Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 749: Reverse transfer, crystal fragments of the Eye of Darkness

Fortunately, Katie had expected it and quickly explained the matter briefly. Then she grabbed Bibi and Beyana and said in a solemn tone: "You can ask these two children about the harshness of the environment in the devil world and the warlike nature of the race. , and The Legend of the Silent City.”

The two little girls nodded rapidly to prove to Sister Katie that although they did not know whether the world invasion was true or false, the news about Silent City was indeed true.

Shalan gradually became convinced, but she still had a skeptical attitude. After all, he was a stranger, and he talked about unbelievable things like world war when they met.

After pondering for a moment, he asked: "So, what do you want me to do?"

The hot tea was steaming and had a pleasant fragrance. It was definitely good tea, but she had no intention of tasting it. She said: "Please summon the strong men from Arad to go to heaven and establish contact with the Silent City. Your lips are dying and your teeth are cold. Lord Luke should I’ll understand too.”


Holding the cup and shaking her head with a smile, Shalan took a sip of tea and said helplessly: "I don't have the face to visit those powerful people one by one, the hidden Nianhuang of Xu Zu, the blind old man in the back street, the gloomy The old man of the undead, the god of fighting in the empire, the white-bearded bishop of the church..."

Shrugging as if she was self-deprecating, Shalan deliberately did not mention the sword god who had just walked away less than ten minutes ago and made an appointment with her for a candlelight dinner today.

It was because of a little selfishness that the unscrupulous guy stayed here for an hour, and then he pretended to be reserved and agreed to treat him to dinner.

Of course, I also want to see more evidence. Otherwise, it would be unrealistic to ask those powerful men in the legendary realm to take action just based on a stranger's words that there is danger.

Beyana, who was thinking about how to atone for her sins, her eyes lit up, she raised her head and smiled sweetly: "Well, sister Katie, I know a sword god. He is very strong and defeated Matega."

"Matga? The leader of the Tartan tribe? Take me there quickly." Katie's cheeks bloomed with surprise, a strong man with a sword, and then thought of the broken bamboo tube of the Conqueror...

Maybe he could be sure he wasn't lying and have a wider network.

"Bibi, you know the way. Take this guest to Yelin's house. I remember Beyana has another class." Shalan suddenly said.

"Ah?" After being stunned for a moment, Bibi nodded in agreement. She didn't have to go to class anyway, so she was very free.

"You~" Shalan stretched out her fingers to pinch Biana's blushing face and said depressedly, "You may have ruined my dinner."

According to the news from Dr. Gina of the Heavenly Realm, there has been no movement near the foreign island, and the Silent City is still hidden in the black clouds, making no sound.

Of course, only a few people currently know the news about Silent City.

Arad and Tianjie, the two worlds seemed to have suddenly fallen into a period of peace. Occasionally, there were some small twists and turns, such as the remnants of Kallet, but it was not harmful.

The sun was very warm on his face. At present, the only things that could distract him a little, apart from a few prophets possessed by Sirocco, were to drop antimatter bombs on Anton and smoke a strong one to replenish his energy. .

Not to mention advancing to defeat the attack, at least retreating can be defended.

Ye Lin put her hands lazily in the side pockets of her coat. She heard from Pinocchio that she met Aganzo and Luxi on the street in the morning.

But he also remembered Xi Lan mentioning that the two people were obviously planning to settle down in Sunan, but now that it was extremely cold, they suddenly came back to Hedunmare to do what they did.

Mo Mei mentioned that Aisha has recruited two new apprentices with good talents. They are also a pair of biological sisters, Lacey and Lucy, who are similar to Paris's two apprentices, Gal and Bryce.

"Tsk tsk, do all fighters like to have two apprentices? Mo Mei also has the name of master Nina and Aska. Ouli has also taught Mo Mei and Feng Chime fighting skills before."

While he was muttering, he suddenly noticed a commotion in the crowd in front of him. Several injured people were being hurried past on stretchers. There were deep scratches on the surface of their armor and their clothes were stained with blood.

"A mysterious monster appears outside the city, and even professional adventurers can't do anything about it!"

"The sharp claws are comparable to swords and can easily cut through metal armor."

"It seems like he is unconscious and crazy."

As the stretcher passed by, Ye Lin glanced at the wound casually, frowned, grabbed a man who was also an adventurer, and said, "You guys should take the injured directly to the Great Cathedral of Remedia. The wound contains dark energy. erosion."


Before the trapped adventurer could recover, Ye Lin had already disappeared. He froze on the spot for a moment, then immediately ran forward and shouted: "Send to Remedia, don't go to the hospital!"

Human lives are important, not the time to care about a few gold coins.

Outside the city, a group of soldiers were defending with shields. They were extremely nervous about the monster on the road. They saw with their own eyes that this guy tore apart the armor shield.

