Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 683 Human Pets

In the process of retreat, the firepower will inevitably decrease, and Anton's army, which is barely suppressed, approaches at a crazy speed and goes straight to Siman's base.

Dozens of armed helicopters carrying Skyhawk members, packed with energy bombs, roared in.

Wherever you pass by, the source energy is surging out with a shining blue color, fully releasing the destructive power of the source energy.

Schmidt shook his head in distress and sighed: "Actually, if we gather the power of the heavens, it won't be a problem for us to stop them for three days and three nights. The key is that the strong men of the Tartan tribe are a bit unable to cope with it."

I am really an old man, so I might as well finish this battle and retire like Jacket.


Dozens of figures as flexible as swifts flew across the ground at a speed faster than that of a helicopter, throwing out strings of explosive sparks.

"Those people are...?" O'Connell looked at these women using individual propellers, quite surprised.

"The Goddess of War formation led by Lady Marin. All of these girls are humanoid bombers." Schmidt shrugged.

The Kishika family is a well-known military family, good at cultivating generals, especially in the research of ammunition, and is second to none in the heaven.

Ma Lin, the palace maid next to Alijie, looks elegant, but she is also an outstanding war goddess.

The reason why Alijie was not followed by Ma Lin when she was at the Eaton Military Headquarters was because she simply ran away to the army.


glen shipyard

"Nairn, what are you doing specifically?" Gina's lips turned white. She was frightened by the scene of the battle on the front line.

"Fortunately, some very strong special life forms appeared, but luckily they were solved by satellite rays, ancient particle cannons and super-world bombs."

Nairn was anxious with sweat on her face. She really wanted to do something for this war and for the heaven, but she currently had no clue and no way to start.


"Otherwise, you should call me Theodore."

Facing Nairn who stuttered, Gina looked slightly embarrassed and quickly waved her hand.

"Well, doctor, when will the general and the others take action?"

Nairn is now extremely eager for that brave and invincible team to come, destroy all the monsters in one fell swoop, and restore peace to the heaven.

"They are watching all the time, don't worry." Gina was a little helpless and made a perfunctory excuse.

The most indispensable thing in Glenn Shipyard is the water channel used to test the performance of ships and launch ceremonies. It is extremely long and dug all the way to the seaside, attracting a lot of marine life to flow back.

With each person holding a fishing rod, the team sat quietly by the water and fished. Each person had a small bucket, and the harvest was different.

Guyu, who was impatient, harvested two weird shrimps, so he and Mailu went to another waterway to cast a net. Fishing was so slow, casting a net was faster.

Feiyan and Raphael couldn't hold back their excitement and had already run to the front line, taking away a set of assault armor.

"Boss, when are we going?"

After shaking her bun head and twin ponytails, Mo Mei had better luck and had already caught half a bucket of fish and also caught an octopus.

Ye Lin moved the fishing rod in his hand and pulled up an empty hook that had been eaten up. He was quite speechless and said: "Let Tianjie play its trump card and kill a few strong men from the Tartan tribe to boost our morale. This way we can When restraining other strong men, the soldiers will not feel empty and feel that the heavenly weapons are useless."

Siatt nodded slightly, clenched the fishing rod tightly with both hands, and said in anticipation: "That's what I said, but my hands are itchy."

Her palms were slender and white, soft and warm, and there were no obvious calluses on the palms. It seemed that they were not hands that often practiced swordplay, but rather like those of a young girl who had not yet left the palace and only used an embroidery needle occasionally.

Ye Lin stared at it for a moment, then moved the small bench closer to her and said secretly: "How about I cooperate with you to relieve it gently?"


Siatt nodded and gently rubbed the fishing rod with her palm, looking extremely skilled and gentle.


The metal fishing rod was broken into two pieces in her palm, and the fracture surface was extremely irregular. She did not cut it with sword energy, but with strength.

"Is it still relieved?" Siatt looked playfully and padded the broken fishing rod.

"Uh, let's have a delicious seafood meal and go to the front line." Ye Lin's eyes immediately glanced around, and a chill filled his body.

But just when Siatt threw away the fishing rod and was about to stand up, her pink cheek was suddenly pecked, and her plump fat flesh rippled with deformed arcs for a moment due to the external force.


Siatt's beautiful eyes widened, and she quickly picked up the keg and walked over to Ye Lin, stamping her foot "accidentally".

There is a seafood barbecue downstairs. Sprinkle a little seasoning on the ingredients and the fragrant aroma will spread slowly.

Mia put down her work and was quite upset.

