have the power of three apostles behind me, and then, one, two, three... I can also touch the will of about five or six gods, what do you think?"

Patrice was stunned. His first instinct was that he was lying and nonsense. Do you think that the strongest man is just a cabbage on the street? You can choose whatever you want. If you are not satisfied, you can still negotiate the price.

But judging from Ye Lin's calm and calm posture, which had already begun to pump his fist, it seemed that he really didn't care about the threat posed by the seventh apostle, Lord Anton.

"Master Matega, save me..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Lin's right fist was wrapped in the Holy Spirit Crystal, and with a punch filled with extreme anger, he exploded hundreds of combined transistors.

Broken crystal fragments flew everywhere in the basement, like bullets exploding, leaving deep marks on the walls and ceiling.


Ye Lin sneered and held his right hand to his side. A shining blue crystal was tightly grasped. A strong force burst out from it and tried to break free, but was immediately sealed tightly by him.

"Is this the core of Patrice? What use can the intelligent life generated from the electric current have?"

After looking carefully, I still couldn't figure it out. I took back the core with my backhand and left. I didn't know what Mia's condition was like.


"Mia! How are you?"

Mo Mei was extremely anxious and could only use her mind energy to carefully separate the car wreckage.

Although Mia's body was special, the explosion just happened so suddenly that she was caught off guard.

They didn't spend much time together, but she really liked this cheerful and enthusiastic girl, and she had a warm feeling of being a sister.

He is pure and innocent at all times, and often sings in depressing military camps to encourage soldiers not to give up, as hope will definitely come.

No matter how dark the night is, the sky will definitely be illuminated.

She dismantled the burned car very carefully and slowly, for fear of witnessing a tragic scene and of accidentally losing Mia's parts.


Using the control of his mind, he pulled apart a charred car seat and roof cover, and an oval-shaped blue energy shield emerged from the charred black wreckage.


The surrounding team members who wanted to help but didn't dare to help looked at each other. This off-road vehicle "borrowed" from the War Core Workshop has such a strong protective capability?

However, upon closer inspection, I realized that things were not as expected.

Mia looked in shock, her eyes wide and blank, her knees curled up, sitting blankly in the middle of the ruins, holding a mechanical turtle in her arms.

And that rather solid energy shield overflowed from the turtle shell, and was not the work of the War Core Workshop.


Yuena couldn't help but be surprised. She usually heard Mia say that this turtle was her bodyguard. It seemed to have good attack power, but she never thought it had a protective function.

"Turtle?" Mia was stupid, as if she hadn't recovered yet. She subconsciously lifted the turtle from her chest and murmured: "I made this turtle with my own hands. Do you think I am very clever?"

"Yes, you are very ingenious and amazing." Mo Mei patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling relieved.

Dr. Gina on the side was smiling, but she was secretly confused in her heart.

She is much older than Melvin, and has a good relationship with the noble lady, Mrs. Mei Li, so she knows Mia's own secret.

But in her concept, machines are created by people, and the way they operate is also a set of cold data.

She felt that artificial intelligence was ultimately inferior to humans, but Mia's emotions seemed to be too rich.

If Mia's thoughtful and complete etiquette is the result of recording all relevant knowledge, the way she was frightened by the explosion just now should not theoretically appear on her.

"Mia, are you okay?"

Ye Lin hurried over from the basement of Terence Power Station. The action of judging Patrice's position, teleporting, and then annihilating all metal made him mentally exhausted.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Agui saved my life."

Mia's smile was bright, innocent, lively and lovely, which made Gina, who has the rigor of a scientist, become more suspicious. Is there any difference between Mia and a normal person?

"Huh, that's good. It scared me to death. I was negligent just now."

"Hehe, I'm fine. By the way, have you recovered the Terrence Power Station again? That's amazing!"

Mia looked adoring, like a loyal little fangirl, her eyes sparkling.

"Haha, it took some effort. After all, anyone who thinks he is invincible will end up miserable in the end."

Because Siatt was also very angry before, he took out the blue crystal of Patrice and indicated whether to give more to the team members or to Gina, indicating that he had smashed the opponent.

The intelligent monster born from infinite electric energy may leave something behind, if nothing unexpected happens. This may be the only thing left behind.

"I don't understand." Gina shook her head regretfully.

In her opinion, this mysterious crystal should belong to the Arad civilization system.

"Hey, it looks a bit like the soul crystal of our dark elves." Gu Yu curled his lips and muttered.

The invisible special life form, the crystalline material left after killing it, looks no different from the precious soul crystal in form.

"This is the remnant of the electric energy user." Siatt shook his head and said casually: "A soul body like Luxi can use crystals to reshape the soul, but this thing containing thunder and lightning is not the same as the soul crystal. The stone has the same effect, who dares to use it... huh?"

Suddenly, she suddenly turned her head and stared at Mia, who was staring eagerly at Patrice's crystal, with an inexplicable trace of longing in her eyes.

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