It looks like a human crawling on the ground with four limbs. The wrinkled skin is as red as blood, as if the human skin is turned over. The protruding ribs on the chest are clearly visible. A spine bulges in the back, and sharp bone spurs sprout from it!

The limbs are twisted, the knuckles are long and narrow, the claws are sharp, and the bones of the head protrude irregularly, like an alien species, and the throat makes an unpleasant sound like scraping iron.

The monster that suddenly appeared occupied the main road into the city and injured several people. They are currently waiting for the support of senior professionals.

"When I saw this thing, I felt butterflies in my heart and my eyelids jumped. Please Xiaoyu and Alice can give you good news. This is an accident."

Ye Lin took a deep breath. He heard from the people around him that this was a monster that "suddenly appeared", and he immediately thought of something, the phenomenon of transference!

It used to be very frequent, but in recent years the frequency has gradually become less frequent.

He reached out and grabbed a soldier's war spear, and strode towards the strange monster in front of him.


The monster roared threateningly and attacked as fast as the wind. An afterimage-like offensive streaked through the air and rushed towards the approaching humans. Its sharp claws shone with black light.

"Be careful!" someone exclaimed.


The war spear pierced the monster's head from below, drew an arc in the air, and hit the rocky road hard, causing blood to splash.

The twisted limbs moved on the ground a few times, unable to stop twitching.


Seeing that he had struck a fatal blow, the soldiers who were still vigilant breathed a sigh of relief and clapped their hands in applause.

However, there was a red crystal object in the gap in the head where the battle spear had penetrated. It didn't look like something that would be in the head. Ye Lin simply pulled out the battle spear and took out the thing in the skull.

A red crystal-like object about the size of a peanut seemed inconspicuous, but he could detect that it contained an astonishing magical power.

"This is...?" Ye Lin frowned, and he had a rough guess.

"The crystallized fragment of the Eye of Darkness. The monster you killed was a failed product of the Ka Xiu Sect's experiment. It was once a human being..."

Katie, who hurried over, sighed silently. The Kaxiu Sect has always valued strength, but if it can carry the Eye of Darkness, it will immediately transform into a strong person that everyone envies.

Although everyone knows that the Eye of Darkness is extremely dangerous and can cause death if you are not careful, the temptation to reach the sky in one step is too great.

If you succeed, you will enjoy the glory and wealth. If you fail, you will either explode and die, or you will become this ghostly state of immortality.

"Crystallization, does that mean the Eye of Darkness was originally a liquid?"

Ye Lin shook his head slightly and crushed the crystal with his fingertips. This defective product, which was less than one percent of the power of the Eye of Darkness, was of no use to him.

"It's like a liquid, but it's also like a kind of liquefied pure energy. I don't know how it's produced..." Katie suddenly didn't know how to explain this kind of thing in the most reasonable way.

"It comes from reverse transfer, that is, a kind of life energy that was born during the process of Arad transmitting energy to the demon world."

He wiped the blood on his hand with a paper towel made by materialized magic, then reached out to Katie and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Ye Lin, you are what Bibi often said, the beautiful and gentle sister, the elf user. Katie."

Katie was stunned for a moment, her heart was bright, she gave Bibi an appreciative look, and gently shook her soft and warm hand.

Regarding the Eye of Darkness, what follows is my personal speculation, as well as the help of pictures from a previous book friend.

First of all, the Eye of Darkness has incredible magic power and vitality, which is reflected in the background setting and the male method's previous resurrection skills (he was once a deadbeat in the duel).

In terms of wiki settings, it comes from "reverse transfer". The transfer phenomenon is to send monsters or things from the demon world to Arad, which is transfer. Reverse transfer is easy to understand.

So, when was the reverse transfer performed?

It’s still the ancient and semi-wasted setting. After Mr. Luo’s death, clean water will appear in the demon world, etc.

The setting collection mentions that Held believes that a huge energy will appear after the death of the apostle, and if it is channeled into the demon world, Terra will be restored!

I just opened the 80's version of the ancient plot. Held had a conversation with the male law and said that after the death of the apostle, your eyes of darkness will become more powerful!

The Eye of Darkness was discovered in 980, the year Sirok died (this setting is equivalent to being eaten)

Then, combining the reverse transfer with the apostles, and the coincident death of Sirok, we can roughly deduce that the birth of the Eye of Darkness was the magical substance produced when the huge energy was poured into the demon world after the death of the apostles, including Bakar and Sirok. . It's just that no one discovered Bakar's death, or Held deliberately avoided being discovered.

One more thing to mention, if Heiwu is created according to the savior template, then the male method is the puppet of the second sister... The heart of the male method in the opening comic is given by the second sister's usual substitute skull.

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