Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 781 Held’s Half Master

A giant mechanical hand made entirely of the "Source of Light" punched through the wall of the Silent City with one punch. When stretched, the palm was larger than a football field and caught the intruders in large numbers, grabbing the bloody water. Pillar, discarded outside the Silent City.

The wailing and screaming sounds are endless. The demon invaders who were previously aggressive and eager to go to heaven were sniped by the strongest force in the Silent City!

The steel machine that is so terrifying that even Puno is avoiding it is equivalent to Luke's stand-in Curtullo Manus. It once killed a Greenbrad giant, and now it no longer cares about protecting the integrity of the Silent City buildings. , launching attacks in the outside world wantonly.

It is made of special materials, and neither magic nor physical attacks can leave many marks on it. It is like catching a turtle in an urn, with punches and palms, simple and unpretentious but infinitely powerful.

Held, who had always been calm and composed, held a black ring in his hand, and a little surprise appeared on Gujing Mubo's face.

This ring was not something he had used, but something he had left behind after defeating a monster filled with thunder and black smoke.

Black nightmare!

Probably because Luke has the spirit of frugality and taking advantage of waste, even in places like the Demon World where there is not much light, he will spread black nightmares to capture even a little bit of "light".

The ring in Held's hand stores a massive amount of black nightmare, which is a special power that can capture light.

And not only that, with her powerful magical skills, she could see that the ring was once filled with incredible light, but now there is almost no trace of it, and it should have been given to Luke.

"Ah... that guy Nerbe didn't stop it either. The power of Silent City is already running low."

Argos collapsed in the corner, his limbs broken and sparks erupting. He could only stare at the demon world wreaking havoc.

Nelbe's true form is a black nightmare. He possesses a "Yibo Ring" given by Lord Luke, which has an amazing effect of hiding his breath.

Not only that, the light that can be stored in the ring also gives Nelbe the ability to use the power of thunder.

That guy's strength isn't very strong, but it's not too bad either. He's in the middle of the pack in Silent City.

When he fell into the hands of Held, the most powerful magician, he still couldn't get out of a few rounds and was completely knocked out of his prototype, which is the "Yibo Ring".

As for Argos itself, its prototype design was not primarily about combat. It was more like a regulator to adjust the imbalance of light and darkness in Hebron.

On the mechanical planet Hebron, only the royal family Luke has the special power to transform light into darkness, darkness into light, and maintain balance.

Even though Luke later created Horus and Anubis, the guardians of light and darkness, and obtained a pair of twin offspring, all four of whom had similar powers, they could not completely replace Luke's unique role.

The birth of Argos was a specially created "balancer" a few days before Luke landed in the Demon Realm.

It can also transform light and dark into each other autonomously.

After Luke boarded the Demon Realm and never returned, Hebron ushered in a blazing solar storm. Both the dark creations and the light creations were suppressed by the terrible power, unable to move, and could only watch the destruction. .

It was Argos who relied on its unique balance ability to move freely in the storm. Together with Gurt and Kabali, it transferred the citizens to another dimension and sealed and protected those creations.

For example, Kurtullo Manus standing in the world of light.

Argos's combat effectiveness was really average. Later, in the Silent City, its job was closer to that of a "nanny", responsible for maintaining the condenser and neutralizing the violent light energy absorbed from Arad.

Occasionally, when the Golden Clown is away, he cleans up the mess that Becky made when he got into trouble.

As for why he was not killed, it was Held's order.

The ability to transform light and dark into each other seemed to be of great interest to her and she wanted to study it.

Argos's eyes were extremely worried, but also contained an indescribable sense of expectation.

It was not Luke who made the entire demon world shrouded in light and darkness, but the strongest guards, Horus of Light and Anubis of Darkness.

Their two jobs in Hebron are to govern the residents of the light world and the residents of the dark world respectively.

In terms of positions, Luke is the king of Hebron, the Golden Clown is the loyal prime minister, and the guardian of light and darkness is the king's general.

Horus has a gentle personality and is composed of the most precious material "Light Crystal". Its prototype template is exactly the bright side of Luke.

Anubis, on the other hand, has a violent personality and his body is composed of "crystals of darkness". The prototype template is exactly the opposite of Horus.

The strongest guardian of the planet Hebron, who was awakened by the prince and princess, should be able to resist the steps of the two apostles and buy Luke some more time.

The most important thing is that the holy realm of light and darkness spread out between the two symbolizes that the king of Hebron is entering the final stage of recovery!

