Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 748: Squinting is the scariest thing

"I don't know Ye Lin. When did this girl recognize her as my brother?"

Katie was a little surprised but kept a calm expression on her face, signaling Bibi to pay quickly. "I have something to tell you. It's not easy to come down here."

She came to Arad through an improved contract summoning magic, using Bibi as the coordinate, and it couldn't last too long.

At this juncture, Niu went out to inquire for information. Someone needed to be in charge of Central Park.

Yun Qing had seen Bibi's lack of money before, so he simply acted like a good person: "I open a shop here, and I take more care of him. You can just leave the address and treat it as a gift to his sister."

Although it was strange to give girls wedding items as gifts, she didn't have anything else to sell.

"Thank you, beautiful sister!"

Bibi, who had taken advantage of the situation, smiled brightly and sweetened her lips, but she also knew what was going on. She opened her small satchel and shook out all the gold coins. After bowing, she took Katie's wrist and left quickly.

But as soon as she went out, Bibi regretted it. There was a vendor selling roasted sweet potatoes on the street. She wanted to eat them, but now she had no money.

"Don't look at me pitifully. I don't have Arad's currency either." Katie smiled softly. She hadn't seen this girl for a long time. She didn't realize it, but she still felt a little missed and happy.

"Bibi, do you know some powerful people who are very famous in this world? Or important officials of the country. I have something very urgent!"


"Yun Mi, I remember Ye Lin. Is he still your nominal master and boss?"

Yunqing, who had no business for the time being, smoothed the soft bed and sat elegantly on the edge. The orange cheongsam showed a graceful figure that was not inferior to that of her sister. However, it was only warm in the store, otherwise she would wear a snow mandrill when going out. Fur coat.

"Yes, but he didn't teach me much swordsmanship. It was Siatt and Feng Ying who taught me. Alas, you are so irresponsible, you scumbag!"

Holding her baby cheek with one hand, Yun Mi felt a little helpless and resentful. She originally wanted to learn swordsmanship from her master, but as a result, the master was extremely busy all day long.

If you accept a disciple and are irresponsible, then you are a scumbag.

"But didn't you say that he gave you a sword manual?"

"The difference in realm is too big, I can't understand it~"

"You take Wuling back and show Yun Jiao? She has good swordsmanship."

"No!" Yun Mi shook his head and objected without thinking, and said angrily: "The sword manual I gave you, I don't want to give her an advantage in vain, that girl..."

"Then you go to the manor and ask him. Another wave of cold air is coming to the snowy area of ​​​​Ston, and the temperature is below freezing during the day. It's time for others to have some time."

While the two were talking, someone pushed the door open and entered the store. A new customer came to the store.

A real couple, a tall, muscular and somewhat handsome middle-aged man, a woman with a good figure and a heroic face, but the ears between her hair are long. Looking at her skin color, she is vaguely sure to be a dark elf?

"Hello, do you need any help?" Yun Qing immediately ended the conversation, stood up and greeted, with a professional smile on his face.

There are so many strange things happening today. First, there was a young beautiful girl who was ignorant about buying a quilt, and now there is a pair of humans and dark elves. It’s really interesting.


"I don't know any of the officials, but you mentioned the famous and powerful ones. I know a sister Shalan and a sister Katie. What's the matter? You seem to be in a hurry?"

Katie, who was holding what looked like a dead wood staff in her hand, slowed down and looked at Hedunmar's buildings, people flow, and even some evergreen trees with admiring eyes. She murmured, "Bibi , what do you think of Arad compared to the Demon Realm?"

"There is definitely no comparison. If Pai and the others can come down here, they will definitely be happy to live here for the rest of their lives. Delicious food and drink. Sister Katie, you can walk on the street for half an hour and see the products. That’s more than a lifetime in the Demon Realm!”

Although what Bibi said was a bit exaggerated, Katie completely understood the meaning. She touched her little head lovingly and sighed: "If I say that there is a permanent passage that can connect the devil world and Arad, you understand the consequences. ?”

Bibi was instantly frightened and turned pale. She also walked a little faster. She didn't want to eat the roasted sweet potatoes and hurriedly took Katie to school.

At the end of get out of class, Katie was a little dazed by the students pouring out of the classroom in the building. For a moment, she thought it was the magic school named Tarakuta in the Demon World's Molle Valley.

