Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 671 The battle for military morale

Mia stared closely at the blue crystal in his palm. She didn't know why, but she just wanted it.

I don’t have the habit of collecting glitter, but it’s strange and I want it very much!

Ye Lin had also noticed the abnormality, frowned, and fell into thinking.

From the artificial human Homonkuluz, to the puppets made by Alice, Seghart, the Lord of the City of Light, including giant dragons such as Spitz, and even the Grand Forest created by the great magician Mar.

The birth of life does not seem to be very difficult in the hands of top experts.

It was even discovered that the predecessors of the powerful apostles, the twelve golden-brilliant Beyana, also had bodies artificially created by Terran scientists, binding the primordial darkness in the universe.

And he still remembered that Melvin told him during a casual chat that he did not restrict Mia's ability to improve and evolve.

Through a series of precise data calculations and her own evolution, Mia seems to have reached a bottleneck.

"Mia, do you want it?"

He shook the core of the special life form, Patrice, in his hand. The inner consciousness and wisdom had been wiped clean by his anger with the Seal of Heaven, and there was no corrosive aggression.

The electrical energy contained in it has also been completely consumed. Although it is said to be a crystal, it actually has a warm and moist feeling on the surface, like jadeite.

"want to!"

Nodding vigorously, the rare Mia lost her always gentle etiquette, her big eyes were focused, and all goals were focused on this core.

"Then give it to you."

Ye Lin handed over the core, which was similar to the soul crystal. Mia quickly held it in both hands, as happy as if she had found a treasure, and she even forgot to say thank you.

Not long after she picked up the core, the jade-like crystal melted rapidly, turning into a liquid-like mysterious substance, and then slowly disappeared into Mia's palm.

"Huh? Why is it gone?"

Mia's face was anxious, and she didn't notice that a ray of blue light shone in her eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

Ye Lin, who noticed the abnormality but remained silent, shook his head and smiled: "Maybe, Patrice's core has evaporated? What a pity. Forget it, let's go back."

"Yeah! By the way, my computer was fried, and I have to tell my brother the good news quickly."

Due to the emergency use of missiles by the war core workshop to cut off all high-voltage wires, the current imperial capital has no power available and has fallen into the same embarrassing situation as when Anton first arrived.

They had to spread the good news quickly to reassure Ghent, and then send people to repair the wires and try to gradually restore power in the evening.

If there is no news, Ghent will be anxious again.

"Let me do it."

Gina smiled gently, took out a handheld computer from the pocket of the engineer's uniform, and sent the news to the War Core Workshop and Melvin.

"Boss, the car is destroyed."

After kicking the debris on the ground, Xiaoyu and Raphael drove away one of the several cars that the team drove, and the rest were detonated by Patrice.

There was the roar of engines at the end of the street, and several military jeeps were speeding over at the critical moment.

Wu En jumped out of the car vigorously, hurried over, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Where is the monster just now? The power of the entire industrial base collapsed."

"Very good, it's been solved." Ye Lin spread his hands to express that there was no danger.


Before Wu En could breathe a sigh of relief, the soldiers behind him immediately started shouting, their words of praise were generous, and their faces turned red with excitement.

Finally relieved, four of the five power stations were recovered, leaving only one to be completely completed.

Most of the long-term mental fatigue has been released, and some overly excited people are still touching the corners of their eyes, hugging each other and crying.

I heard that the comatose soldiers in the military hospital began to wake up one after another and regained consciousness.

The good news came one after another, almost going to my head.

In the eyes of some people, the current team members are the Eternal Light from more than five hundred years ago, heroes like the Seven Mechanical Gods of War.

Although Wu En was also happy, he still remained calm. He keenly discovered that although Ye Lin was also very happy, it did not feel like a complete victory. There seemed to be a trace of worry between his eyebrows.

"General, do you have any other worries? Is it because of the presence in Slott Power Station? It's too troublesome?" Wu En asked in a low voice with a respectful attitude.

He didn't dare to speak loudly. He was afraid that if a basin of cold water was suddenly poured on the soldiers' heads and they fell from heaven to hell, their morale would inevitably collapse.