The fact was exactly as Algaus expected.

The power of light that pervades the Horus of Light, and the spear "Icon of Justice" in his hand, will bring about thunder and destruction every time he swings it, destroying countless enemies.

Anubis's weapon, the "Icon of Judgment," is even more heavy. When it attacks, it feels like a meteorite hitting it, causing the Silent City that is as high as the sky to tremble.

Held parried Horus' attack casually, revealing a somewhat unclear look in his left eye.

In a sense, Luke is half of her master.

The reputation of the planet Hebron and the glory of its maker Luke, like Trobot of the Dragon King, resound with great power in the universe!

When Luke was still in Hebron, as a royal, he not only possessed terrifying power, but his "prophecy" ability was also incredibly powerful. Held, who was eager to revive the demon world, was shocked by it, and he humbly asked for advice on prophecy power. use.

Rousselot's astrology, Xiaoyu's oracle ability, Elizee's dreams, and the divination that Alice learned from Held are far less powerful than Luke's own prophecy.

A long, long time ago, before Luke had seen Held and Hebron had not yet encountered the demon world, he had a nightmare in which he had a premonition that he was in a dark and lightless place, turning into a weak and rickety man. elder.

He devoted himself to divination, but he was always killed by beings who could not see clearly, and often woke up from nightmares. It was not until he created "Curtullo Manus" that was similar to his own stand-in that the nightmare of being killed was revealed. disappear completely.

Held had visited the planet Hebron several times to meet Luke in order to learn prophecy and lure Luke with the water of life.

For the guardians in charge of light and darkness, I have seen their power with my own eyes. These two very troublesome creations can be regarded as the strongest legacy of Hebron. The average strong person will definitely not be his opponent.

She remembered that these two guys should be living in another dimension, but unexpectedly, they were found by Luke.

Casillas' steel blade collided with Anubis's "Icon of Judgment" and spattered a spark. He still had room to turn his head and said displeasedly: "If you don't show some sincerity, I won't do it. "

"Great Conqueror, can't you just cut these two guys into pieces?" Held's lips raised, as if he agreed to his words.

"Hmph, I have to deal with that old man Luke in full condition. If the bastard wants me to take action, then I might as well kill you all with my backhand! Rubbish!"

He made no secret of his disdain. In his eyes, these strong men who were barely at the top of the demon world were just useless wastes that were in the way. They had no strength and were trying to steal the beautiful world.

There are mountains of corpses and blood flowing down below. The corpses of losers will not give him much sympathy.

If it weren't for his eagerness to fight Luke and Held's evil thoughts, these "powerful men in the demon world" would have to spend at least ten times the price and ten times or even a hundred times the time to reach the Mechanical Throne.

The legacy of the planet Hebron exceeded everyone's expectations, including Held's.

The conquered people directly called them "trash". Whether it was the sinister void mage Ron, the mentally "perverted" Smilla, or the weird Da Keer, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to refute.

"I actually have a headache with these two guys. It's very difficult to deal with, but we can change our thinking." Held raised her head slightly, smiled happily at the corner of her mouth, and began to grab a silver-white liquid in her palm. Threads, space began to shatter like a mirror being struck.

The guardians of light and darkness on the planet Hebron should be inferior to the apostles in strength, but the gap is not as big as a chasm. The "apostles" are one of the ultimate life forms in the universe, but that does not mean that each of them is invincible in the universe.

There are many powerful beings that even the apostles are not willing to take the initiative to provoke, such as these two guys, such as the monster Hiero, and the black-eyed Schaller who is now "escaping from the disaster".

What's more, the gods who disappeared in ancient times, the transcendents outside dimensions and spaces, etc....

Casillas is not willing to go all out, and she is not willing to reveal her true strength just to eliminate these two guys.

So how to simply deal with it is the transfer phenomenon!

She was able to pull the fragments of Terra's stars out of the gravitational range of the planet's collapse, and she also sent the sleeping apostles, including the dazed Dirighi, to Arad. The two guardians of light and darkness were naturally not to mention.

For example, send it to Arad, or to heaven!

A big surprise for the little one who is waiting.

The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily a friend, but if you use it well, the enemy of your enemy will become your friend if you have no choice but to do so.

Thinking of this, Held suddenly felt better and felt a little proud.

The "blade" that has always been out of his control is determined to fight to the death between the Demon Realm and the Silent City. He will benefit from it. There is nothing so beautiful and beautiful. It's almost the same. It's time to drag him into the water.

Now, we were friends, albeit briefly.

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