Beyana, who was wrapped thickly, wandered downstairs for a few minutes and sighed: "Mintai, how do you Bantu people survive the winter?"

"Hmm~ When we were in the snowy area of ​​Ston, our families would wrap up their houses with thick felts and tell stories around the small stove with big bone soup stewed on it. It was actually very warm inside, but we still had to go out in the snow to feed the animals. Feed the fodder.”

Mintai stepped on a few rustling fallen leaves with his little feet. The leaves were basically all gone. This was the last fun. He added: "I am a young priest in the clan. I have to go to the senior's house to listen to classes. Sometimes it only takes an afternoon. That snow can even reach your calves."

Wanzi was wearing a big magic hat, and there was a shadow night cat lying inside the hat. He muttered: "The snowball fight should be fun, right?"


Bayana was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her eyes vigorously. She just saw a woman walking past the corner of the corridor holding a staff and wearing a green coat. She had long gray hair, and she looked a bit like Aunt Katie.

"What's wrong?" Mintai followed her gaze, but there were only a few playful classmates.

"I seem to have seen Aunt Katie. She must be wearing the same color clothes. Hehe, Mintai, let me tell you, that Aunt Katie is weird. She is obviously very old, but she still insists on being called sister. If she is Her aunt will be angry and waste her time taking care of some flowers and trees all day long. No wonder she can't find a boyfriend."

Beyana, who was shaking her head, didn't pay attention to Wanzi's increasingly white face, and Mintai's desperately suggestive eyes. She opened her mouth and let out a hot breath, "Auntie, is she sensitive because she is too old? What about that word?" Speaking of which, oh, by the way, menopause...ahhhh..."

A hand that looked like an outdoor iron railing in winter suddenly stretched out along the gap at the neck of her clothes. The thrilling sensation instantly made Bayana's scalp explode, her hair stood on end, and her whole body shivered and trembled.

"Who, who doesn't want to die..." The words were choked in her throat, and Biana turned her head reluctantly. Not only did her body feel cold, but her heart also felt cold. A flattering smile appeared on her little face, "It turns out that she is beautiful and elegant. Gentle and amiable sister Katie."

"Oh, I don't dare to do it, I don't dare to do it. How can I be like you, with a young and cute face that can make water flow when you pinch it."

Katie, who was smiling, pinched Biana's cheeks with both hands and pulled them to both sides with a little force. She was still thinking about it after not seeing this girl for a long time, but it turned out that her little mouth was really unlovable.

"I'm sorry...I dropped out..."

She wanted to use a substitute scarecrow to escape, but it seemed that Katie was locked around her and she couldn't escape.

Wanzi and Mintai looked at each other and shuddered. The narrowed eyes were terrifying, even though they looked gentle.

"Hello, I am the principal of this school, Shallan."

Shalan hurriedly stood up and shook hands with Katie gently. When they first met, she noticed that the other person's ears were pointy. She thought she was from the elves somewhere.

But when she saw Bibi following her, and Bayana's face was well-behaved, but her cheeks were pinched and turned red, she quickly realized that the other party must be someone from the Demon Realm.

"Hello, I am Katie from the Demon World, Principal Shalan. I hope you believe me in what I say next. It is very important."

She didn't know how long it would take to neutralize the darkness in Silent City after Ron left, so she just got straight to the point and didn't bother to be polite.

Katie could tell that the elegant and charming dark elf in front of her was a strong man who used magic power perfectly.

"You said it, I'm listening."

Shalan's expression remained unchanged but she was secretly surprised. She was indeed a demon, an adult demon like her friend Alice, not a naughty girl like Biana.

"There is a high probability that the demon world will invade the world of Arad!"

The man who was making tea flicked his wrist and accidentally spilled some of it, soaking a document on the table, but fortunately it wasn't something too important.

Shalan naturally looked confused and confused. Anyone who suddenly heard about the invasion of the world would feel confused.

It's not that Arad didn't know about the Demon Realm. Ever since Alice assisted Delos Leon to ascend the throne, the Demon Realm in the upper reaches of the heaven has become a vague legend.

Now Arad doesn't even know what the demon world looks like. Suddenly someone comes to talk about world invasion, as if he skipped the love process and went directly to get married.

However, Arad also ushered in a world-class invasion, that is, the cosmic demon suddenly appeared in the painful village of Lesefin, but later disappeared due to Ye Lin's sword and some mysterious constraints.

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