Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 672 Doctor, what’s wrong with you!

"Uen, lend us your car."

Ye Lin didn't wait for him to figure out what he meant, and simply commandeered a few cars that Wu En brought. The way back was quite long, and it was so tiring to walk back.

The soldiers who had been in high spirits just now looked at each other in confusion. We walked back to the military camp from Grandi, and the distance was not very short.

Wu En held his forehead and shook his head. Who gave the opponent a higher rank? He shouted: "Line up! Everyone, run back."


"Yue Na and I will go to Slote Power Station tomorrow. You and Feiyan can secretly help sit on the front line."

Although Ye Lin said that before, the heaven is inspiring and wants you to do it yourself, use all the weapons in the war core workshop and do your best.

But there are always some unexpected factors that we should pay attention to, such as the symbiote Agnes in Anton's body, as well as monsters such as the Devouring Demon, which may cause great trouble to the army.

It just so happened that Siatt felt that if she didn't have a good time today, she might as well go to the front line with Feiyan, so that if Agnes came out, she would be able to enjoy the game.

"Sloat, just the two of us?"

Yuena in the passenger seat was like a frightened cat, suddenly looking left and right nervously, feeling a little panicked.

"Nonsense, you are Seraph. Try to communicate with the fallen Hersos. If he falls and cannot be saved, I will be responsible for clearing the door for Remy Dios." Ye Lin, who was driving, replied casually.

He didn't notice anything unusual about Yuena. It would have been best to involve Agamemnon in this matter, but he was in the Canyon of the Dead, and he might not be able to see her even if he went there.

Suddenly, Ye Lin slammed on the brakes, and the inertia caused Yuena to lean forward and hit the windshield. She covered her head and screamed in pain.

"You're so nervous. The road ahead is so wide, so you have to hit the brakes."

Rubbing her forehead gently, Yuena glared at him. There was obviously not a single brick on the road, and the sudden braking was very scary.

"Look to the right." Ye Lin tilted his head and gestured.

On the right side is the dilapidated street wall, showing signs of war, bullet marks, smoke blackening, and blood stains. Of course, this is common in the Siman Industrial Base.

But now there was a man wearing a hat and a dirty military uniform. He was walking slowly while holding on to the wall. He seemed to be moving very hard and unsteadily.

"he got hurt?"

The instinct of the Priest of Yuena was to get out of the car and help, using healing techniques to relieve his pain.

"Don't move." He grabbed Yuena's wrist, shook his head slightly, and then said: "Mia, get out of the car and take a look."

"Huh? Okay."

Mia was stunned for a moment, put down the turtle in her arms, opened the door and got out of the car, but the moment she got out of the car, the injured "soldier" seemed to be faster and struggled to escape.

"You are injured, don't move. We have the best doctors to help you."

The kind-hearted Mia quickly took a few steps to help the "soldier", but was immediately pushed by a force and struggled away.

The moment they touched, Mia was stunned.

The opponent's arm is not soft, but very hard.

It's not the hardness of flesh wrapped around bones, but more like a pure feeling close to steel.


The "soldier" who was escaping in a hurry accidentally tripped and fell to the ground. After struggling a few times, he could not get up.

Mia reached out and carefully opened the other person's hat. She took a deep breath and seemed frightened. Her hair was very short, but there was a metallic sheen on her neck.

"Are you surprised? Mia?"

The mysterious man who was half paralyzed on the ground suddenly stopped struggling and slowly turned his head as if accepting his fate.

The face is that of a woman, with a somewhat exquisite beauty, but the muscle lines look very stiff, and it seems that she cannot make any subtle expressions.

Except for her neck, her body, arms and limbs were all made of silver-white metal, which was very hard and of course very cold.

It's not a partial transformation like Kallet's transformation, it seems that the whole body is made of metal.

"You know me?" Mia was a little confused.

"I know you, of course I know you."

Although her metal-structured fingers are extremely delicate, and even fingerprints can be seen, and can even be called mechanical works of art, the material that is different from the flesh still seems a bit cold.

