Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 701 The disappearing home

Ye Lin and Ali Jie, who were in the invisible state, were stunned and speechless.

The two most powerful people in the world, the regent and the commander-in-chief of the army, were actually fighting each other physically like street gangsters.

Jurgen's body shape is far less burly than Jackett's. However, firstly, Jurgen is middle-aged and has a military career, and he has not lost his physical training in roaming. Secondly, Jackett is already in his sixties, and his body is... No matter how tough you are, your physical fitness will gradually decline.

Therefore, due to a verbal dispute, the two people got angry and became inseparable for a while, with neither winner nor loser.

Alijie was even more shocked and stood stunned on the spot. Is this the commander-in-chief Jacket who overwhelms the army, or the great nobleman Jurgen who designed the House of Nobles?

However, Ye Lin's slightly sideways glance was a bit strange, and Alijie's pretty big eyes, although full of shock, showed no sign of stepping forward to stop her. Instead, she was looking attentively, for fear of missing any details.

After all, it is really rare for people at this level to fight each other. Usually, no one is wearing a mask, and even if he suffers a loss, he has to smile at the corner of his mouth, showing hypocrisy and fake etiquette.

A few minutes later, it was Jackett who won the victory with helpless and shameless experience. He threw out the belt on his trousers and snapped it in the air. With the weapon in his hand, Jurgen, who was wearing a satin robe, was on the spot. His face turned green.

Jack, who had won a victory, was proud of himself, pulled his suitcase, and walked away leisurely with bruises on the corners of his mouth.

Jurgen looked left and right and shivered while holding his bruised arm. He always felt that there was a pair of eyes silently watching him somewhere.

The grave of the former highest priest is still less than twenty meters behind.

Arad, there have been rumors about the Necromancer profession again.

"The old oilmen in the Lawless Zone are indeed barbaric and arrogant people!"

Cursing secretly, Jurgen grabbed the tattered folding fan and limped out of the cemetery. The soles of his cloth shoes were stepped on by Jacket's leather boots.


It wasn't until he was sure that the two of them were completely gone that Ye Lin canceled the ability of the Uzumaki Soul. He looked at each other in confusion with Alijie, then shrugged and burst into laughter.

Alijie held her stomach and laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up. She held his wrist with one hand and nodded vigorously: "Yes, actually, I don't like Jurgen's appearance either. He is always calm no matter what. I can’t even read the hidden emotions.”

After burning the paper money and bowing respectfully, Alijie looked at the gray photo and suddenly sighed, feeling something faintly let go in her heart.

She was born into an ordinary family. She was brought to the palace by Priest Beilean at the age of six or seven when she was just sensible but still unable to discern much meaning.

I still remember that later, Jacket said that he had cramps while practicing spear skills, and he thought it was "remuneration" and made a little joke.

Her mother said, don’t be homesick in the future, and listen to Beilean and never be homesick in the palace.

The tone at that time was very stiff and indifferent, as if she was a child picked up from the trash can. She was indifferent and hurt her young heart.

Beilean foresaw that she was the future "Dragon Emperor" of the heavens, Jackett understood that she was the hope of the Seventh Empire, and her mother was also told that her daughter was the destined one.

Although the technological route prevails in the heavenly world, it still has deep faith in the prophecies and divination of the priests.

But who cares about Alizee, who was young, inarticulate and about to leave home?

Beilean, who is known for his kindness, is right for the future of heaven, but for Alizee's childhood, it is destined to be a cold, separated, black and white past that she does not want to recall.

There is always a trace of irreparable pain hidden behind the impassioned spirit of sacrificing one's family for everyone.

Just like Jacket, who is now filled with regrets, he can't express his feeling of loss even though he looks up to the sky and screams.

After leaving the cemetery, it had been raining for a long time, and the streets were slowly getting wet. There were not many pedestrians, only in twos and threes.

Alijie does not have a specific location of her home. She was once the princess who attracted much attention in the heaven. That ordinary family has been cut apart by an invisible blade.

She could only rely on the vague memories of her childhood to find the location of her hometown bit by bit.

Now that she has grown up, she understands the difficulties her parents faced. Behind that cold and harsh tone is a voice that has cried countless times.

"My home is in the outer city. Because there are less people, I have a small yard. I have a sweet locust tree, which is crooked and as thick as a person's arms."

Alijie frowned and thought, desperately trying to find the characteristics of home in her mind. It had been almost ten years since she opened her home. At that time, she was still young and could not remember many things clearly.

In fact, she didn't want to disturb her parents' current family life, which would bring them panic and a lot of trouble.

After all, the emperor's identity has too many shackles.

Rather, I just want to take a sneak peek, even just a glance, to make sure my parents are okay.

She really just wanted to go home and take a look.

However, because the memory is too vague, the city of Ghent was sacked twice by Kallet. As time went by, the buildings also became very different.

As for the edible and sweet Sophora japonica tree, it has long since disappeared.

A completely unfamiliar residential area, and a road different from her memory. Alijie stood at the intersection for a while, and then shook her head sadly.

The changes are too great to find.

Ye Lin couldn't bear to see her depressed look and asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to ask Alice or Xiaoyu for help?"

Unexpectedly, Alijie shook her head slightly and murmured: "It's been almost ten years. Maybe they have moved to a far away place and have my sister or brother."

Probably because she has been regarded as the prophesied "Dragon Emperor" since she was a child, which is like being bound by a "fixed" destiny, Alijie has always been vaguely resistant to any divination or prophecy.

There is a small grocery store at the corner of this street. There are a few tables and chairs at the door. It seems that in the afternoon or evening, some people gather to chat and relax.

An oversized parasol was erected aside to block the pattering autumn rain, so the two simply went over to rest for a while.

The store sells unbrewed milk tea in cups. Ye Lin paid for two cups, and the hot water was magic.

"It's rainy and cold in the autumn, but you little lovers came here, and your faces are very strange. Are you not from around here? Tourists?"

The shop owner is a middle-aged woman with a gentle smile. Although the years have left wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, she still has a bit of charm and a good-looking face.

"Well, we are from Eton. That's my sister. Didn't Eton fight in the war before? She's here to stay with relatives temporarily."

Just finding an excuse to pass by, he and Alijie used magic to disguise their faces. As long as they didn't stare at their faces carefully, it would be difficult to connect the two of them with the emperor and general of the heaven.

"Ye Lin, you and Xiaoyu have been adventuring together for a long time, right? Are all of Shenlong's oracle predictions really accurate?"

Holding the warm milk tea in her little hands, Alizee seemed a little curious about the prophecy.

She actually also has the ability to predict, but unlike oracles, her predictions come from dreams and cannot be actively controlled, but they seem to be very accurate.

She once dreamed that she was sitting alone in the palace, and that there was a sky filled with yellow sand in the helpless land, and that there would be a person who would hold up the clouds of fire that exploded in the sky to take her back.

Ye Lin pondered for a moment and recalled: "The oracle's prediction is more like a judgment of good or bad. There is no detailed process and answer. Moreover, it has failed. The prediction is not guaranteed to come true."

Xiaoyu's keen sense of who can make a fortune is quite accurate.

As for finding the location of the person, it can only provide a general area, which is not specific enough.

The time she missed badly was when one of the forms of the Great Will was beyond the capacity of the Oracle.

The oracle gave "nothing" and determined that everything would turn into nothingness.

But in the end, "Stru" was deceived into Greenbrad by his talk and magic power of the same attribute, and picked up a Sophie by the way.

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