Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 703: Black volcano as hot spring

All processes were carried out neatly and without any accidents.

When Matega was annihilated by the blue laser, while everyone was celebrating loudly, they suddenly felt as if a heavy stone had been removed from their hearts.

It seems that it is really over...

Kallet and Anton, the two nightmare-like disasters in the world, finally came to an end that cannot be said to be perfect, but still passable.

Today, His Majesty the Emperor, who is dressed in blue, smiles more than usual and is sweeter.

After the execution, Ye Lin put his hands on the back of his head, swaying, tilted his head and smiled and invited: "Feiyan, are you free today? Do you want to go to the hot springs together?"

"don't want!"

A trace of blush appeared on her pretty face, Feiyan rolled her eyes and cursed secretly, "How can you invite someone to a hot spring on a date? Why don't you use the sauna?"

"The black volcanic hot spring absorbs the apostle energy essence, which has the effects of nourishing skin, whitening and removing toxins."

He was also looking forward to it, but he didn't expect that in addition to eating the tentacles of apostle-level Lotus, he could also take a dip in the hot spring on Anton's back.

If you can make a soft pillow out of Eagle Brother Prey's feathers, you should be able to sleep soundly.

Feiyan's eyes were gleaming, and she couldn't refuse the Apostle Hot Spring, but the woman's reserve still made her hesitate: "I can try to think about it, but can't I change the place?"

"Well, how about I show you a legend from the heavens?"

"Legend?" His red eyes blinked, showing strong interest.

She has seen the ghost train and the fisherman's son with the team, and she has also been to Arad.

If there is a legend that can be said to be widely known in the heaven, it seems that there is only Silent City.

According to legend, Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, suddenly descended into heaven through the Silent City.

However, for hundreds of years, the true location and appearance of the Silent City were only vaguely known to be near the foreign island, but no one had ever seen it.

As a result, various legends about the Silent City became more and more outrageous.


At this time, in Melvin's laboratory, Mia was showing off her power and anger.

"Brother, you have gone too far! Why did you abandon your sister!"

Mia, who had always been praised for her gentle personality and thoughtful etiquette, was rarely angry. She was holding a big metal wrench in her hand, which made Melvin's eyelids jump. He was afraid that this sister would knock him out.

That thing was used to repair the walker machinery, and Mia caught it conveniently.

MV002, which was repaired by Mia, was Mia's prototype. At this moment, she was looking at Melvin with extremely complicated emotions.

Although she is far less human than Mia, she also has a very high degree of artificial intelligence and a human way of thinking.

"Mia, I explained it. I thought she was a failure and couldn't be started, so I threw it away."

"Throw away the failed product? You don't know how to repair it! You are still the Elytra of the Seven Gods! If you can't fix it, you just don't have the ability. Then why don't you throw yourself away?"


The metal wrench hit the table, not only Melvin trembled with fright, but his mount Wolverine even shrank in the corner, trembling.

There are special settings in Wolverine's program. No matter what, Mia cannot be harmed, and she must be protected as the first priority.

Because Melvin was a girl-obsessed child, he built prototypes and Mia one after another. Mia, in particular, made him love her so much that even Wolverine had to protect Mia first.

But as he got older, he started to play tricks on her. He went from being in control of girls to becoming annoying to her.

"Mia, I looked for her later, but she disappeared mysteriously."

Melvin had a wry smile on his face. He did not restrict the self-evolution of 002 and Mia's programs, so Mia's amazing changes were still within the scope of his understanding.

"If it disappears, just look for it! It's the creation that you regard as your sister, not the wrapping paper left over from your food."


Mia herself was angry and angry. If she hadn't been secretly protected by her sister, her time at Sman Base would have been ruined by the overwhelming Glenni.

Between his head and Mia's wrench, Melvin still noticed that the wrench was harder. He could only touch his nose and nodded, saying awkwardly: "Apologise, I apologize, I'm sorry."

Not only are the women in the heavens tigresses, but even the female robots in the heavens all have hidden violent programs.

"Don't tell me, tell my sister."

