Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 684: Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility

Agnes seemed to have suddenly recalled something. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and shook her head with a look of disdain: "In the prophecy, only the blade of trial can penetrate the chest of our apostle."

Since their lucky escape from Cloncula, the fate of the entire Tartan clan has been completely integrated with Anton's.

Now the name of the apostle refers to Anton and their Tartan clan.

If the Trial Blade can pierce the hearts of the apostles, doesn't it mean that it can also pierce their hearts?

Facing the person who was predicted to be able to end the apostles, Agnes's eyes were bright and her fighting spirit was surging and high.

It would be very interesting if he could be defeated in a crushing manner and then imprisoned and raised as a pet.

The Tartan tribe is also a warlike and aggressive race.

Matega shook his head slightly, not denying her passion, but lightly reminding: "Don't take it lightly. People who can ignore Furman's mental attack and kill the other three apostle guardians cannot be weak, and, He Erthos never appeared again."

"Of course I will be careful. I can't wait for when we will take action." Medil smiled gently, but his knuckles clenched loudly.

After all, it is the blade in the prophecy after all, so at least it must be respected and given.

"There's no rush, let's wait until Master Antuen spits out a wave of black mist." The black smoke Kress, who had been silent and closed his eyes to rest, suddenly spoke.

The weapons of the heavenly insects are actually a bit interesting. They can block the attack of the insect sea army and also exert a small suppressive force.

According to current estimates, more than 200,000 Glennis have been lost.

Of course, as long as the four fraternal eggs are still there, these losses are only a negligible number.

The arrogant Agnes gently touched the fire blade in her hand and joked: "The Demon Stone Ivor, the Bronze Titan, the Lava Worm, the goalkeeper Krat and other pretty strong guys are all dead, but it seems that the world of heaven is dead. That’s where it ends.”

"The power of bugs is limited after all." Medill held the same opinion.

Sitting in the corner, Ogale, who was burly and fat, with a dazed look on his face, scratched his head and tried to think back with his not very clever mind.

Why does it seem to remember that these leaders thought that there might be a secret weapon in heaven to kill the Dragon King, so they didn't dare to go down there immediately, so they just kept talking and pretending to be cool.


The army's defense line successfully retreated to the second position. Adjutant Wu En continued to report various information on the changes on the battlefield to Jackett, and then issued command orders to each army, which was quite orderly.

Jackett drew a few arrows on a topographic map. His brows were a little tired, but he still managed to cheer up and said:

"Monsters have been discovered in industrial bases, shipyards, science parks, etc. Fortunately, we have taken precautions and temporarily neutralized them. Several strong Tartan tribesmen were also annihilated by super-heavy weapons. However, ancient particle cannons and satellite rays are needed. It took a long time to recharge, and Sky Eagle’s only super-world bomb was also used to annihilate a strong Tartan man.”

As soon as he finished speaking, many officers looked worried and discussed solutions with each other.

I heard that a huge scorched earth area suddenly appeared in the southwest. It should be that the assault armor planned by the Storm Cavalry was used.

Tianjie has already played a lot of super trump cards, but it still has very little confidence on hand.

The quantum bomb counts as half, the evil dragon counts as one, and the final glory, the incomplete mechanical password, the Fist of Gaboga!

Once this legacy from the Seven Mechanical Gods of War fails to exert a decisive effect, things will be in complete trouble.

"Perhaps I can help a little."

The outsider who suddenly opened the tent and broke in made all the officers in the tent look unhappy. Jacket, who was interrupted from his thoughts, also frowned and looked up at the young girl.

He was holding a tablet computer that was as tall as his body. He had refreshing short hair and was wearing a researcher-style uniform.

Wu En had a vague impression of her, as if she was the youngest Elytra of the Seven Gods.

"Outsiders are not allowed to set foot in this important military area. Get out immediately!" an officer yelled.

"Shut your mouth before you hear what Lindsay has to offer."

The sudden retort made the officer blush immediately and veins popped up on his forehead.

But after taking a closer look at the person who scolded him, he suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball, saying nothing and shrinking his neck.

With a pipe in her mouth, Mellie Faionil was a super aristocrat. It was said that she didn't even give Commander-in-Chief Jack the respect, and could point his nose at him and scold him in public.

