Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 702: Suddenly the Minotaur

The light rain in late autumn was pattering on the cover of the round umbrella. Apart from the owner of the grocery store, there was no other person around.

Alijie felt a little disappointed, but she seemed to have expected this situation. She sipped her milk tea and swayed her calves, and her little face with a smile slowly appeared, just like a camellia blooming in autumn.

Since I can't find my hometown, let's treat this trip as a fun trip.

The reconstruction of Ghent, the capital of God, after the disaster, currently looks good. Some iconic high-rise buildings have not been restored for the time being, but the basic life has been stable.

Alijie also has a small sense of achievement and satisfaction in this. Her performance as emperor cannot be said to be perfect, but it is still excellent.

"Actually, I think..." Ye Lin hesitated for a moment, then pointed to the small shop on the street and said: "With such a good location and area, it would be a pity to only open a grocery store. If it is a restaurant or other large store , guaranteed to make a lot of money."

Alijie's eyes followed her fingers. The proprietress of the grocery store seemed to be busy at the counter. She seemed to have encountered some trouble. She suddenly lowered her head and was in a hurry.

Indeed, with its excellent location at the intersection of a residential area, there are too many better choices, and the grocery store seems a bit unworthy.

"I guess it may be that the boss's family likes a quiet life. After all, the more money they make, the busier they are." Her voice trembled slightly, and she quickly lowered her head to drink milk tea.

After a while, Alijie raised her head, with a bright smile, but her eyes were slightly red: "Brother, let's go, there are still many things to deal with."

After saying that, before he had a third of the glass left, he grabbed his wrist and left as if running away. He walked in a hurry until he turned a corner, then let go of his hand, turned around and threw himself directly into his arms, bowing his head. He was sobbing softly, and his arms were wrapped tightly around him.

"Girl, you are, do you recognize her?"

Carefully stroking the satin-like hair, Ye Lin's eyes were full of love and bitterness as she felt soft in her arms.

The urban area has experienced two disasters, the terrain has been greatly transformed, and many of the population have been displaced or unfortunate. If you want to find your home ten years ago, it is almost impossible to find a needle in a haystack.

He went back to Arad yesterday evening and asked Alice to divine the area where Alijie's parents lived. The couple were still in Ghent, and they had not left, nor were they willing to leave.

So after accompanying Alijie to leave the cemetery, the two of them spent just two or three hours searching and found a place that overlapped with their memories. It was incredible.

Rather than saying that Alicia is searching for the location of her memory, it is better to say that he has been taking Alicia somewhere, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Brother, I really want to go there, but I really don't dare." Alijie raised her head and her cheeks were stained with tears, feeling aggrieved and helpless.

If the information about the emperor's family were accidentally leaked in one ten thousandth of a second and exploited by someone with ulterior motives, the consequences would be disastrous.

It is said that the Hart Mountains outside the city of Ghent were called the Battle Scar Mountains after that night's battle to defend the city. There are still some Kalat remnants hidden there, and Zedin is sending people to search for them.

Ye Lin sighed softly, not knowing how to comfort her. She got some, but she wanted more.

After taking a look, I wanted to talk.

Alijie's memory of home is very vague, but the parents who gave birth to and raised her are precious things engraved in the deepest part of her memory. Even if there are slight changes, they can be recognized immediately like gold that has been accidentally covered with dust.

The autumn rain is continuous, the fallen leaves are withering, and there are few pedestrians on the street, which is deserted.

Two strings of locust flower-like decorations hung quietly on both sides of the door of the grocery store. The proprietress took out a few photos from her collection of photo albums and rubbed them carefully with her fingers.

The swaddled baby has short flaxen hair, is quiet and rarely cries or makes fuss.

The girl is about three years old. She is smart and cute, and her floral dress is as bright as her smile.

Apart from the photos, there were only bits and pieces, and the images of Alijie in the newspaper had all been cut out.

"Daughter, you have grown up."


Gently patting Li Jie's young shoulder, she comforted: "When you completely take control of the country and the people are stable, it will be much easier to do whatever you want. Moreover, every time you appear in front of the public, you are doing it to your parents." The best way to put it.”


Her eyes are still red, but her mood has slowly stabilized. She also knows that this matter cannot be rushed, but now she is so excited and uncontrollable that she wants to do something. For example, say hello to her parents?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in her mind, and Alijie took his wrist and trotted again: "Let's go and execute Matega!"