Mia wanted to hit the table with the wrench again, but the two previous hits made her arm a little numb and sore, so she let it go for the time being.

"I'm sorry, Mira, it was my problem in the first place."

"Mira?" Mia's sister was stunned for a moment.

"This is the name I originally prepared for you, Mira, okay."

Wiping away the cold sweat, Melvin secretly thought that he was worthy of being a scientist, his head was spinning very fast, and he needed to make emergency repairs.

"It sounds good." Mira nodded gently, seeming to be satisfied with the name, her tone was soft.

"Wait a minute, don't just forgive this big pig who hates my sister. I'll write a thousand-word apology letter myself. I'll take my sister to work at Dr. Gina's place first!"

Mia finally put down the wrench, but little devil-like horns suddenly appeared on her head, grinning: "Brother, you don't know, sister is the most perfect mechanical assistant. With her help, Dr. Gina said Her working hours were directly reduced by more than half!"

Except for Ye Lin, people's energy is limited after all. For professionals like mechanics who require a lot of mental work, it is very difficult for one person to coordinate and plan all the machinery.

Mechanics often need a close assistant to help them handle some tasks. Currently, among Tianjie mechanics, the low-intelligent machine Marbus is commonly used, and some senior mechanics will use the new HS-1 mechanical assistant.

Mia knew that her brother was lazy and had to ride the Wolverine when traveling. If it weren't for the work of the Seven Gods, he could lie still all day.

Sure enough, now that I heard that Mira could cut her working hours by half, I couldn't sit still and scratched my head. I eagerly wanted Mira to stay with expectant eyes.

With Mira, wouldn't there be more rest time in the future.

Bang ~

The door was immediately closed, and the two held hands and left leisurely. Don't you think your sister is annoying? Now that your two sisters are gone, I don't want you anymore. Go there with your Wolverine.


Ghent, or rather the whole heaven, was in a state of carnival.

Killing the enemy leader is the first step to completely declare victory. Especially when they heard that the general could actually take out the compensation for the heaven from the mouth of the big turtle, it gave them a sense of victory. the posture of the person.

The group of people took a more comfortable EX Dornier and slowly approached Anton in the name of asking for compensation but actually taking a hot spring bath.

Currently, this big guy is parked near the exotic island, which is the birthplace of almost all ghost legends in the world, and the place where Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, appeared.

Thick dark clouds have shrouded this sea area all year round, not only preventing direct sunlight, but the sea water is cold and chilling to the heart. This has been the scene of the exotic island for hundreds of years.

Because the Silent City is too mysterious and the disasters caused by Bakar are extremely tragic, according to various rumors, the name of the Silent City in the heaven is the cold "City of the Dead".

According to legend, the Silent City is made of bones and is powered by blood. Strange noises ring out all day long, connecting the two dimensions of heaven and demon.

The black dragon king spread his wings of death, led the dragon army, and roared down along the city of the dead. After descending into the heaven, he brought five hundred years of tyrant rule.

Because the sky is covered with thick dark clouds, the sun's rays appear extremely weak and dim, so the sea near the exotic island is called the Dusk Sea.

Because Mia swallowed Patrice's special core, her body underwent some mysterious changes, and she was still angry with Melvin, so she also went to the hot spring for the first time in her life.

She pointed her finger at her chin and recalled: "Actually, about half a year ago, Dr. Wayne and I received a brief communication from the demon world. We only chatted for a few words, and in the conversation, he claimed to be Niwu, the tattoo master."

The demon world has technological remnants of the ancient planet Terra, and Held has also sneaked into the heaven. Ye Lin is not very surprised that the nuns use technological products.

Picking up a glass of juice from the bar, Mia took a sip and continued: "Niwu said that the demon world is looking for the missing apostle. I also wanted them to take the apostle back, but nothing happened."

In the demon world, many people regard the powerful apostles as the guardians and saviors of the demon world.

The disappearance of the "saviors" one after another will naturally cause widespread panic and attempts to find them.

Although Niu had no good impression of Anton who was devouring electricity, the reason why the apostle disappeared is still worthy of investigation.

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