Her fingers gently pressed Mia's cheek, which was warm, elastic, and as smooth as a newborn baby, and Mia did not hide.

"How enviable, Mia."

The fingers suddenly froze and then slipped, and the pair of beautiful but not agile eyes completely lost their luster.

"Hey, wake up, you haven't told me your name yet."

Mia subconsciously pinched the other person's body. The touch was soft, but there was no warmth that the skin should have.

"What's wrong?" Yuena jumped out of the car and was stunned for a moment when she came over and saw the mysterious robot.

"She seems to have malfunctioned. Patrice just detonated most of the machinery in the Sman base. I guess she was affected."

Mia grabbed the other person's arm hard and dragged him to the car.

She herself is a senior engineer at the industrial base, and she has also made a pet like a turtle. Maybe she can try to repair it.

And she had a vague intuition that the strange things she had been doing at the Siman Industrial Base were all related to this mysterious robot.

She still remembered that when she was faced with the overwhelming attack of Anton monsters, a robot protected her. At first, she thought it was the Mechanic's Terminator, but now it seems that it is not.

"let me help you."

Yuena and Mia carried the robot and stuffed it into the car. Fortunately, the body was made of special alloy and was not too heavy.


After returning to the temporary residence in the industrial base, I helped Mia move the robot into the house, and then I got a glimpse of her whole face.

The mechanical body is relatively tall and slender. The silver coating on the surface shines brightly. There are no obvious gaps at the joints of the limbs. The production technology is extremely exquisite.

But what was more surprising was that the palm-sized piece of metal on her left arm was gray, which looked a little out of place with the silvery white of other parts.

On this piece of metal is written an extremely vague model identification, "MV-002".


Mia frowned. She remembered that her brother's mobile vehicle, the Wolverine, seemed to have a similar number. However, she shook her head and put the problem aside first. She said gratefully: "Thank you for your help. I have to go to Dr. Wayne." , just borrow some tools.”

Her current duty at the industrial base is communications, and without the proper equipment on hand, she cannot inspect and repair the mysterious robot.

"Well, you're busy then, call us if you need help." Ye Lin nodded and smiled, and was about to leave, returning to Dornier on the roof.

"Ah! Doctor!!"

A panicked shout suddenly came from outside the window, harsh and sharp, full of fear, helplessness, and urgency.

Ye Lin's expression changed slightly, and he quickly opened the door and rushed out of the building. Dr. Wayne's house was opposite Mia, and he hadn't been seen for two days.

Mia said that the doctor was studying Glenni's transistor, but they never paid attention to it.

When she just came back, Gina knocked on the door and wanted to visit Dr. Wayne.

After all, we all belong to the Elytra of the Seven Gods, and we are all weapon designers and developers, so we may have relevant experience to talk about.

But she never thought that after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no response. Combined with what Mia said about not going out for several days, Gina suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, when Raphael blasted open the iron door with one shot, he saw Dr. Wayne lying unconscious on the ground, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

In particular, his face looked haggard, his breath was breathless, his eyes were almost sunken, and he was as skinny as a scumbag.

Perla Venn was a great nobleman. Although she couldn't stand the family atmosphere and ran away from home when she was fifteen, she still had the self-discipline instinct of a nobleman.

Etiquette, conversation, work and rest routine, etc. have always been maintained very well, how could it become like this?

"What's wrong? What happened." After Ye Lin quickly entered the house, he saw Dr. Wayne lying on the ground and was startled.

He had met the other party through a projection before, and in his impression, Wayne should be considered a fair-skinned middle-aged man, with a somewhat chubby figure.

Yuena, who followed closely, checked and said in surprise: "You're not dead, but you seem to have lost all your energy and energy. Is this some kind of addiction or a curse?"

"Wait a minute, look at his hand." Mia pointed at Wayne's left hand with an incredible look.

Because what he was holding in his hand was a Grainy transistor.

Transistors have extremely high research value, but it is generally recognized at the Sman base that transistors should never be handled by hand.

The doctor seems to have made a stupid mistake.

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