Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 747 Ye Bibi

Ron the Void Mage and Black-Eyed Schaller have completely different personalities. The latter is unabashedly bad, hegemonic, and flamboyant!

He never hides his arrogant behavior and enjoys the benefits brought by power unscrupulously, and even attracted a group of fanatical admirers because of this.

But Ron was like a pool of introverted stagnant water, making no waves. No one knew what was going on in his mind, but they were certain that he was not a good person, and he was even more loyal to Held.

The place where Ron appeared after teleporting was at the edge of Time Square in the center of the subway, still a short distance away from the hidden City of Silence.

This place is not a clean place. It is not only full of steel garbage, but also some toxic Terra stones. Only a few races struggle to survive.

"As expected, she refused. It seems like it's going to be hard on you, Rez."

The person he spoke to was a woman with a calm face. She was obviously a magician, but she was dressed like a sword-wielding knight. Her dark green robe was tight-fitting and made her graceful figure stand out.

However, she seemed to be in a daze, staring blankly at the garbage on the floor, as if she was lost in thought and didn't hear anything.


As a last resort, Ron could only remind him aloud, not daring to show any displeasure.

The returnee Reitz is an extraordinary genius who has permanently entered the state of the Holy Spirit!

Even Ron now cannot maintain the state of the Holy Spirit for too long, but Rez permanently entered the realm of the Holy Spirit at the age of twenty.

The title "Elemental Holy Spirit" was given by Ruiz himself.

If Reitz hadn't disappeared mysteriously for a period of time, it was still unclear who would have taken the position of leader of Tarakuta.

Reitz said that after leaving Tarakuta, she saw an extremely horrifying situation in the Holy Spirit Realm, but she did not want to say what she saw.

Ron had scratched his head and couldn't help but asked out of curiosity, but all he got was a very cold look and the word "transcender" that he didn't understand at all.

He wanted to ask again at that time, but Ruiz was already about to extend his hand to see the guest off.

There are speculations within the Tarakuta organization that because Reitz lost his position as leader, his attitude towards Ron has always been vague, not alienated, but not friendly either.

But only Reitz herself knew that she believed that the gentle woman who played the harp should be the most suitable for the position of leader of Tarakuta.

Instead of a bad old man...

"I'm sorry, I was thinking that there is a legend among the alien tribe living around here. When the Transcendent Norni appears, their life will get better."

Obviously this was a perfunctory excuse to deal with him, but he still needed Reitz's help, so he shook his head and smiled and didn't care: "Instead of relying on legends, it is better to dig more Terra stones and exchange for some rations."

Reitz's beautiful brows covered by her bangs frowned. Digging for Terra Stone was almost like committing suicide. Dealing with the toxicity of Terra Stone was also quite tricky in the demon world.

Those suffering races who mine are obviously not worthy of effective protective measures.

Mining is nothing more than delaying death.

"Luke's darkness is too strong, give me some time."

The method they used to find the Silent City was exactly the same as Ye Lin had used, which was to spread light elements over a large area to observe the changes in these elements.

As for how to lock the approximate scope of Silent City, it was through capturing a member of the "Vlad" organization and reading the memory.

Vlad is a small magician organization in the demon world, and its leader is one of the contenders for the leadership of Tarakuta who was defeated by Ron, who is now the Schneider of Purification.


"Wow, this quilt feels so good, soft and warm, and the color is nice. It will be very comfortable to sleep in it in winter."

Bibi carefully reached out and touched a commercial quilt, unabashedly liking it, and her big eyes sparkled because of it. There was nothing so beautiful in the devil world.

Every time I touch it, I feel happy!

After she recovered from her illness in heaven, because Temi didn't give her much travel expenses, she had no money and was very poor, so she had no choice but to sleep on Biana's bed. They were acquaintances in Central Park.

But Beyana is not honest when sleeping, always tossing and turning. If two people sleep together, the heat will easily escape from the quilt, so she wants to buy a new quilt and change the bed to sleep beautifully alone.

As for why she could live in the school, firstly, it was because she had a note from Ye Lin, asking Shalan to help her forehead. But the beast seemed to have abducted a beautiful girl again, and left it to the school to raise her.