In the entire heaven, after Beilean's death, there seems to be only one person who can talk to her equal, and that person is still missing.

"Mrs. Mellie, Dr. Lindsay."

Jackett nodded slightly, indicating that he was willing to listen to the methods you brought.

But if there are some weapons that are insignificant and cannot play a decisive role, then the military law on the battlefield is strict. Even you, Meili, have to blast them out today.

"I have an army!" Lindsay said with a serious expression the reason why they came.

"Doctor, as a mechanic, if you want to participate in the war, Unn will arrange a position for you." Jackett sighed, a little disappointed.

"No, it's not my machine, but the weapon left by Mercer Coolio for the heaven, a mechanical army hidden in another dimension."


Anton has an extremely huge size. Just the flow of his blood is like bursts of thunder. The black volcanic roar caused by it is like the cracks of hell bursting open, and the earth is shaking.

The Celestial Soldiers, who were not afraid of the monsters that were as dense as the tide, whenever they stared at Anton. They can't help but tremble with fear.

How destructive would such a terrifying behemoth be if he charged into battle in person?

There is no need for sophisticated scientific and technological deductions. The answer has already been written in everyone's heart. It is a ruthless, cruel and bloody truth.

Behind the military camp, Nairn in the laboratory stared blankly at the screen, then stood up suddenly to shake Temi who was standing aside.

"What's wrong, doctor?" Temi suddenly became energetic.

"An...Antuen, mist..."

With his forehead sweating and his cheeks flushed, Nairn simply dragged Temi to the screen and pointed it out to her.

Through satellite surveillance images, you can see that Andern, who has not made any big moves since waking up, now lowers his head and spits out a large black mist towards Eaton, with electric light flashing continuously in the black mist.

"There's so much black mist, it's terrible." Temi panicked for a moment.

The black mist breathed out by Anton is extremely corrosive to metals. If humans are enveloped in it, they will slowly suffocate to death.

A few years ago, when Anton suddenly arrived, the Siman Industrial Base fell like a dike and was completely defeated. A very important part of the reason was the black fog.

Moreover, Nairn concluded through analysis that the black mist contained extremely strong special currents, which could block radio wave communication and interfere with weapon aiming.

"What...what should I do? The magic energy sucking blocking device I researched can only protect people from being eroded by the black mist, and the explosives are not enough."

Nairn kept pacing back and forth anxiously. Her results were gratifying and ensured that the soldiers could survive the black mist safely, but if the weapons were destroyed, what difference would it make?

Moreover, the density of the black mist this time seems to be much more terrifying than the last time. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to cover half of Eton.

"Doctor, the explosives we prepared are too different..." Temi's tone was bitter, full of sadness.

The composition of the black mist spewed by Anton is actually the same as the red cloud above Eaton before, and it can be solved with special bombs.

The military department actually reserved about a thousand bombs to deal with possible black fog, and the rest were used to explode the clouds.

However, judging from the current situation, even 10,000 pieces are not enough.

Nairn was walking around, and after inadvertently glancing at the screen, his eyes immediately revealed a strong surprise, "Temi, look, the general's team has finally appeared."


"Corrosive black mist?"

Mo Mei shook her head in disgust. The huge mouth spewing black mist looked a bit like the pipes used to discharge industrial sewage in the heavens. It could also wither trees and grass, which was extremely bad.

She is from Xuzu, and she still advocates the beauty of nature.

Therefore, the corrosive black mist must be dealt with.

Facing the black fog like a vast ocean, she gently opened her soft arms. Under the astonished gazes of Agnes and other strong men, her body slowly floated into the air, and her twin ponytails swayed in the wind.

Wisps of thought energy slowly condensed around her body, gradually forming a ball of fiercely flashing light. The energy of thought energy contained in it made Agnes, who had always been arrogant, change her face slightly.

Emperor Nian spins the sky and breaks the sky!

The sky and the earth became dark, and then became bright again after a few seconds. She was like the master of the world, depriving the light of this period of time, and then giving it back.

The corrosive black mist was cleared away by the majestic thought energy, and it was so clean that even the sky seemed a little clearer.

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