She contacted her brother Melvin and learned that this mysterious robot was actually an experiment made by her brother when he was a child and was later discarded.

In the video, her brother's nonchalant look made her a little angry. The mechanic regarded the robot as his own child. Why would his brother throw away his work like this?

And according to him, the final result of this MV002 is her, Mia Richter!

"It turns out that you are my predecessor and my test subject. I must fix sister."


Mia was suddenly startled. She smelled the aroma coming from downstairs. At the same time, a dry feeling called "thirst" suddenly appeared in her mouth and slowly appeared.

"Hey, big baby, husband number two."

Raphael gently patted a big iron box next to him, with a silly smile and expectation on his face. This was the assault armor given to her by Gina.

Feiyan, who was driving, stared intently and said: "We received a request for help from the military. In the southwest, which is our direction, there is a group of monsters sneaking underground. I don't know if their destination is a science park or an industrial base."

Suddenly Feiyan slammed on the brakes, frowning and listening carefully. There seemed to be a slight roar under the ground, and a bottle of water placed in front of the car kept making ripples.

At the end of the line of sight, where the asphalt road should have been, there were now billows of smoke and dust.

"Oh no, it's that kind of bug."

With a beautiful tail drift, Feiyan stepped on the accelerator and was about to accelerate away. They couldn't help but want to participate in the frontline war, but they couldn't wait to join Ye Lin and the others.


Raphael opened the door with fiery eyes, jumped in with the box in his arms.

"Come back! There are too many enemies, and the assault armor has not been tested in actual combat." Feiyan was extremely anxious. It was too dangerous to leave and stay.

"I believe in the War Core Workshop, Assault Armor, start!"

Being carried on Raphael's body, the seemingly exquisite and seamless iron box suddenly decomposed and deformed rapidly. The metal was attached to the surface of the body in the shape of a suit, and was quickly assembled into seven barrels, two in a burst of mechanical sound. Missile launcher.

"Destroy it!"

In an instant, a total of nine weapon launch tubes spit out blazing gunpowder smoke, lasers, explosive missiles, metal storms, and unparalleled firepower like a torrent, fan-shaped, turning the path in front of them into a large area of ​​scorched earth, drowning the lava worms. .

The name of the plan to manufacture the assault armor OR-DX is "Scorched Earth"!

The billowing smoke and dust caused by the lava worms seemed to have stopped. Raphael's knees weakened and he lay down on the ground, panting.

The energy burst in less than ten seconds, and the powerful reaction force brought by the armor exhausted almost all her strength.

"Feiyan, I feel so good. It feels so good. This sense of destructive energy bursting out is the weapon that a woman should use. I'm satisfied."

"When you're satisfied, get in the car and let's go another way."

Suddenly, a blackened lava bug burst out of the ground, and its mouthparts full of fangs bit directly at Raphael, who could not move. Feiyan was so startled that he instantly emptied the bullets in his revolver.

The bullets enchanted by Ye Lin easily penetrated the lava bug's body, but the angry beast did not die immediately and the attack did not stop.


A huge sword burning with demonic flames cut off the lava bug's body at the critical moment, complaining: "You two patriotic girls, if Ye Lin hadn't asked me to follow you secretly, would you have been broken?"

"Hehe~" Raphael stood up carelessly and said without hesitation: "I have actually guessed it a long time ago. How can our beautiful Miss Feiyan feel free to leave alone?"

"Are you not a human being?" Feiyan's cheeks turned red and she immediately retorted.


black volcano

"Mattega, these chickens and dogs in the heaven are not worthy of your action."

Agnes the Blazing Flame holds a long and narrow fire blade. She is tall and slender, and she is proud where she should be. Her eyes are like lava, and the flames condense into a pair of gorgeous wings behind her.

"After all, this is a world where the Explosive Dragon King has been defeated. Maybe there is something to be said for it."

Mediel of the Abyss, dressed in white, had a slight scornful taunt on his lips, which was of course not directed at Agnes, but at Heaven.

The gadgets being bombed outside are as ridiculous as that idiot's head in Ogal.

"It has nothing to do with heaven."

Matega's voice was calm, neither happy nor angry. His opened eyes were strangely pure white, with a cold light reaching into the sky!

"The news brought back by Furman suggests that the most talented trial blade on this planet is in the heaven. Aren't you interested?"

"You mean those humans." Agnes clasped her hands in front of her, playing with the taste: "Humans are very interesting creatures, or pets are also good, the strongest pets among them? I'm really interested. of."

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