"Just call me Ye Lin. We can solve it Slott. The question is, do you still remember the scene when Anton first arrived?"

Wu En's expression changed instantly. Although he could not witness it with his own eyes, he had stayed in Eaton long enough and had already heard about the hellish scene from his subordinates.

The monsters, denser in number than bullets, invaded the Siman base like locusts crossing the border. The corrosive black fog that covered the sky made every soldier miserable and almost desperate.

At that moment, they felt that the sun in this world had fallen and would never see light again.

"We can help Heaven Realm eliminate the five guardians, but after all, this is your war in Heaven Realm. If my prediction is correct, Anton will repeat that day."

Ye Lin straightened his expression, stopped joking with Wu En, and said solemnly: "And you have to admit that the morale of your military in heaven has been broken. Kallet, Anton's disaster, many people are as numb as strings. puppet."

After being stunned for a moment, Wu En nodded bitterly, yes, the team is indispensable for the current scene in the heaven, and the monument can be molded!

Although Ye Lin kept emphasizing that the battle was a collective one that night when he defended the city, everyone who defended the city was a hero.

But I have to admit that the successive frustrations of being unable to do anything made the Celestial Soldiers' ambitions reach their lowest point and their mood was depressed.

Behind the team's forceful killing of the four guardians were actually a group of helpless and exhausted soldiers.


Ye Lin's eyes were calm and his voice was sonorous and powerful. He said: "Apostle, I will find a way, but Anton's next attack on the army is your heavenly opportunity to rebuild the morale of the army. It is also the only chance for an entire generation of soldiers! Fight with all your strength. Everything must be won!”

When Wu En heard this, his whole body was shaken, almost dumbfounded, and he was speechless.

Of course he understood what Ye Lin meant, which was to let the Celestials' own army fight a big victory when Anton was trying to send troops to reoccupy the Sman base!

A hearty victory can greatly improve the morale of soldiers, increase their glory and cohesion, and eliminate their inner demons.

There are only a few remnants of the Kallet organization left now. Encircling and suppressing those things will definitely not bring any glorious sense of glory, but Anton is different. It is a nightmare in the heavens and the same enemy as Bakar.

"I understand that Heaven Realm needs this victory very much to boost the morale of the army, but we have already..."

Wu En was extremely bitter. The pressure from the apostle was too great. Can Tianjie, which had just recovered a little bit of its vitality, be able to withstand it?

"It caught you off guard before, but now I've told you the time. With the strength of the whole country, if we can't win..." Ye Lin shrugged, the meaning is self-evident.

Even the monsters affiliated with the apostle cannot be dealt with. Let’s not talk about restoring the glory of the seven gods of war in the past. Let’s clean up and close down the country like the Xu Ancestor.


Gritting his teeth and shaking his fist almost fiercely, with his eyes red, Wu En himself understood that a big victory would not only boost the morale of the military, but also inspire the newly settled civilians with incomparable enthusiasm and confidence for reconstruction.

The soldiers of heaven can protect them!

"But..." Wu En hesitated again, which made Gina and Feiyan, who were watching silently on the side, want to kick him, but they couldn't help it.

I have long heard that Wu En was the follower of the eldest sister Rebecca when he was in "Wings of Peace", and later became the follower of Hawkeye. Could it be that now he will become Ye Lin's follower?

This also does not have the decisiveness that a frontline commander and a brigadier general should have.

But soon they also realized that they were wrong.

"I don't have many troops under my command. The Eton military headquarters is in Pedra's hands. Moreover, if the soldiers in Ghent want to mobilize to participate in the war, they must have a commander-in-chief who can suppress the whole situation."

Wu En's original intention was to hint that Ye Lin would temporarily assume the position of commander-in-chief. With him around, the soldiers would feel at ease and confident.

As for Pedra, if it doesn't work, let the Skyhawk organization assassinate him.

Regarding the overall future morale of the heavenly realm, there is no room for another woman who is going astray to stand in the way or cause a stumbling block.

"No, you don't need me as a person in name only."

Ye Lin shook his finger, looked towards the direction of the lawless zone, and smiled mysteriously, "I guess it's time for the real general to come."

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