"Uh, that's fine too."


The palace maids and officials were a little confused. Originally, the leader of the Tartan clan, Matega, was to be imprisoned for a period of time before being executed, at least after the ceremony.

But His Majesty the Emperor suddenly had a whim and said that he would be relieved if he killed him earlier. Although he thought it was a bit weird, it didn't matter if he thought about it carefully.

After a period of popular science propaganda, everyone has become aware of the special symbiotic relationship between the Tartan and Odin tribes, as well as Matega's ambitious attempt to manipulate Anton in reverse.

Matega, who was tied up in the palace square, looked angry but helpless. He was almost wrapped into a rice dumpling by Ye Lin's seal. He had no strength at all and was only slightly stronger than the goblin.

"Oh, a group of humble ants who don't know the heights of the world. They appreciate the death of the dragon and are eager to find some leftovers from his corpse to strengthen themselves."

Matga had already anticipated what would happen next, but his tone was still arrogant. He believed that his failure was due to the Trial Blade.

As for this Heavenly Realm, they are just greedy for cheap, just following behind to pick up things.

Naked contempt!

Fei Yan, who was following Ye Lin as a palace maid, had a trace of anger on her beautiful forehead. She wanted to go up and slap him. How dare a defeated guy be so arrogant.

It seemed that Ye Lin had read her thoughts and very considerately handed Fei Yan a pair of white gloves and said, "Go, slap him twice, put a hammer on him, but don't get your hands dirty."


After the slap, Feiyan was in a happy mood and beaming, and she was crisp and clear with no ambiguity or hesitation.

The female sharpshooter who came from the Imperial Queen's Courtyard was not graceful and gentle.

Usually, because of the contrast between Raphael's carefree personality, people always think that Feiyan should be a delicate purdah girl, a noble lady.

However, few people know that Feiyan has been a mercenary for a period of time, and many Kallet died in her hands.

"Let me ask you, how many years have the Tartan tribe evolved?" Ye Lin raised his eyebrows, wanting to knock down the other party's arrogance.


Matega's eyes were slightly cold, and he turned his head as if he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Ye Lin cracked his fingers and smiled slightly: "If you don't tell me, then I'll do the math for you. From the time your Tartan was defeated by Odin, and then entered the symbiosis mode, and then later to the devil world and then to the heaven world, during this period, three or four There are thousands of years, right?”

Matega opened his eyes instantly, not knowing what he wanted to express, and Feiyan next to him was also confused.

Odin is a race that has existed since ancient times, and Anton is an apostle who was born after the separation of the Darkness of the Beginning and the selection of the Odin race.

The symbiotic relationship between Tartan and Odin goes back far longer than Ye Lin guessed.

"You have evolved for thousands of years..." Ye Lin grinned, stretched out a finger, and mocked: "The magical civilization in the heavens was strangled by Bakar. The scientific and technological civilization has only been less than a thousand years since its inception. You Believe it or not, the technological weapons of the future will blow up the core of Cloncula for you with one shot."

It was so fierce and sonorous that it shocked Matega.

His words were purely to attack Matega's arrogance. Super-powerful technological weapons needed to be tested and qualified weapon controllers were needed.

It would be fine if it were given to monarchs like Skadi and Elizee, but if it were given to the ambitious Leon, it would be completely troublesome.

Previously, Lyon had sent people to explore the possibility of celestial weapons, such as quantum bombs, but fortunately they were all brainwashed by Mr. Luo.

The danger of technological weapons being passed down from person to person is not necessarily lower than that of apostles.

On the earth, the cross-hair aiming cursor is slowly shrinking, and the stored-up satellite rays are about to bombard.

Ye Lin, who was about to leave, suddenly slapped his forehead and leaned close to Matega's ear again, looking like a "villain who has succeeded" and deserves a beating:

"Now, I am the new leader of your Tartan. Anton has forgiven Agnes and Medil. As the former leader, you can go with peace of mind. Tartan is left to me."

Matega's eyes widened, and his expression was so shocked that he couldn't believe it. Suddenly, there was a strong smell of a tauren.

A bright blue ray fell from the sky, and the powerful energy enveloped the former leader, completely annihilating him.

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