In addition, Shallan is also very interested in summoners and wants to study the mystery of the contract with the elemental elves. Maybe it will give Arad's magicians another career choice!

Once it succeeds, it will be a milestone-level achievement that will definitely shock the mainland.

"Well, how much does this quilt cost? There are also soft pillows, cushions, and nice sheets. How much does it cost in total?"

Bibi touched her shoulder bag, which contained some "tuition money" given by Shalan as a reward for asking for advice on summoning magic.

"The total is eleven hundred gold coins...Are you alone as a guest? If you are within the city, we can send someone to your door."

Yun Qing, who opened a wedding supplies store in Hutton Mar thanks to her sister Yun Mi, has a strange look in her beautiful eyes. What Bibi is holding is a bright red mandarin duck quilt, which is dazzling and festive, and is also a wedding quilt.

A beautiful girl who seems to be of limited age, who is quite fashionably dressed like a lady from an aristocratic family, comes to a store like this to buy a quilt. Is she ignorant of common sense or is it really useful?

Bibi didn't know the concept of wedding supplies at all. She just saw quilts for sale outside through the glass display window and came in.

"I'm alone. I live not far away, but the price..." Bibi hesitated. She didn't have enough money and didn't know how to bargain with others.

In that hellish place in the Devil's World, the style of selling goods is more like exchanging goods for things, and there is no human touch, especially the red fox Jonathan who lives outside the park, a profiteer!

Yun Qing was just about to say something. For example, if he didn't have enough money, he could have the goods delivered to his door and then pay for them. He could also give some small gifts such as towels...

But Bibi suddenly raised his head and said tentatively, "Well, Ye Lin, can it be cheaper?"

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

Yun Mi, who was eating an apple at the side, almost choked. He patted his collarbone and rolled his eyes, holding on to a pillar and coughing hard.

Bibi seemed puzzled and blinked her big confused eyes. She discovered that the name "Ye Lin" seemed to be useful everywhere, so she suddenly said it like this.

When she was in the Tianjie Eaton Industrial Zone, she went to the army to pretend to be his sister with a note on her hungry stomach, and received not bad treatment. The canned meat tasted pretty good.

Of course, Marlene’s biscuits are an exception...

Later, at Hetton Mar Magic School, it was his name that made Shallan willing to meet her. She got a place to stay and found her friend Beyana.

"What's your relationship with...that guy?"

Yunmi finally managed to catch his breath, and was stunned for a while by looking at the astonishingly plump Zheng Zheng, who was bigger than Aunt Katie and almost as big as Director Monica.

"Ah? You mean Ye Lin? I'm his sister! My name is Ye Bibi!"

I guess I have used this reason to lie many times, and I have become more and more skilled at it. As long as I can spend less money, why not do it.

"Um, Bibi..." Yun Qing could tell at a glance that this girl was lying, but he was still gentle and did not expose it. He explained: "This is a quilt for weddings. It is rare for someone to buy it specifically to cover it. You bought it for your brother. What?"

"I... bought it... for my own use."

She blushed and lowered her head, poking in front of her with two fingers. Marriage felt too far away. Aunt Katie was already quite old, so she was single.

"It's such a soft quilt, Bibi. If you like it, buy it. We don't have such a nice color."

A hand suddenly rubbed Bibi's hair, his voice was gentle and graceful, and Bibi was suddenly stunned.

On the other hand, Yun Mi frowned fiercely. She didn't even notice why the woman in green appeared. She didn't seem to even push the door open.

"Hello, I am Katie, Bibi's guardian. This child hasn't caused you any trouble, has he?"

Yun Qing smiled gracefully and replied: "No, no, your daughter is very cute."

"Well, she is my...sister...I usually take care of her." Katie knew that it was the word "guardian", which made the other party get the wrong meaning, so she hurriedly explained.

This made her even more uncomfortable than the title "Aunt Katie".

Yun Mi on the side didn't guess that Bibi was lying, and said in surprise: "Hey, then you are Ye Lin's sister?"

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